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shopping版 - TMOBILE prepaid minutes are expiring, anyway to extend them?
t-mobile 的 prepaid 手机不接听算 minute 么?tmobile gold rewards 15% bonus minutes 什么时候加到卡里?
今天人品不错。。。发20个包子(包子已发,请查收)FT. 原价卖at&t go phone Prepaid Wireless Airtime Minutes Refill card
Bing上头tmobile买prepaid refill还有35%cb吗?有对att蛮横条款不满的么?
Prepaid TMobile Pay as you Go是否有时间限制att加条线真是这个规矩?
tmobile prepaid air time expire能要回来吗?T mobile的prepaid customer service 有email 吗?
也说 prepaid 手机Tmobile可以price match吗?
美国手机能携号转网么?Re: T-mobile prepaid查balance准不准啊?
我的Tmobile gold rewards怎么不是1毛1分钟啊?问一个ATT 手机 plan 的问题
话题: tmobile话题: extend话题: minutes话题: prepaid话题: service
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 764
我还有几百分钟TMOBILE prepaid minutes 在这个月17号过期.如果到时候用不完的话,
发帖数: 1049
put $10 into your phone will extend your minutes for another year.


【在 x*****g 的大作中提到】
: 我还有几百分钟TMOBILE prepaid minutes 在这个月17号过期.如果到时候用不完的话,
: 是不是就自动过期了?有没有什么办法延长这个期限,保住没用完的时间.谢谢!

发帖数: 764
This is how I undestand and how I plan to do. I am live chatting with
Tmobile customer service but the one I am talking with isn't very familiar
with this and is telling me something quite different.
发帖数: 764
This is how I undestand and how I plan to do. I am live chatting with
Tmobile customer service but the one I am talking with isn't very familiar
with this and is telling me something quite different.
发帖数: 1049
Have you put at least $100 into your phone since you purchased your phone?
If not, $10 will only extend your minutes by 3 months. Otherwise, it'll
extend for another year.

【在 x*****g 的大作中提到】
: This is how I undestand and how I plan to do. I am live chatting with
: Tmobile customer service but the one I am talking with isn't very familiar
: with this and is telling me something quite different.

发帖数: 764
Thanks for answering my questions
Yes, I put in total $125 in a couple of hours to gain the gold rewards
status right after I switched from planned service to prepaid service. The
customer service keeps telling me that I have to add another $100 to extend
my gold rewards status so I can roll over the leftover minutes on its expiry
date for another year. This is the the difference between what they told me
and what you said here. Honestly, I think what you said is right because
the FAQs on Tmobile's website states that the only circumstance that will
make someone lose gold rewards status is when the account is closed.
Very poor customer service.
Please give me some additional information based on what I said above so I
don't have to call the customer service again to talk to the second, or ever
the third agent.
Thanks a lot.

【在 d****g 的大作中提到】
: Have you put at least $100 into your phone since you purchased your phone?
: If not, $10 will only extend your minutes by 3 months. Otherwise, it'll
: extend for another year.

发帖数: 1049
I didn't check their term recently. Unless they changed it, otherwise, don't
worry too much, just put $10 in.


【在 x*****g 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for answering my questions
: Yes, I put in total $125 in a couple of hours to gain the gold rewards
: status right after I switched from planned service to prepaid service. The
: customer service keeps telling me that I have to add another $100 to extend
: my gold rewards status so I can roll over the leftover minutes on its expiry
: date for another year. This is the the difference between what they told me
: and what you said here. Honestly, I think what you said is right because
: the FAQs on Tmobile's website states that the only circumstance that will
: make someone lose gold rewards status is when the account is closed.
: Very poor customer service.

发帖数: 764
Diving, thank you so much. Just called a friend of mine who said the same.
发帖数: 1049
No problem. But if your friend visit this board, most likely he will know
your ID :)
Better apply another MaJia now :)

【在 x*****g 的大作中提到】
: Diving, thank you so much. Just called a friend of mine who said the same.
1 (共1页)
问一个ATT 手机 plan 的问题tmobile prepaid air time expire能要回来吗?
请教各位:不是Tmobile用户可以买那个Nokia 2760 Prepaid Phone吗?也说 prepaid 手机
请问 哪种prepaid适合老爸美国手机能携号转网么?
大家买得tmobile prepaid phone收到mrrebate得rebate了吗?我的Tmobile gold rewards怎么不是1毛1分钟啊?
t-mobile 的 prepaid 手机不接听算 minute 么?tmobile gold rewards 15% bonus minutes 什么时候加到卡里?
今天人品不错。。。发20个包子(包子已发,请查收)FT. 原价卖at&t go phone Prepaid Wireless Airtime Minutes Refill card
Bing上头tmobile买prepaid refill还有35%cb吗?有对att蛮横条款不满的么?
Prepaid TMobile Pay as you Go是否有时间限制att加条线真是这个规矩?
话题: tmobile话题: extend话题: minutes话题: prepaid话题: service