

全部话题 - 话题: a3o
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发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 问两手牌
hand 1:
SNG, bubble time. dealt A3o at SB(M=8), everyone folded, BB(M=7) is very
who shoved with hands like KTo and double up twice recently. I limp in w/
A3o, BB
check, flop 3-6-9r, shall I do a probe bet here, or just check? if probe bet
and get
called, should I check-fold turn if not improve (A or 3)?
hand 2:
SNG, 4 players left. dealt KJo at utg/co (M=6.5), utg+1/button has M=5, SB's
M is 12,
BB's M is 7. button and SB are somewhat tight, BB is aggressive. I just KO a
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴几手有意思的牌
1. Hero with $250 6h4s UTG straddle $5; MP1 raise $12, 4 callers - SB,BB,
Hero and another MP. flop 4h4c9c. SB,BB check, Hero bet 35, MP1 call(MP1 is
the preflop raiser who has a big range and chip covers hero), SB shoves with
$90(SB is an asian with very tight image), BB fold, HERO?
---- 64o进局,能看到4h4c9c,已经算是dream flop中的战斗机了,再加上spr已经非
2. Hero has AA MP. UTG straddle $5, UTG+1 calls, Hero raise to $16, fold all
the way to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1103
老娘娘一年前生了个娃! PxvxZJf$@
于是踏上了尼玛不归路啊!!   ;X0uA?
谁跟老娘讲生了娃咪咪会变大啊!!! :,R>e}lM
那是涨奶涨的啊! \u[5O@v#
等娃把奶吸干了比以前还小啊!! W[]|Uu/%
而且木有弹性了啊!!! },Grg~l
连A杯的都会下垂啊 有木有! R%)F9P$o
谁跟老娘讲娃满月就瘦回去了啊! ^gpd '*b
娃都一岁了才撑进怀孕前的裤子啊!! MTgf.
而且腰上面老大一圈肥肉啊!!! g/P1lQ)
连跟娃木啥关系的脖子都长了三条皱纹啊!!!! l 6aD3?8LN
以后穿衣服只能穿高领的了 有木有!!!!! XH/!A`ZK
娃的奶瓶真难刷阿! cd=H4: 一个奶瓶就是五件套啊!! hjk]?MC
有玻璃有塑料有橡胶啊!!! SNSoV3|k-
刷子也是三种不同的号啊!!!! HTMo.hr
比实验室的瓶子还麻烦啊!!!!! 'X/:TOk{W
等老娘把三套奶瓶刷完娃又饿了 有木有!!!!!! ZGCp[2$
UX|3LpFX&... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27760
发帖数: 674
来自主题: Golf版 - 3,5 wood + 3i hybrid
maybe 15 and 18 for 3,5 woods?
4 irons is 24, so, 15(3W) 18(5W) and 20 (Hy) should be good
Just bought a Adams A3OS hy3, and NOT like it.
Looking for a 3W now. and maybe a hybrid from Taylormade later
发帖数: 129
来自主题: Golf版 - 有人用过Taylormade Burner Irons?
订了Adams Idea A3OS。等破了80就换成top of the line.
发帖数: 129
来自主题: Golf版 - 杆和杆真是不一样啊!
玩了大半年烂杆,7铁才120-120。昨天拿到Adams Idea A3OS,9铁就到110-120。
发帖数: 40
来自主题: Golf版 - 挑战国内球场
内订做了一套ADAMS A7的铁杆组,2500 RMB, 还不错,都是OEM工厂流出来的正规的杆
头,配上950的杆身和GOLF PRIDE的握把,试打了居然和自己打的最远的ADMAS的A3OS的
碳素杆身一样远,而且准度有很大提高。 不过,国内的球场是比较贵一些尤其是深圳
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - $720
昨天4小时AC,创造历史最高记录$720。1小时3/6 L,3小时1/2 NL。
flop 9 Q 3, turn 5, river K从对手AA手里死里逃生,ALL IN,DOUBLED UP。
flopped A high flush once, got about $100.
AA once, beat QQ, got about $100.
lost a few small pots (~$20 each).
最终从一貌似厉害老中(chip leader,俺也输给其好几次)手里狠捞了一把~$300:
一把烂牌A3o, flop 3J7;
turn, 3, bet $100想简单收了pot ~60-70, 老中突然发冷彪,ALL IN(>$700),俺CALL
,river, nothing.
