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发帖数: 2705
Cam Newton of Auburn is not on my Heisman Trophy ballot
I am about to fill out my Heisman Trophy ballot and Cam Newton of Auburn
will be nowhere on it.
Hate to say I told you so, but I’ve never been more secure about my
decision to leave Cam Newton off my ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2256
来自主题: NCAA版 - NCAA questions pair about Newton Sr.
NCAA investigators have interviewed two Atlanta-area men about whether they
were asked to or did deliver
money to the father of Auburn quarterback Cameron Newton in connection with
repairs to Cecil Newton
Sr.’s church in Newnan, Ga.
Emory Wilcox and Eddie Norris were separately questioned the week before
Christmas by two NCAA
investigators, one of which was Jackie Thurnes, the NCAA’s associate
director of enforcemen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - about Lily and Ariel, about ICC.
If i remember correctly, they played many times at 2009 nationals,
it was interesting to notice Lily won both 1st places for cadet/junior
Ariel's game is a close-table fast attack, she needs more speed and
good timing to improve, it is not easy, unless she could master some
great serves, but obviously her serves are so so.
Lily's game is a little more far away from table, she is a looper, so
more error spaces for timing and angles, less depending on her serves
or serve returns. But as a l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7014
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - a question about Nonlimited texas hold'em
【 以下文字转载自 Gamble 讨论区 】
发信人: squash (鼻涕泡泡不是传说), 信区: Gamble
标 题: a question about Nonlimited texas hold'em
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 5 14:48:10 2007)
when average stake is about 40 times the big blind, how to adjust strategy?
how about just 10~20 times the blind?
play looser and bluff more? any insightful suggestion?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Another big concern about online poker
yeah, i wrote about all the same points before, personally i have much more
confidence in live.
the magic "river" cards are way too many/often than live. i've played 1000+
hours live cash games (guess about 20K hands?) and about 100K hands online (
tourneys), in comparison, i have to say online is too dramatic.
it's piece of cake for computer programs to give you one of your remaining "
outs"... in live, they either use shufflemaster or hands, for shufflemaster,
there's no way a dealer can play
发帖数: 4188
来自主题: ClassicalMusic版 - inquiry about Callas,Sutherland......
I have listened to Callas's Norma.But this is a 1960's version,with Ludwig,
Correli.I have heard some section of Callas's other operas.It seemed her voice
were not as good as before
in my Norman's version.Maybe at that time she becomes older.
Is there anyone who has heard her Tosca?How about its quality?
And which opera is Sutherland's best?
How about your evaluation of Callas,Sutherland,Cabella,Freni,
Victoria de Losangeles,Ludwig?How about their best opera?
发帖数: 217
By Martin Miller
September 27, 2013, 10:50 a.m.
For Walter White, judgment day is at hand.
Legions of bingeing, borderline addicts of the meth-dealing anti-hero of AMC
's "Breaking Bad" will receive their final fix Sunday as the newly crowned
Emmy-winning series ends. Whether fans will want to cheer, howl or self-
medicate after witnessing White's ultimate fate was a matter determined
almost entirely by series creator and show runner Vince Gilligan.
While his beloved series, which has racked up ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 332
来自主题: Dance版 - observation about pros
How come you did not mention anything about the American style professionals
who are also dancesport competitors? I will bet they are pretty good, too.
Tony Dovolani is pretty good.
And I think you are right about the leading and following. I think it was me
who suggested to blindfold the girls and dance with them. Or even better,
let’s blindfold both of them, and see how that goes :) For competitive
dancing, I have always felt very strongly about each dancer dancing his/her
own part. (it makes
发帖数: 113
来自主题: Dance版 - About Breathing in latin dance
After watching a video talking about breathing in ballroom dance, I couldn't
help but thinking about breathing in latin dance too. I remember former BM
wrote a pretty detailed post about this topic sometimes ago, from his lesson
with bryan watson. But I couldn't find it anywhere... anyone can help?
发帖数: 878
来自主题: DVD版 - How about this!
April 19!
It's from the same studio (home vision) that releases "All About Lily
Chou-Chou". On their website they seem to also release Criterion collections.
I remember about a year ago I saw a rumor online that Criterion is going to
release "All about ...". I wonder what's their relation.
发帖数: 522
来自主题: Fashion版 - 请大家评价Clinique All About Eyes
all about eyes rich, all about eyes我是都用过了,all about eyes长脂肪粒。感
发帖数: 621
来自主题: Movie版 - Why Do You Care About Oscar?
After living in the U.S. for a while, I learned one thing for sure - I no
longer care about Oscar, at least not the awards.
