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_pennystock版 - [合集] 我对silver ETF (SLV) 的理解 (转载)
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话题: slv话题: etf话题: silver
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发帖数: 5997
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: sillycat (^_^), 信区: Stock
标 题: [合集] 我对silver ETF (SLV) 的理解
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 10 13:31:51 2011, 美东)
updownlife (渔夫) 于 (Wed May 4 23:39:16 2011, 美东) 提到:
好像版上好多人在赌博 SLV, 本蛙我来贡献一个对于slv 的理解吧
1)理解1: SLV = A composit portfolio of Future contract of the silver
* 买SLV 实际上是在间接持有 long contract of the silver
* 卖SLV 实际上是在间接持有 short contract of the silver
根据基金经理的解释, 基金的目的match "slv" price with the real silver price
. 如果你是 SLV owner, 你有权要求基金在"将来的某一天”将你所持的"slv" 股份
核心: 买SLV是纯粹的投机,be careful about contango
2) 理解2: ETF 性质
* 作为ETF, "SLV"没有一个固定的“sharesoutstanding".
"SLV"可以随时“制造“或“分解”share. 当你想购买"SLV" 但市场上没有人卖给你
时,授权的MM可以随时“制造“出share 卖给你,“sharesoutstanding"马上提高。基
金得到你的钱后,他们会立刻购买相应的silver long contract 来match "
sharesoutstanding" of the "SLV".
随时分解你的SHARE,你从MM那得到MM的BID 价,“sharesoutstanding"马上提高,基金
立刻卖掉相应的silver long contract ( 或重新开一个silver short contract )来
match "sharesoutstanding" of the "SLV"  
核心: 不要用分析股票的方法去分析slv
3) 理解3: SLV 的庞氏效应
* 越买越涨:
从上述(2)可以看出, 买slv 得人越多,基金需要买越多的silver long contracts,
从而人为创造了许多“虚拟“的silver 需求, 因此 silver 价格会被人为推高, 推
高silver 价格后"SLV" 价格也会推高, 所以是越买越涨。
* 越卖越跌:
同样道理, 卖slv 的人越多, 基金需要买越多的silver short contracts, 因此创
造了许多虚拟的silver卖单, silver价格会被打压,"slv"也就越跌,所以越
"SLV" 是赌博工具,不要用股票分析的方法去分析它。
BearGF (莎轩) 于 (Thu May 5 00:06:02 2011, 美东) 提到:
SuperString (小芝麻和小包包他爹) 于 (Thu May 5 00:11:07 2011, 美东) 提到:
SLV is backed up and holds real silver. NOT silver futures contract
laipiou (赖皮狗) 于 (Thu May 5 00:22:52 2011, 美东) 提到:
From yahoo finance on SLV
"Although the fund is not the exact equivalent of an investment in silver,
they provide investors with an alternative that allows a level of
participation in the silver market through the securities market."
aripple (aripple) 于 (Thu May 5 00:25:23 2011, 美东) 提到:
that's my understanding too,
based on SLV prospectus,
BONY is the trustee.
JPM is the custodian.
Shares are issued by Blackrock backed by silver held by custodian.
ETF has nothing to do with “庞氏效应”
updownlife (渔夫) 于 (Thu May 5 00:26:15 2011, 美东) 提到:
yeah, you guys are right.
I mistaken the SLV with the "AGQ"
stlstl (射天狼) 于 (Thu May 5 01:52:58 2011, 美东) 提到:
SuperString (小芝麻和小包包他爹) 于 (Thu May 5 08:51:03 2011, 美东) 提到:
That means you can invest in silver though SLV which is traded in securities
1 (共1页)
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话题: slv话题: etf话题: silver