老中一崛不振,接着又让一老美ALL IN干掉一把,88 beat flop 2 pairs (A7), with
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AC Caesars的Bad Beat Jackpot又到180K了
嗯,俺是A3o, preflop quiet, flop AAK, 老黑bet $15,俺raise到$30,后面居然还
有2个call的(搞得俺还有一点点担心kicker),老黑当然也call. turn A,老黑ALL IN
$86,俺估计后面那俩没人会跟了,call...... 老黑念念有词,“got to be a split
pot ...”,话音未落,俺把A3就砸在了桌上 ...... 唯一效果是 -- 后面半小时再没
人敢和俺heads up了(倒也没什么好牌就是了)。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another few hands today
1) A3o (kao, almost always my luckiest hand now).
pre-flop quiet, flop A33, beautiful!! decided to slow play, bet $5, 3 guys
turn K (no flush draw), bet $10, 2 folded, one guy pushed all in ($80).
called, he showed AK. river, blank.
2) TJs, flop 89Q (with flush draw), bet $10, the same guy called. turn,
blank, bet another $25, he pushed all in again. every one was guessing i had
TJ. he showed QQ and put me on a flush draw. river T, didn't help anybody.
3) 7s9s, flop 5c8sTs.
an indian guy
发帖数: 15860
最高那手以前贴过,A3o的烂牌,flop 3J7, 熬到turn上又凑个3,打死一个犯低级错误
对手 的ALL IN $700 (34),收益~300,自己筹码有限,不知道对方怎么考虑implied
最臭一手是AA,late position, bet $10 pre-flop (intended to slow play), flop
hit another A, bet $10 again, ..... turn comes a flush draw,没有加够狠,只
bet $20, one caller, river当然是输乐,被迫call了$30。
发帖数: 1153
just sit at table, post SB
UTG raised 3BB, UTG+1 raised all-in for like 35BB, folded to me, I had AQo;
the player's stats hadn't been loaded yet since it normally takes about a
minute anyways, so I manually input his id and realize that he play 40% of
his hands and raise 17% of the time.
easy call now and my AQo hold against his A3o.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - final table, heads up with JJ Liu
FT $24+2, SNG, 90 ppl.
got ahead pretty early and busted 3 guys out, no suspense.
got hit big in one hand, KcJc, flop: AJT, turn J, river K... all quiet until
i bet medium on river, guy raised me back big, i re-raised, he went all-in
and showed slow played AJ, damn... luckily i covered him and was still alive
, back to stone age.
after break, 30 ppl left, i was 20th or so, started to get on fire, and made
to final table by one lucky hand, A3o, put BB on stealing, called his flop
all-in AJ... hit
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
haha, yesterday my in-law played one small tourney.
before bubble, she was dealt AJo at BB, LP limped. she raised 4xBB, couldn't
get him out.
flop: K33.
she checked, LP bet half pot, which was too big for her to fold anyway so
she shoved. LP turned over A3o, what a disaster!
turn: K
river: K
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 最近玩得有点背
Sometimes 2-3 people limp in when I'm on button or cutoff with hands like
A3o. I choose to fold rather than raise or limp in. Is this a right play? I
worry that raise may get me in trouble and limp in may get me in a bigger
trouble (for example, hit an A on flop but it's only the second or even
third best hand).
If I raise 4BB, I know almost for sure at least two people will call me (if
not reraise). And playing A3 multi way is too hard even with position. How
do you think?

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - damn...
haha, against her, 9To is above ok level. for 3x, nothing.
she opens 50% hands (A8, 22, K9o), limp calls 3x, 4x 30% (with 58o, A3o)...
she went all-in with someone big with 58o on A95 flop.
she picked up the right hand at the right time against two boats only, and i
was amazed 3 boats hit each other all of a sudden in a "quiet" pot.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚一手趣牌讨论
I have a lot of similar experience.
I know BB will repop me. I limp with aqo, he raises to 3.5bb. I 3bet to 9bb,
he allin, I call. BB shows q8o.
The same guy, raises on the button, I repop(3bet) him to 10bb with 57o. He
allin on me, I have only 30BB left at that moment, I know he can not have
much, I call his allin with 57o, he shows a3o.
My calling range and re-raise range adjusts according to the players.

