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_midmom版 - 拖家带口Cancun游
请去过cancun的Xelha水上公园的给点儿建议 (转载)cancun 4日游,谁给推荐应该去哪些地方
正在计划Cancun行程,住在Hotel zone还是Playa del Carmen呢?求推荐Cancun all inclusive hotel
CANCUN tips去过cancun的,问点问题!
谁去过mexico的cancun?Cancun 游记
Christmas 墨西哥cancun征驴友去CANCUN, 是去Chichen Itza, 还是去Tulum+Coba?
去过CANCUN的请说一下, 主要的景点自己开车去可否行?Hola Cancun!之黎明之城Tulum
Cancun tour现在online订,还是到达以后订?Cancun, Mexico, Mid-August
话题: cancun话题: 可可话题: hotel话题: 洛洛话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6501
【 以下文字转载自 PerfectMoms 俱乐部 】
发信人: chimney (烟囱), 信区: PerfectMoms
标 题: 拖家带口Cancun游
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 25 10:14:39 2011, 美东)
二月份的时候,终于熬不住了,book了去cancun的vacation package。 基本上这边键一按,钱欻的飞走,那边立马到HA, Gymboree, Gap, 77Kids, J&J, JCrew, Justice..各个网站 转了一溜够。没完没了的冬天,太打击购物热情了。好不容易找到了借口,提前开始买夏装。 生女娃,不就为了这个moment?想象一下,碧海蓝天,白沙棕榈,matchy matchy, 我老人家热血沸腾。。。
其实到了那里就发现了,想照美美的照片,cancun对我这种级别的照相水平来说,实在不是很合适的地方。穿dress fashion show,应该去paris,或者就是客厅和家里的后院。到了那里,往海边一站,背对大海,面对镜头,头发立刻反向飞扬,我的照片大都用手拢着头发(什么?把头发扎起来?脸盘子比较大,需要头发帮下忙)。小朋友就更不用说了,永远的红彤彤脏兮兮湿漉漉,满身满脸的沙子。
土人如我,想藏肉,follow basic 1 2 3 4:
海边,这些完全不适用。好比吊带小背心,打死我也不可能穿好看呀。bikini? OMG。。。 我咬牙切齿的第N次开始减肥。开始两个星期颇有成效,结果一个周末没扛住,反弹了些。 我算算日子,没两个星期了,算了吧。。。肉这个东西,和咱有深厚感情,减掉那么困难,回来那么容易。自暴自弃了两周,比原来还多了1磅。 sigh。
折腾了这么大一圈儿,终于到了4月份。 日本海啸了核泄漏了,Mexico地震了,娃娃她们还生病了。。。诸事不宜,照常出发。
箱子里装了满满的娃的dress, LD的两条泳裤几件Tshirt(男的就是占便宜,省地方省时间省操心), 和我新买的自以为比较藏肉的适合海边的maxi dress(yinyun, 歪歪你们干嘛不早点讨论这个??)。 辗转10个小时飞机,转机。 Cancun, here we come。
花了太多时间在衣服,减肥,灌水,赶工(yes, I do also work hard sometimes...),结果最重要的调研没有做透彻。出机场就上当了。
刚出关,就有穿制服的工作人员热情的迎上来:Welcome señor! Welcome señorita! Which hotel are you staying? Dreams Cancun? yes yes, Please follow me. 领着我们到两步以外一个desk。 另外两个穿着制服的工作人员,热情的问我们住多久?告诉我们shuttle已经ready了,就等在外面。拿出map热情给我们简单介绍cancun著名的景点。
“Are you planing to go anywhere? We have promotions for tickets here..."
"Yes, Yes, this is our hotel promotion. Just for you to see how good our hotel is."
"Yes, Yes, You don't need to do anything. You come to this hotel to have breakfast tomorrow morning. then they will give you all the tickets to anywhere you want to go"
"Yes, Yes, it is very close to where you live. about 5 minutes. We pay taxi fee. you don't need to do anything"
"Yes, Yes, Yes."