I used to be excited about it when I first came here, simply because it felt
to be such a cool event, and that the whole world cared about it, and that
I could watch the show live on TV.
But not anymore. Now I have learned that the award itself is a very boring
thing, because it is mostly the result of the academy's YY + politics. That
couldn't excite me at all. More import
发帖数: 39399
来自主题: Movie版 - 刚看了about time
about time是13年我看过的最好的电影 如果不是之一 呵呵
about time比her强很多 嗯
我对about time一直大加赞扬来着 可能没在本身的帖子里
发帖数: 4170
来自主题: Movie版 - 电影about time (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 LeisureTime 讨论区 】
发信人: liucarl (盛笑笑), 信区: LeisureTime
标 题: 电影about time
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 9 20:20:48 2014, 美东)
在从中国回美国的飞机上百无聊赖,打开座位前的电影看,找到about time,还是很新
地还可以穿回去和老爸在过去的时间里聊天,打乒乓。虽死犹生。事情... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 958
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - About Chamonix Saber
I have been used it for quite some time. Here are my 2 cents.
This camera is a modification of Polaroid Land Camera.
1. It is a specialty camera, not your do-it-all LF camera.
If you intend to put it on your tripod, I would say forget about it, go get
a 45N2. IMO, Saber is best suited to shoot enviromental portraits. It is
never intended to be used to shoot architecture or serious landscape. I
think there are quite a few rangefinder experts here, so I will stop here. I
would say 85% /15%, 85% ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17447
The other day we posted about a nifty plug-in from Digital Film Tools that
emulates film. The reaction was amusing. All 12 of the remaining film
shooters in our audience felt the need to subject me to the appropriate
amount of faux outrage. Their responses were predictable and I think come
from the same general set of misconceptions.
If you’re young, and were born into the age of computers, you may tend to
romanticize about the good old days you never experienced. I’ve shot more
film than most o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 389
发帖数: 4394
hell no.
This is about what's right and what's wrong.
If people don't know right or wrong, what's there to BS about?
发帖数: 2276
I'm gonna live the life I sing about in my song
I'm gonna stand for right and I always shun the wrong
If I'm in the crowd, If I'm alone
On the streets or in my home
I'm gonna live the life I sing about in my song
Everyday, everywhere
On a busy thoroughfare
Folks may watch me; some may spot me
Say I'm foolish
But I don't care
I can't sing one thing and then live another
Be saint by day and a devil undercover
I've got to live the life I sing about in my song
If at day, if at night
I must always wa
发帖数: 173
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - I Know Something Good About You
Wouldn't this old world be better,
If the folks we meet would say:
I know something good about you,
And then treat us just that way!
Wouldn't it be fine and dandy,
If each hand-clasp warm and true
Carried with it this assurance --
I know something good about you!
Wouldn't things here be more pleasant,
If the good that's in us all
Were the only things about us
That folks bothered to recall!
发帖数: 144
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - Playing game teaches one about life
Execuse me if this post sucks. I am just preparing for ELPE
writing test. I scored only 65 points last time. Gosh, they
don't think I can even write!
One can learn many things about life in playing games. Life
itself is a kind of special game with a particular set of rules
you have to observe. In both games and life, you may win or
lose. The similarity determines that games can teach you about
At first, you can learn about team spirit in games. For sports
games that involve teams, all the
发帖数: 345
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: bigkids (kid), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Round-table discussion about "KILL Jimmy Kimmel"
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 29 10:10:34 2013, 美东)
HOST: "Hello, everyone. Today, we are going to discuss a recently emerged
serious issue: Jimmy Kimmel in ABC promoted genocide to the whole American
society. What do you think about it?"
Kid A: "Well, I suppose it was just a joke. He was trying to be sarcasm.....
Kid B :"HOLD ON! That is NO joke for me, boi! He is an adult. He cant ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33825
【 以下文字转载自 NewYork 讨论区 】
发信人: LXJSmonk (紫色心情的 LXJS NYC_monk), 信区: NewYork
标 题: Book Reading & Discussion About Kids Coming O (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 11 14:34:23 2010, 美东)
发信人: LXJSmonk (紫色心情的 LXJS NYC_monk), 信区: Education
标 题: Book Reading & Discussion About Kids Coming O
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 11 14:34:03 2010, 美东)
发信人: LXJSmonk (紫色心情的 LXJS NYC_monk), 信区: QueerNews
标 题: Book Reading & Discussion About Kids Coming O
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Sep 11 14:33:53 2010, 美东)
Book Reading & Discussion
发帖数: 706
来自主题: Thoughts版 - about Swarm Intelligent book.