FOLD了. 这牌好像怎么也拿不下来.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 俺的2009
i guess maybe i play for a larger volume of hands (500/day), since every
table i open, it at least has 3 players whom i have notes on. sometimes
if they normally play in a different time zone, i might have little on them.
i don't wait to take notes until i get to the "read" level, i mean, for
example, if i see a guy who simply calls down all the way with A3o on Axxxx
board, i'll mark him right away. or if a guy check raises with a monster,
or if a guy rasies 3 out of 10 hands...
these "initial"
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - admire fcf
you are right.
But one problem is that those fishes will not play very long, they will quit
after 1 or 2 buyin lossees, the session is very very short.
However, if you encounter a regular, you will play a ton of hands,
eventually both of you will lose money or barely win.
My experience is that you need play very very loose and aggressive in
position, however, need play tight and passive out of position(A5o-a3o, 22-
55 is not very good defensive hands.) One leak of me is that I like to play tight
发帖数: 121
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 其实扑克的回报率非常高了
hehe.. I probably spend less than 5% of the time studying, not on holdem
anyway. Even when I started playing, I never really read any strategy book,
just twoplustwo posts and talking to friends and thinking about hands
myself. I did a lot of EV line calculation when I was a beginner to make
sure my 4bet/5bet shove with A3o is better than folding against certain
opponent etc. I hardly ever review a hand these days, most of the hands I
save for review are hands that I thought was funny. like t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
Congratulations. very very impressive, and more importantly very very
I need to up my aggression a lot. for instance, late in tournaments (about
14-20 players left), I fold A3o at SB with m=5 12bb to CO/chip leader's 3x
open-raise instead of shoving, knowing the guy open at least 2 to 3 times
per orbit and I am probably ahead. And flat-calling with KQo at BB with
m=4 10bb to 2xbb open-raise and sb's calling behind, instead of shoving. I
need to close the lobby and forget about payout... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
The guy who bluffs you with A3o have been in sunday million FT before.
The guy who has finished 2nd has been FT sunday million before also.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AC trip report -- part 1
turn:这牌他很可能是99。 89,78,10 10 也有可能, 两个方片也有可能。
他call 你的river allin bet, 应该就是99,tt.
他不太好处理这牌的river, 如果你有方块draw, 它应该可以让你bluff来得到value,
如果他block bet, 很容易被bluff fold掉 . 如果你有tt, 他有99, 他应该250美刀
block bet. 他不block bet, jj 95%肯定是nuts,很容易吃大注。
当然,如果你是air ball, such as A2dd, A3o, 他的打法又是对的。
个人认为:他的river call 有问题。因为没有block bet[represent 88, 99, tt, jj,
qq], 很容易被别人value town,就更不应该call 大注.
问题:如果fcf 有99, TT, turn 上是donk lead还是c/c.如果donk lead,lead 多少?
如果fcf 有99, TT, river 上 是不是block bet? block bet 的概率多大?block bet 多... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 865
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天去casino
最后一把。 btn JQ limp in。 bb raise to 25.
4 players。 flop AT7r. all check.
turn K, bb all in with 140. fold to me, i all in.
river A. he showed A3o. haha. 马上走人。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - cmis91 may have a HUGE night
MTT, especially this huge field, 14409 players, it's really a super tough
challenge. when only about 200 left, almost everyone was a pro or semi-pro,
and cmis91 bought in for 3 entries, total $648 investment.
as far as i saw, he's playing LAG in the middle and super tight towards the
end, a few key hands to build his stack:
1) AJo open shoved from UTG for about 15BB, got snap called by MP's AKo, way
behind and the flop was TQx, or not even J would save him... turn was a
miracle, K.
2) TT 2x from... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9164
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KO a Pro for first time

LOL. that Russian chick is such a donk. I played with her in a Super Sat
into one of FTOP main event. She already got enough chips to make the super
Sat, still call shove with A3o out of BB, and ends up with getting bust out.
In Super Sat, you got exatly same paid out if you finish first or last in
chip to quality.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - frustrating
bad luck continues.
But after I review my hand history, I find I make a lot of sucking calls on
the bubble also.
But usually the scenario is 3 even stacks, I am a little behind.
The most recent 2 bubbles
Hand 1: blinds 40/80, utg shoves 720, I have 44 in the bb with a stack
around 500(80 chips in the pot, 420 left in the stack) I think a little bit,
and calls.
UTG shows A6o I lose
Hand 2: blinds 60/30, I have 515 chips, SB has 515 chips, SB shoves on me, I
tank a while, and call with k8o
SB... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - No deal!!!!
I guess Buss also gets very angry on this, he does not play optimally for
sure. 4 Bet allin in A3o, TKs.
