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发帖数: 18403
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrelevance and b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Disney 应负责.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
赞。 签名只是第一梯队。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrelevance a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
cctv 终于找到更脑残的对手了。。。。 Drumrollllllll - Disney/ABC! 值得庆祝!
赞。 签名只是第一梯队。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
把ABC/DISNEY告歪, 打臭。 这笑话很脑残和犯罪。 这些media company needs to
learn to walk their talk. Better overreacting to this kind of stupid
messages, than overreacting to world war III.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 给迪斯尼总公司发了一封信
赞! 你是第三梯队了。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
好。 闹越大越好。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrel... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 此次ABC事件的一点想法
同意。 签名只是第一梯队。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrelevance ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 211
来自主题: Military版 - 此次ABC事件的一点想法
Paula Deen险胜赢了官司, 因为原告是一个白人。但是影响和损失是巨大的。
The judge ruled that Jackson cannot claim to be a victim of racial
discrimination targeting African-American workers as she is white and that
she is just a “an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination.”
发帖数: 211
来自主题: Military版 - 此次ABC事件的一点想法
1.Palla Deen 只是说以前历史上用过那个词侮辱过黑人,而ABC是当今宣扬种族歧视和
2.Deen赢得原因关键是 原告是一个白人:
The judge ruled that Jackson cannot claim to be a victim of racial
discrimination targeting African-American workers as she is white and that
she is just a “an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination.”
我们的情况是,这么多华人作原告,结果将会不同于Deen案, 我们是人数众多的直接受
3. Jimmy show 里面牵涉到未成年人,情节应该更严重。
发帖数: 18403
Satire is allowed. But Disney's bankrupsy is also allowed. The adults are
responsible for airing this show, they get to pay.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrelevance and b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
别殃及无辜啊。 BBC 报是好事。 越多报道越好。
同意。 签名只是第一梯队。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnishe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
赞华人大妈。 签名只是第一梯队。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship between the 2 communities. Or face the consequences of
tarnished reputation and irrelevan... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - Right way to deal with Jimmy
好吧。 Disney could fire Jimmy Kimmel and replace him with a funny Asian
american. 但是大家各司其职。
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidental child audience of the show.
第三梯队是: Fire Kimmel, boycott Disney, boycott all sponsors of Kimmel
最终目标是: Disney and other media company have to help build the
Chinese-american bridge and promote the positive win-win working
relationship betwe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
parents of young children who accidentally watched this show could join too.
发帖数: 18403
parents of young children who accidentally watched this show could join too.
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 大家从此不要去迪斯尼玩了
Disney 比起日本侵华这事不大, 可是得防微杜渐。 Hitler 不多,可是就是0.
00001%把这种SB笑话当真, 这好了伤疤忘了痛光说风凉话的同志就先上天吧。
All the media network needs to pay attention to build Chinese-American
bridges and increase positive coverage of our communities. Passive
acquiescence of hate speech and violence at Asian-Americans is NOT
Disney should be happy to practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: Military版 - 轮子之后的50项最伟大发明
The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel
1. The printing press, 1430s
The printing press was nominated by 10 of our 12 panelists, five of whom
ranked it in their top three. Dyson described its invention as the turning
point at which “knowledge began freely replicating and quickly assumed a
life of its own.”
2. Electricity, late 19th century
And then there was light—and Nos. 4, 9, 16, 24, 28, 44, 45, and most of the
rest of mode... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 为包子而投票的人是可耻的!
包子就是一个给志同道合的同学一点激励慰劳而已。 要是真包子就好了。
意思就是: 兄弟们团结起来。 咱们现在overreact at hate speech, 以后也会
overreact at hate crime and discrimination. WE do not want to overreact at
war because we believe in fairness justice and win-win.
Media company that laughs at "Killing all Chinese" is in poor taste and it
will be poor as well. Together let's make that laughter the most expensive
laughter in world history.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bank... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter". Disney should be happy pay up for building and
mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable hate
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the show, traumatizing the
accidenta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 211
Paula Deen虽险胜赢了官司, 因为原告是一个白人。但是影响和损失是巨大的。
The judge ruled that Jackson cannot claim to be a victim of racial
discrimination targeting African-American workers as she is white and that
she is just a “an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination.”
