

全部话题 - 话题: aggro
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发帖数: 590
来自主题: Tennis版 - WSN Tennis Pro Package
Read this article about life of a low-ranked pro.
1. Lives in scary cheap motels.
2. Guys cramming in floors of a shared room.
3. Carry your own stringing machine to save money.
4. Hewitt is soon going to end up there.
Long, hard road to the top in tennis
January 14, 2006
While the top-ranked players live in opulence, for others on the way up life
is darkened by cheap hotels, tortuous bus rides and cheap air fares. World
No. 144 Peter Luczak tells what it takes to make it to the prof... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand

actually not, in 50NL rush game, people are very aggro, and you see 3 bullet
bluff a lot, I catch a lot of bluffs with middle pairs when I feel
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - now this is a crazy read
fcf, if you play this way, it will bring u huge swings, but I guess that is necessary. Against such aggro, you have to adjust.
Both of you get too far with those kinds of weak hands.
But, nice read

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my data seems to show big problem
u r right.
when W$sd rate is higher, it indicates that player can be bluffed, and
usually that player does not thin value bet the river.
At the the same time, if your went to showdown rate is lower,your w$sd should be much higher.
Also, aggressive player's w$sd usually lower than 50%, maybe around 43%.I think a little bit, it is logical. If the player is hyper-aggr, ppl usually will fold to them, if the other opponent continue to call him to the river, usually they have a better hand, the aggro
发帖数: 2063
the skill level matters.
Considering 1000NL and 100NL, if raise preflop, still the same 3BB, cbet is
4-5bb. The difference is that opponent is much more aggro, much more
trickier, and no station there.
发帖数: 2063
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这NL100 还是比NL50 难打..
I play super aggro. I have one day down 17 buyins record.
Guess you play very cautiously, and those huge downswings will not hit you.

发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 奇迹十月小结 by TheBigSlick
9 月打昏了头,熬了太多的夜,感觉身体不大好,于是把 fulltitl 的钱全提出来了。
10 月 1 日,熬不住,又存了 80 元进去,10 月 1 日 - 9 日,从 80 打 到 2100。
结果沾沾自喜中,自我提升到 NL200 去赚快钱。结果被左右开弓狂抽耳光。NL200 巨
多的 light 3 -bet,不甘心被 push around, 4-bet shove all-in two aggro (HUD
数据明白现实这两个乃所谓的 manic)with AK, 结果两次都撞见 AA, 仰天长叹见了
两天功夫,2100 变 1000。虽奋力拼搏,却无力回天,感觉明显给 outmatch。无奈只
能 downgrade 回 NL100。没想到祸不单行,会 NL100 后,某段时间内,逢人就撞见
set,不是在 flop,就是 turn,bankroll 迅速向零靠拢。
天幸 10 月 22 日回国,家里木有宽带,无法打牌。
今归美国,算了一下十月老账。cash 530 +,无... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
超级 Aggro,不过 sample size 太小了,可能是 card rush。
建议 TUNE down 一些。
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - anybody watched FTOP main event last night?
omfg, this KQo guy so aggro and luck box.

发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
How can you call a shove w/ third pair on flop???
Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (9 handed
CO ($23.87)
Button ($12.41)
SB ($50.16)
Hero (BB) ($33.79)
UTG ($37.61)
UTG+1 ($33.04)
MP1 ($56.11)
MP2 ($6.24)
MP3 ($9.11)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Qc, Qd
7 folds, SB bets $0.75, Hero raises to $2.50, SB raises to $5.75, Hero calls
Flop: ($11.50) 8c, Qs, 2c (2 players)
SB bets $7.70, Hero raises to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
in his mind, this guy must have AK, AK, 有木有!!!,有木有!
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
to avoid making mistake post flop, i think you should 5 bet shove preflop
blind vs blind. His calling range is going to be wide at this spot.
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
I am afraid he would fold some hands if I 5-bet.
His 4-bet is so small and looks weird. Either he got AA or nothing.
The original thought of flatting his 4-bet was inducing
one more bet from him on a flop w/o A,K.
I didn't really think people would go all-in w/ 55 preflop on BVB situation..
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
He didn't even fold 55 post flop. He was never folding pre. Vs this type of
player it is better to get it in early ahead. Think about all the time when
you don't hit your set and there is an over card. It will be very costly to
make a mistake post flop when so much is in the pot already. Maybe flat aa, since there is no over cad for you and
just shove flop. 3 bet and 5 bet Shoving 10 10+ aq+ is definite +ev bvb vs this type of player.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
Lundon, just curious, whats is this guy's steal pct so that you decide to 3-
bet him OOP with KQo? If you didn't hit flop that strong, what you plan to
do? If C-bet, how much you plan to bet and if get called, what will you do
because the flop could hit that guy or he could totally flow you in position.
I am curious about those details, because these are the cases mostly happen
and I'd like to see how u guys handle those situations.

发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - super aggro........
I adjust my 3 bet range base on villain's opening range. Villain's open
ranging is really wide specially at LP. With couple hundred hands, his
overall pfr is 20.
KQ is a good hand to 3 bet because it acts as a block. KQ is only behind AA,
KK, QQ, AK. Assuming his opening range is around 30%, only 2.6% would be AA
, KK, QQ, AK. And when you have QK yourself, the chance for him to have a
premium hand drops to 1.8%. About 94% time, you're ahead or slightly behind.
Also you need to have a plan befor... 阅读全帖
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