Reviewer: paul196 (see more about me) from AdaptiveView.com
My original motivation for reading Swarm Intelligence was a desire to learn about the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm -- in particular, to learn how to implement it in a Java program. To the credit of its authors, what I found in Swarm
Intelligence was far more than that. The authors have taken on the rather daunting task of presenting a new paradigm -- a new way of thinking about mind and intelligence -- and they have succ
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - The Einstein letter about God just sold on Ebay
This private letter expresses views never meant for public consumption by of
one of the most prolific minds of modern times on the subjects of God,
religion and tribalism.
Few people have had access to the thoughts and uncensored opinions of this
brilliant mind as it relates to his personal views on God and religion. The
personal nature of the letter and the timing of it in Albert Einstein's life
adds to the implication of the certa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - The Einstein letter about God just sold on Ebay
... I read a great deal in the last days of your book, and thank you very
much for sending it to me. What especially struck me about it was this. With
regard to the factual attitude to life and to the human community we have a
great deal in common.
... The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2166
The Buddha, too, insists that questions about self and the world are
unanswerable, either by refusing to answer them[g] or by indicating that no
statement about self and the world can be justified.[h] But -- and here is
the vital difference -- the Buddha can and does go beyond this point: not,
to be sure, by answering the unanswerable, but by showing the way leading to
the final cessation of all questions about self and the world.
发帖数: 10783
来自主题: Xibei版 - 100 and then Some Thing about Me
100 things about me: Hell why not? I haven't really planned this and don't
know if there are a 100 things about me that are even interesting. I'm sure
I'll find something...
1. I like to write in list form because that's the way my mind thinks.
2. I secretly carry a list of albums I want to buy in my wallet and have
been known to spin off the road writing down names of bands.
3. I have won a national championship playin
发帖数: 10783
Most Westerners know very little about the Middle East and the people that
live there. This lack of knowledge hurts our ability to understand, and
engage in intelligent discussion about, current events.
For example, frighteningly few know the difference between Sunni and Shia
Muslims, and most think the words “Arab” and “Muslim” are pretty much
interchangeable. They aren’t. So here’s a very brief primer aim
发帖数: 229
来自主题: CS版 - About scheduling for RAID
I have some questions about scheduling for RAID storage devices, can anyone
give some comments/suggestions?
I want to explore good scheduling heuristics external to RAID controller(or
above soft RAID layer if it is a softraid system). Basically, I think that
there is no specific shceduler above RAID logic, for example, CSCAN/SSTF
should be done below RAID logic, since we have no enough knowledge about IO
request positions above RAID logic.
But I still wonder if there are any works about scheduli
发帖数: 18
来自主题: Database版 - any introductory materials about Teradata?
I want to learn about teradata? Does anyone know any good introductory
materials about it? Is there anything written in Chinese about using
teradata? Thanks,
发帖数: 1498
来自主题: Internet版 - A question about webcaming! Thanks!
Dear friends,
I have been using WIndows Messenger (on XP machine) to call home with a
logitech webcam, using cable broadband. It worked well except that the window
for the webcam is small (about 160x120 or so), although the webcam can capture
at 640x480. I have tried Yahoo Messenger!, but it is about the same size. So
the question is, does anyone know another standalone program supporting a
bigger window for video?
I have used NetMeeting in Windows 2000 before, the size is about 320x240. But
发帖数: 237
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: sunmountain (日暮山紫), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Recommend a Book about Algorithm?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 18 11:46:04 2011, 美东)
I am not in CS major. But I have done quite a bit java/javascript
developing for another lab and thinking about
a job in coding. I have some knowledge with data structure and quite
extensive knowledge about OO and
java. I am wondering if anyone can recommend a book for algorithm, mostly
for interview, but also for
myself's improvement. Thank... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 49
来自主题: Programming版 - a problem about API
Hi, I just heard somehing about a API in Mac called carbon. Can anybody be
so kind to explain to me a little bit about this API. And also what about
other kinds of API. like c++ standard library and their realtionships? Thank
you very much.
发帖数: 3461

we are talking about different things.
I was talking about the validity of the
compression idea. you are talking
about specific implementations.
intensity stereo exploits stereophonic redundency
by keeping the only energy envelope of left and right
channel at high frequencies. if the encoder uses
it where it's not designed for, sure there is going
to be problems.