发帖数: 211
1.Palla Deen 只是说以前历史上用过那个词侮辱过黑人,而ABC是当今宣扬种族歧视和
2.Deen赢得原因关键是 原告是一个白人:
The judge ruled that Jackson cannot claim to be a victim of racial
discrimination targeting African-American workers as she is white and that
she is just a “an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination.”
我们的情况是,这么多华人作原告,结果将会不同于Deen案, 我们是人数众多的直接受
3. Jimmy show 里面牵涉到未成年人,情节应该更严重。
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge, the Chinese american community and
protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and ameri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 211
The judge ruled that Jackson cannot claim to be a victim of racial
discrimination targeting African-American workers as she is WHITE and that
she is just a “an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination.”
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
顶。志同道合,请版主置顶! 欢迎参考以下:
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted. we'd rather overreact to
a piece of hate speech, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
顶。志同道合,请版主置顶! 欢迎参考以下:
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted. we'd rather overreact to
a piece of hate speech, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
说的对。 Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be
expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate it's ok. Disney should be happy
pay up for building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children
from unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", sue
Disney: child abuse of the 6 year olds on the s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for this "joke", s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 也问问,为啥不找中国政府出面?
This has nothing to do with US government! Tell Chinese government to put
the squeezer on Disney for airing this unfunny joke (BAN Disney if it wants)
, but you will just look stupid to try to make it an international incident.
US is a democracy. Any one is free to talk and laugh. Just be prepared
to pay if you cross the line into hate speech. If you are a big media
company and air this kind of speech, fine. Our job is to make sure it's
going to be expensive when you air that "laughter"... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
来自主题: Military版 - 示威的主要目的不是给政府看
Nothing to do with the American government. Telling the media companies,
including Disney/ABC and other big companies.
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy to pay up for
building and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from
unacceptable hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
对。 大家这次得趁热打铁。
Go ahead and laugh at "Killing the Chinese", It's going to be expensive when
you air that "laughter" and communicate that it's ok to say and ok to laugh
at this obvious hate speech. Disney should be happy pay up for building
and mending the China-US bridge and protecting children from unacceptable
hate speech.
Disney should practice what they preach and right a wrong.
Or it would be boycotted, sued and bankrupted.
第二梯队是: international and american coverage for t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18403
sue ABC/Disney for child abuse class action. sue them for hate speech.
The kid is free to say anything he wants, but laughing at it and airing the
laughter is hate speech.
It's extremely disturbing and traumatizing to other accidental young
audiences even to adults.
Disney needs to pay for its right to laugh inappropriately. A few billion
dollars will be well spent if we could help the media companies to practice
what they preach and walk their talk, and respect diversity, equality and
huma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4860
来自主题: Military版 - 二战美国对日本人的态度
"We're charged with wanting to get rid of the Japs for selfish reasons. We
do. It's a question of whether the white man lives on the Pacific Coast or
the brown men. They came into this valley to work, and they stayed to take
over... If all the Japs were removed tomorrow, we'd never miss them in two
weeks, because the white farmers can take over and produce everything the
Jap grows. And we do not want them back when the war ends, either."
"I am for the immediate removal of every Japanese on the W... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12853
波多黎各是美国的自治州,而且 NBC 的喜剧里也没有说要杀光波多黎各人。
NBC Apologizes for 'Seinfeld' Episode on the Puerto Rican Day Parade
Published: May 09, 1998
Faced with criticism from the leader of a Puerto Rican organization who
found the ''Seinfeld'' episode on Thursday insulting, NBC apologized
yesterday, saying it had not intended to offend anyone.
The second-to-last ''Seinfeld'' featured Jerry, Elaine, G... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2741
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: playadelrey (A smile is a curve gets things straight), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: How to respond to a racist comment
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 21 18:27:20 2013, 美东)
Racist comments can turn a conversation from fun to tense in an instant. By
now the proper way to respond to racist remarks and jokes should be common
knowledge to all, whether learned in school, or at a job training, right?