Get toasted.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(下)
1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
station. turn 2, river blank.
AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
worry about LP more since he has ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 同志们,战斗惨烈了,保重!
哥99 flop top boat,966,稳搞了吧?有高帅富,居然river给哥亮出66来!哥眼是一
OK,哥新学的holdem吧?哥也该suck out一回了吧?KQ把东虎的AQ整得岗岗的,俺说RP
shove俺的BB,俺定睛一看,AQ,TNND,还是舒提德,哥激动的snap call,人家A3o,
发帖数: 385
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 2012 wsop 见闻
上周末去las vegas 观摩了main event. 不错的经历,其中tom dwan很有意思,很晚了
已经是level 3了大概,居然还没找到位置,和floor man不停地交流。然后我走过一个
桌子,一个sam大叔(tom dwan对面那个,6 wsop bracelet winner)对着大家说:this
seat is for tom dwan, he hasn't showed up yet. but he got more chips than me.
然后不久tom dwan就坐下来了,我看他打了3手牌,chip一下子就降下去了。
hand 1: As7do raised to 800 at cutoff, called by BB
flop: 8sThJh check, check,
turn: Ks SB lead out 800 and called by Tom
river: Qh: river checked by SB, Tom bet 2000 and raised to 4200 by SB.
Tom called and SB showed A3o,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-06-13
1 1K 11
2 750 3.3 $7.78
3 1.5K 11
4 1K 11
5 1.5K 3.3+3+3 $28.75
6 3K 11+10+10
1号,UTG+1,TJs 12bb open shove,take down。UTG A7o open shove 14bb into QQ,
2号,大盲位88 14bb 3bet shove rock 2.1x open + a flatter,take down。换桌,
第一把,UTG 16bb open shove with A9o,被两家AJo call到,suckout!紧接着第二
把,AKo,接了16bb 和8bb的两连推,hold!wow!card dead + busy with other
tables = auto ITM,呵呵。hero 大盲位,55 10bb stack call EP 5bb shove>A9s。
UTG+1 TJo 13bb shove,take down。换桌,UTG 33,15bb,看到大小盲均... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哎呀都不会打乐
1.奇怪老头,bluffed river at least once, aggressive but not out of line, have
sizing problem
2.亚男,relative loose caller,probably not understanding position well,
otherwise solid
3.短筹驴,played short stack the whole time, vpip 90%, fof otf
4.二十女,TYPICAL weak passive female player
hero image, slightly loose, play position
1.hero AhQc, LP 12$, 老头call, (stack irrelevant)
95d3d flop, c/c
turn Td, 老头 20,hero tank call
river 3s 老头 35,hero?
2.hero 88, LP 12$, 老头 call, (stack irreleva... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哎呀都不会打乐
1.hero AhQc, LP 12$, 老头call, (stack irrelevant)
95d3d flop, c/c
turn Td, 老头 20,hero tank call
--- low level game, dont think too much here, fold in most cases, 3x raise
and rdy to push blank in river if villain respect you.
river 3s 老头 35,hero?
--- fold then, dont need to catch every bluff
2.hero 88, LP 12$, 老头 call, (stack irrelevant)
Ts3s3, 老头 c/call 15
turn 9d, c/c
river 4c, 老头 30,hero?
--- same like above
3.hero 3h3d MP limp, 7 callers, flop KsQs3d,
二十女 15,老头call,hero raise to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 638
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴几手有意思的牌
1. Hero with $250 6h4s UTG straddle $5; MP1 raise $12, 4 callers - SB,BB,
Hero and another MP. flop 4h4c9c. SB,BB check, Hero bet 35, MP1 call(MP1 is
the preflop raiser who has a big range and chip covers hero), SB shoves with
$90(SB is an asian with very tight image), BB fold, HERO?
2. Hero has AA MP. UTG straddle $5, UTG+1 calls, Hero raise to $16, fold all
the way to UTG, UTG calls, UTG +1 calls. flop J54 rainbow, check x2,HERO
bet $35, UTG immediately raise to $100, UTG+1 folds. UTG has $60... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8851
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴几手有意思的牌
my 2 cents,
1. Hero with $250 6h4s UTG straddle $5; MP1 raise $12, 4 callers - SB,BB,
Hero and another MP. flop 4h4c9c. SB,BB check, Hero bet 35, MP1 call(MP1 is
the preflop raiser who has a big range and chip covers hero), SB shoves with
$90(SB is an asian with very tight image), BB fold, HERO?