我开始以为是hotel在这里的点,要帮我们运行李的。 等我猛的意识到:这个,是tour guide还是timeshare sales?晚了,LD已经被他们说服,交了135刀,买了去任意三个景点(except xcaret)的tour tickets。。。。
后来我发现, 这些tour guide/sales, 不管是hotel里头的,还是外面街上的,他们的话,除了多少钱以外,都不能信!为了卖tour卖membership,他们说话,尤其是诋毁其他hotel的话,那完全是上嘴皮一碰下嘴皮儿的事。
好比我说, 明天我们plan要去xcaret,不能去你们hotel。
他告诉我:All tour service close at 4:30pm. you are already too late to book tour for tomorrow.
我看看表:4:00pm。到了以后发现, the service close at 8:00pm.
再好比他们告诉我:you don't need to do anything! you just go, have breakfast, and get the tickets.
No No No, 仔细读读小字,上面写着:you have to attend a presentation for 90 minutes.
(And actually, it is much more than 90 minutes! it is a whole morning!)
再再好比,这个Cancun Palace hotel和Dreams Cancun的距离,Palace的人说是5分钟most, Dreams的sale说是40分钟least。 我后来自己估计,大概是15-20分钟。
后续:第二天早上,我们出门去拿票的时候,被这边的sales给截住了。他们苦口婆心的劝说了我们半天,给了250刀的credit补偿,给了10%的tour discount. 我们,最后,没有去那个hotel参加presentation。。。
这个presentation的主题就是:热情洋溢的诚恳亲切的sales苦口婆心的试图说服我们,如果你现在交4万多美刀,加入我们成为club member, 我们就给你好多好多promotion, upgrade, discount, free nights, etc, etc, etc。。。
Dreams Cancun。7 days 6 nights stay。我plan了3个tour。 xCaret, Chichen itza and Tulum。 其他时间,就在resort里头混。
选Dreams Cancun, 除了All Inclusive以外,还因为她在hotel zone拐弯的地方,3面环海,看两岸风景。。。
Dreams有两种房间:ocean view和dolphine view. 我本来一直喜欢dolphin view, 想想看,dolphin时时从窗前跃起,哇哇哇。去了以后发现,还是ocean view更好些。 dolphin view就是面对一个水池子,几只dolphin很安静的在里面逡巡。每天只有swim with dolphin的时间,他们才会被指挥的跳几下。
强烈推荐All Inclusive. 对带着小孩子的家庭来说,实在是peace of mind. 如果你还enjoy喝点cocktail,beer,那就更值了。 游泳池里都有bar台,干净温暖的towl随处可拿。周围每个人都很happy的样子。阳光永远灿烂。只需要enjoy, enjoy, enjoy。。。
A typical hotel day是这样的。
hotel里头有泳池,可以snorkel(hotel提供设备),有kids club, 有球场,有沙滩。
我们家两个,和蓝金子家差不多,经常分开行动。LD陪可可泡泳池,我陪洛洛玩沙子。(后悔没有带sand tool去,花了12刀买了一小套)
至于吃的,对于我这个中国胃来说,I can not complain too much。小朋友很喜欢。有international buffet,有seafood grill, 有japanese restaurent, 每天dinner换一个。唯一的问题是,菜量太小。。。。 shrimp salad,就3个shrimp,围着一小截黄瓜,上面插一片菜叶子。。。。对于在泳池里泡里一天的可可来说,不够塞牙缝的。。。以至于后来,我们上来就要4个appetizer,4个main entree。 汗, 又给中国人民丢人了。