I guess I can't tell the difference at that high
bit rate most of the time unless the psychoacoustic
model used is really lousy. :-
发帖数: 130
来自主题: Actuary版 - About Cold Emailing
Again, something I wrote years ago to share:
I received a question today about cold emailing and thought maybe I should
share my answer here with more people:
some may advise against cold emailing, and if you feel this way,
please share with us why this is the case so we can all have
better understanding of different views.
my personal opinion - given that a lot of the candidates are a bit "
desparate"so maybe every little bit helps. As long as you only send emails
to no more than two actuaries... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1187
1. startup is NOT something you do when running out of option.
starting a business and growing it successfully is very very very difficult
. you don't want to do it w/o enough prep, you don't want to do it alone,
and you definitely don't want to do it if you are generally not very
2. startup is NOT something you do only if you are young and reckless.
I'm sure many ppl do startup just for the thrill, but there is a rational
reason behind many ppl who do startup: as a financially respo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 351
In the latest issue of Nature.
Olympics: Some facts about Ye Shiwen's swim
Weimin Zhong,
Hao Wu
& Linheng Li
We write on behalf of the Chinese Biological Investigators Society, a
professional organization of overseas and native Chinese scientists (www.
cbisociety.org), to express our concern over your online News 'Explainer'
about the performance of Ye Shiwen, a 16-year-old Chinese swimmer who won
gold medals in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Biology版 - About Genomic Health
Does anybody know anything about this company? How about their workload? And
how do you feel about their future?
I would appreciate if you could shed some light on those points. Thanks.
发帖数: 27
来自主题: Biology版 - misunderstanding about drug discovery
After reading the comments about NIH, it seems to me people here has a
misunderstanding about the drug discovery process. People seem to believe
the drug discovery has always progressed like this: target---pathway---
cellular model---animal model---human beings. Indeed this is the well
publicized model or paradigm. But years ago, people used a phenotypic
screening to search for drugs without knowing targets, often directly on
animals. For anti-cancer drugs, many old ones were discovered without
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29
Going to an Pharma interview.
Worried we won't share common subject to talk about, and leave agonizing
What are the good subject to talk about during dinner and 1-on-1?
Is it OK to talk about the future of the company? (with patent cliff ......)
发帖数: 558
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - Several points about case presentation
Today, the attending talked about how to do a case presentation. Here is a
summary about his talk:
1: HPI is about 70% of the whole case. Do present the admission time and
reasons. Do mention if the patient looks sick, toxic or fine
2: PE should be less than 10%, which includes mainly positive signs. For
other negative systems, we should describe them in a little bit detail
rather than just saying within normal limit, such as “could not feel
spleen or liver”
3: Review of systems is the least th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 325
AAMC Concerned about Reports of Unmatched Students
Washington, D.C., March 15, 2013— AAMC (Association of American Medical
Colleges) President and CEO Darrell G. Kirch, M.D., issued the following
statement about the results of the 2013 Main Residency Match:
“Match Day is usually a day of excitement, enthusiasm, and joy for medical
students around the country. While that remains true for most graduating
medical students, we are very t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2097
let's say the press release about tevraton data favoring MSSM, which
of the 124 dimensional parameter space of models are they talking about?
maybe it's very embarrassing to say clearly what they really mean.
same here, i am annoyed by the abundance of stupid models.
and people have endless resourcefulness in constructing a few
every year/month/day. well, it seems not a smart thing to do
to care about these redundant stuff, after all, life is short.
another example I don't feel particul
发帖数: 1751
来自主题: Quant版 - about jump process
interesting comment.
vol-of-vol is becoming more tradable these days, compared to 2002 Soc
Napolean blow up. but still it's extremely inefficient.
I don't think there is value to use stochastic vol to predict spot move.
Listed contains enough information for underlying. maybe i am missing
something here, about delta/vega cross hedge(?).
The question about jump-diffusion is that, how do you hedge it? what's your
risk/return profile based on the modeling. There are always ways to model
things and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 107
Who can recommend some English books about group theory?
since most of my knowledge about group theory is from physics books. So
I hope that I can study group(especially Lie group/algebra) in a more
systematic way. But I still hope that this book give some attention on physics,
especially on today's theoretical physics(QFT, string....).
Anyway, my major is physics, not math. I ahve some interest in the condensed
matter. So if that book can include something about that, it would be better,
but it
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: Complain版 - C0805003 Complain About Military Board
投诉对象:military board
投诉标题:The board deleted the whole series for no reason
投诉理由:About four days ago, somebody asked in the Military board about
dangerousness of a sword or an ax in the battles. I replied that a rifle in
US Civil War is more lethal. The whole series, consisting of about four
postings (including mine), was deleted quickly (within a day or so) for no
reason. I demand that the series be restored.
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