有些地方我不得不删掉. 来自欧美某犬群内部邮件.
This is someone who just plugs in the breed name for numerous books they
That's the (xx breed) version. A lot of these ebooks for sale are actually
conglomerations of hijacked information from other books and websites.
It's possible the writer has never even seen a (xx breed dog) in person.
That's (a person in photo) from Australia - this author obviously stole the
photo's she uses to market the books. I doubt her actual photo is among them.
r*****a 发帖数: 27155
【在 l******8 的大作中提到】 : 有些地方我不得不删掉. 来自欧美某犬群内部邮件. : This is someone who just plugs in the breed name for numerous books they : sell: : That's the (xx breed) version. A lot of these ebooks for sale are actually : conglomerations of hijacked information from other books and websites. : It's possible the writer has never even seen a (xx breed dog) in person. : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- : That's (a person in photo) from Australia - this author obviously stole the : photo's she uses to market the books. I doubt her actual photo is among them.