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ebiz版 - 我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的 (转载)
<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)文具在craigslist, offerUp一类的app上属于哪一类物品啊?
<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)神医介绍第七章“双钻王老五” wocao
预出女友遗物ebiz “江湖” 怎么翻啊
[合集] Amazon 退货的policy ?earthquake!
买裤子买裤子,神医也不要光屁股kao, wo shuo gang cai zenme fang zai zhi huang
双黄包问题: 这个地址是倒爷还是骗子?我们走了,鱼版更热闹了
话题: bikers话题: vehicle话题: police话题: do话题: stop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15629
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: NYKnicks (Knicks), 信区: Military
标 题: 我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 2 12:03:43 2013, 美东)
Marc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you all might want
to read. This is my personal experience with this situation. I made sure to
post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that would deliver in
north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs. I can hopefully
clarify a few things. First the initial "accident" is part of a game they
play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to slow down
traffic. Next they pick out high end vehicles targeting people with families
in them, the targets will usually be white or Asian. Then one of the riders
will do a "brake check" and stop suddenly in front of the target vehicle
causing a minor bump. In some cases they will just roll back into their
target vehicle. They will then mob the vehicle demanding money and or begin
attacking the person inside. It is their practice to also slash the tires to
prevent the vehicle from escaping. Truckers are well aware of them and are
advised not to stop. You can clearly see in the video how they are well
practiced in this style of attack. The police in NY have backed off them
after an officer ran one down using his vehicle a few months back. The video
was all over the net so I advise you to check it out. These "bikers" ride
dirt bikes and sport bikes very few of which are street legal and even fewer
have plates. They run red lights, stop signs, and have no regard for the
law. If you are ever in this situation do not stop, immediately call the
police and do whatever you have to to keep them from boxing you in. NEVER
leave the scene of an accident if you are not under direct threat!!! Only
run if you have no other choice, and again immediately call the police. This
is not rare by any means, the only reason this incident got any attention
is because of the helmet cam video being posted on the net. If you see
anyone in this situation, call the police. Make no mistake confusing these
punks with true bikers. You will rarely if ever see a member of these gangs
on a Harley. Do not for a minute blame true bikers for this kind of behavior
. Bikers like those involved in the 2 million Bikers to DC Rally are
American Patriots and would be among the first to come to your aid. A final
note, always be aware of motorcycles and share the road. Check your mirrors
and don't ride anyone's bumper, motorcycles have a much smaller profile then
a car and are harder to see."
发帖数: 912
1 (共1页)
tong xue men![合集] Amazon 退货的policy ?
shop runner 是干啥的?双黄包问题: 这个地址是倒爷还是骗子?
<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)文具在craigslist, offerUp一类的app上属于哪一类物品啊?
<>: 上海卡车司机大罢工(有伤亡) (转载)神医介绍第七章“双钻王老五” wocao
预出女友遗物ebiz “江湖” 怎么翻啊
话题: bikers话题: vehicle话题: police话题: do话题: stop