入夜,宝宝们放倒,海风习习,和LD坐在露台上,喝喝小酒,拉拉小手,波光粼粼,海上升明月,天涯共此时。 嗯。。非常的宁静致远。 :)
亦舒笔下女主有一类经典形象:海藻般长发,巴掌大脸,精灵大眼。这个海藻长发,我以为,bbs上,那就是eve美女那样子的。屏幕上,那就是舒淇那个样子的,一直是我xmjdh的目标。到了cancun,尤其是xCaret, hoho, 人人海藻。 高温,潮湿,无风,只要是长发,不海藻也挺难的。:)
票是在hotel买的,xCaret plus, 100出头一张。可可半票,洛洛不要票,包lunch。 相对这么昂贵的票价,这个园子并不算大,可玩的东西其实不能算太多。主要有一个underground 漂游是包括在票价里的,其它比较有趣的活动都有另外交钱。可可最想玩的swim with shark要求8岁,scuba diving要11岁,swim with dolphin我们在hotel里头约了。最后可可和LD订了boat到远处小岛snorkeling
先去漂游。45分钟。我们选了half underground half open的,洛洛全程骑到爸爸身上,还是一路jjww。好不容易上了岸,洛洛就哪里都不肯去了。可可和LD去snorkeling的时候,我抱着洛洛到处乱逛。sigh,这个孩子,真是太娇气了,胆子又小。也就看个海龟看得最兴高彩烈。
等到LD他们玩完我们汇合的时候,四点左右去吃 迟到的午饭。有4个restaurant,随便选。我们去了mexico风格的buffet。包水和饮料,beer只free一人一瓶。 :)
chichen Itza
chichen itza好玩不? NO.
chichen itza值得去不?NO.
我就是这样的爱跟风。旅游的话,著名的有标志性的地方,一定会去。偏偏chichen itza就是这么一个地方。
tour agent说是2个小时的车程,NO, it is more than 3 hours one way.
It is HOT! It is very HOT! It is very very very HOT!
chichen itza不在海边,开了3个多小时鸟不xx的路,才到。灰土地,顶着烈焰兜售叫卖的小贩,脏兮兮趴着摊子边玩耍的孩子,熟悉亲切,好像国内的农贸市场。除了远没有那么热闹。
说实话,对于从有五千年文明的中国来的我们,看惯了长城,天安门广场,对这些也就是1000年不到的建筑,不是很能起敬佩之心。我对这些历史文化,完全是一种猎奇心理。it一定要很伟大很伟大,我才会惊叹。tour guide说埃及金字塔会有这个四倍大。我想象了一下,万里黄沙中间这样一个建筑,惊叹了。
再加上可可洛洛觉得非常的无聊。她们完全完全没有兴趣。可可还可以看看热闹,洛洛就彻底郁闷了。太热了,无处躲无处藏,没有shade,没有任何好玩的东西可以引起她的兴致。直到最后看到一个ice cream的小摊。。。
所以,我们快快拍了到此一游的照片,完成了任务 :)
回到旅馆,可可直接跳到了swiming pool里头。
可可: "NO! but now it is fun。。。"
不知道为什么,Tulum在我心里的印象,就是一个特别漂亮的小岛。所以,坐到bus里头,听tour guide开场白:Tulum is the last mayan site.... 我ft。
可可大叫:Not this mayan history again!!!
Tulum的玛雅人民,显然比chichen itza的玛雅人民,有taste多了。这片mayan temple, 建在海边,漂亮,开阔。虽然小temple没有chichen itza的大,有气势,但是整体构局美丽。
等到参观完site,到山崖边上看海。谁说的来着?Cancun归来不看海? 这个时候,感觉到了。可惜我照不出来。
可可和LD去和海浪搏斗了一会儿,洛洛照常玩沙子。海边只呆了1个小时。 这个是个半天的tour, 3点以前,回hotel吃午饭。
如果cancun只呆一天,我觉得Tulum不错,看到了mayan temple,看到了海。照顾了大人,照顾了孩子。每个人都很happy.