>>easy call, pot = $60+$35+$90, you need to put in $55 to win $185...
2. Hero has AA MP. UTG straddle $5, UTG+1 calls, Hero raise to $16, fold all
the way to UTG, UTG calls, UTG +1 calls. flop J54 rainb... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8851
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 贴几手有意思的牌
my 2 cents again, 高手们指点:)
1. If I call the $90, what do I do if MP1 call/raise? How do I evaluate what
he has? If another club comes on the turn, what do I do?
>>MP1 most likly have over pair, so I don't worry too much about him, SB may
have a 4 or 9 or club draw, which we don't know. If club hits on turn, SB
may think you are on flush draw if he is not, it all depends, sometimes you
need to gamble with it, that's poker:)
2.Looks like UTG is committed. what if turns blank and he commits another ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - $720
昨天4小时AC,创造历史最高记录$720。1小时3/6 L,3小时1/2 NL。
flop 9 Q 3, turn 5, river K从对手AA手里死里逃生,ALL IN,DOUBLED UP。
flopped A high flush once, got about $100.
AA once, beat QQ, got about $100.
lost a few small pots (~$20 each).
最终从一貌似厉害老中(chip leader,俺也输给其好几次)手里狠捞了一把~$300:
一把烂牌A3o, flop 3J7;
turn, 3, bet $100想简单收了pot ~60-70, 老中突然发冷彪,ALL IN(>$700),俺CALL
,river, nothing.
老中一崛不振,接着又让一老美ALL IN干掉一把,88 beat flop 2 pairs (A7), with
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AC Caesars的Bad Beat Jackpot又到180K了
嗯,俺是A3o, preflop quiet, flop AAK, 老黑bet $15,俺raise到$30,后面居然还
有2个call的(搞得俺还有一点点担心kicker),老黑当然也call. turn A,老黑ALL IN
$86,俺估计后面那俩没人会跟了,call...... 老黑念念有词,“got to be a split
pot ...”,话音未落,俺把A3就砸在了桌上 ...... 唯一效果是 -- 后面半小时再没
人敢和俺heads up了(倒也没什么好牌就是了)。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - another few hands today
1) A3o (kao, almost always my luckiest hand now).
pre-flop quiet, flop A33, beautiful!! decided to slow play, bet $5, 3 guys
turn K (no flush draw), bet $10, 2 folded, one guy pushed all in ($80).
called, he showed AK. river, blank.
2) TJs, flop 89Q (with flush draw), bet $10, the same guy called. turn,
blank, bet another $25, he pushed all in again. every one was guessing i had
TJ. he showed QQ and put me on a flush draw. river T, didn't help anybody.
3) 7s9s, flop 5c8sTs.
an indian guy
发帖数: 15860
最高那手以前贴过,A3o的烂牌,flop 3J7, 熬到turn上又凑个3,打死一个犯低级错误
对手 的ALL IN $700 (34),收益~300,自己筹码有限,不知道对方怎么考虑implied
最臭一手是AA,late position, bet $10 pre-flop (intended to slow play), flop
hit another A, bet $10 again, ..... turn comes a flush draw,没有加够狠,只
bet $20, one caller, river当然是输乐,被迫call了$30。
发帖数: 1153
just sit at table, post SB
UTG raised 3BB, UTG+1 raised all-in for like 35BB, folded to me, I had AQo;
the player's stats hadn't been loaded yet since it normally takes about a
minute anyways, so I manually input his id and realize that he play 40% of
his hands and raise 17% of the time.
easy call now and my AQo hold against his A3o.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - final table, heads up with JJ Liu
FT $24+2, SNG, 90 ppl.
got ahead pretty early and busted 3 guys out, no suspense.
got hit big in one hand, KcJc, flop: AJT, turn J, river K... all quiet until
i bet medium on river, guy raised me back big, i re-raised, he went all-in
and showed slow played AJ, damn... luckily i covered him and was still alive
, back to stone age.
after break, 30 ppl left, i was 20th or so, started to get on fire, and made
to final table by one lucky hand, A3o, put BB on stealing, called his flop
all-in AJ... hit
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
haha, yesterday my in-law played one small tourney.
before bubble, she was dealt AJo at BB, LP limped. she raised 4xBB, couldn't
get him out.
flop: K33.
she checked, LP bet half pot, which was too big for her to fold anyway so
she shoved. LP turned over A3o, what a disaster!
turn: K
river: K
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