However, few people know how to handle racism, especially if it is a friend,
or bo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique
by Yao Wen-yuan
[This article is reprinted from Peking Review, #10, March 7, 1975, pp. 5-10.]
SPEAKING of the necessity for a clear understanding of the question of the
proletariat exercising dictatorship over the bourgeoisi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: Military版 - Al Sharpton出面谴责knockout game
原来Crown Heights是个老黑老犹的聚居地,还打过种族内战。老犹开车把小黑撞死了
The Crown Heights Riot was a three-day riot that occurred from August 19 to
August 21, 1991 in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. At the
time of the riot, Crown Heights was and remains predominantly an African-
American and Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. It is the home of the Lubavitch
sect of Orthodox Jewish Hasidim. The riots began on August 19, 1991, after a
child of Guyanese immigrants was accidentally struck and killed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Biden says China's airspace zone has caused apprehension
(Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday that China's
announcement of an air defense identification zone over the East China Sea
had caused apprehension in the region, and that he was firm about the U.S.
stance on the move during talks in Beijing.
Biden had around five hours of discussions with President Xi Jinping on
Wednesday, with both leaders laying out t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1098
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: wusuoqiu (嘁哩喀喳:基督教是邪教!), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 真相大白:牧师因吸毒死亡(可卡因+海洛因)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 20 13:46:16 2013, 美东)
Zachery Tims, the Florida megachurch pastor found dead in a New York City
hotel room over two years ago, died accidentally from "acute intoxication by
the combined effects of cocaine and heroin," according to the NYC chief
medical examiner's office.
The autopsy report released Thursday re... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1540
Asiana crash video: Firefighters saw injured girl before she was run over
(CNN) -- Teenager Ye Meng Yuan didn't die when a plane crashed at San
Francisco International Airport last July. She actually survived the impact
-- only to die minutes later after a fire truck ran over her.
Now, newly released video obtained by CBS suggests emergency worke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Man who was kicked and stomped by bikers in New York road rage attack plans
to sue the city
Alexian Lien, 33, was attacked September 29 on a Manhattan street
He was chased by motorcyclists after he accidentally hit a biker,
Christopher Cruz, with his Range Rover in New York City
When they caught up with him, Lien drove through the mob and hit more bikers
, fearing for the safety of his wife and their two-year-old child
He eventually came to a halt in NYC traffic and bikers smashed his window
Vi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 835
来自主题: Military版 - 竟然有这么多被打下来的飞机
Kaleva OH-ALL[edit]
Main article: Kaleva (airplane)
Junkers Ju 52-3/mge "Kaleva" OH-ALL was a civilian transport and passenger
plane operated by the Finnish carrier Aero O/Y, shot down by two Soviet
Ilyushin DB-3 bombers on June 14, 1940, while en route from Tallinn, Estonia
, to Helsinki, Finland.[1] This occurred during the Interim Peace between
Finland and the Soviet Union, t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33885
美国海军基地“迪戈加西亚”(Diego Garcia)
It has now become fairly evident that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines
Flight 370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is not accidental. In fact, there
is a strong possibility that the flight was commandeered to the US military
base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. A bizarre “extraordinary
rendition“... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
Bomb squad 把电饭锅引爆了。
Outrage as backpack which was dumped at Boston Marathon finish line on
bombing anniversary is revealed to be sick hoax by 'performance artist' that
contained a rice cooker filled with confetti
Witnesses reported a man in all black dropping off a bag at the marathon's
finish line around 7pm Tuesday
The area was evacuated and a bomb squad detonated two bags
The other was accidentally left behind by a new crew
Sources have identified the suspect as 25-year-old Kayvon Edson
Edson... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16778
It is nearly impossilbe two men died at the same place at the same time
I guess it is a murder.
发帖数: 16484
Tilapia can become problematic invasive species in new warm-water habitats
such as Australia,[2] whether deliberately or accidentally introduced, but
generally not in temperate climates due to their inability to survive in
cooler waters below about 21 °C (70 °F).
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