要求可可写游记,可可同学声称,不知道什么是游记,不知道怎么写。"Okay,it is all about what you did, what you like and what you don't like about our trip. " 可可同学的英文流水帐就出笼了。So many "Then" and so many "When". 不过显然,她还没有她老妈那么罗嗦, yet。
My trip to Mexico
On April 14, I went to Mexico! When we went to the desk at the airport, there was a lady. She told us that we would be going to the hotel Dreams in cancun. Then she said: you will be able to pick three places to go to and mommy picked chichen izta, Tulum and xCaret!
When I went to chichen itza, I did not like it. It was so hot and sooo boring. It was about Maya history. I was bored until I found an iguana! That was my favorite part! Our guide said there was a pyramid four times taller than the chichen itza pyramid. Then we saw some other temples. Then ... We got to go swimming in a water well! Then we went back. I had a super time at the water well!
When I went to Tulum it was the same. We also saw a bunch of iguanas. It was a little cooler. When we were done.... We went to the beach! Me and daddy went to go fight the waves. When we fighting there came a big wave and we couldn't get past, and daddy's sunglasses got lost in the waves. Oh. NO! When his sunglass got lost, we started to serach for it but we couldn't find them.. I was very sorry for daddy. After that we started fighting waves all over again. Then we went back home.
The next day, I was so excited because we were going to xCaret. At xCaret you could swim with sharks, stingrays, go scruba diving, snorkling, and swim with...DOPHINS!
I really wanted to go swim the sharks but you had to be eight and older. I was sad. I was only allowed to do swimming with stingrays or go snorkling or swim with dolphins. I chose snorkling because I thought the stingrays would sting me. I didn't go swimming with daophins cause I would do it tomorrow at the hotel! When we went snorkling we had to go on this big boat, put on life jackets and jump in the water. When we were inside the ocean, we saw sea ananomies, seaturtles, starfish, cortes and fish! It was awesome! After that we went to this place where you go on a raft and its a spoocky ride. I saw a big rattle snakes. But the cool part is we got to see deer and a wild boar. Its back was sticking out at us but when we looked back he got scared and hid behind a tree. It was funny! When we were done with that, we were going to go home. I was sad because I was having toooo much fun! we went home anyway.
The next day I went to swim with dolphins. When I felt them I felt so relax. I loved riding on its fin. It was so fantastic. When you feel it, it will feel smooth silky and slippery. I loved the dolphins. The guide told us how to train it! If you put your middle finter and your pointer finger together and wave them like a fan, If you do that it wil whistle.
If you splash water out, then it will splash its its tail.
If you get in a line, hold hands and put them in the air, it will jump over you.
If you wave and say: bye Amigo boy. He will wave his tail bye to you.
After that we went to the hotel to eat. There are all different kinds of places to eat. Like Oceanana, seaside grill, world cafe and Himtsu. My favorate place to eat is the seaside grill. By the seaside grill there is a wedding place. We like to take pictures there. This is one of the pictures we took.
That was last day there. Then we had to pack up and go. That was a very tiring day.
I loved my trip to Mexico.
发帖数: 7647
dear,不要转出来。好不? 因为有照片。 :)
1 (共1页)
Cancun, Mexico, Mid-AugustChristmas 墨西哥cancun征驴友
[合集] Hola Cancun!之黎明之城Tulum6月初开会去Cancun一周,有推荐吗?
cancun旅行计划 求拍去过CANCUN的请说一下, 主要的景点自己开车去可否行?
如果你诚实不装b话Cancun tour现在online订,还是到达以后订?
请去过cancun的Xelha水上公园的给点儿建议 (转载)cancun 4日游,谁给推荐应该去哪些地方
正在计划Cancun行程,住在Hotel zone还是Playa del Carmen呢?求推荐Cancun all inclusive hotel
CANCUN tips去过cancun的,问点问题!
谁去过mexico的cancun?Cancun 游记
话题: cancun话题: 可可话题: hotel话题: 洛洛话题: when