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_darwin版 - 旧破车换买新车可受政府现金补贴“cash-for-clunkers” bill
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事cash for clunkers
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事来看一篇西方人扁AJR的文章
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事 (转载)Failure: ‘Cash For Clunkers’ Cost America $6 Billion in Wasted Money
[征文]纠结于买房代理 buying agent家里还有clunker的赶紧去换钱吧,周末就结束了
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事Interest in Cash for Clunkers sputters
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事提醒用cash for clunker的童鞋
[买车] 有没有trade in的攻略?请教应该自己卖还是trade-in
话题: car话题: old话题: new话题: clunkers话题: family
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10098
I think this “cash-for-clunkers” bill may be interesting to our Chinese
community. If some one has an old car that could be used to trade in and is
planing to buy a new car, he or she might able to benefit from this new
policy. The alternative situation is: if one family has an old car and
another family is buying a new car, the 2 can benefit each other through
swap ( one trades in their old car while buys the new car even though they
don't need to buy it, yet they can transfer the ownership tit
发帖数: 3527
To transfer the vehicle title you will need to pay the sales tax, which is 6
% in my state, for a regular sedan about $20000, the tax is $1200.
Also, what happen to the family with old car? Since he/she had already
traded in the old car (should be a old van or SUV so that its MPG will be
lower than 18mpg), and sold the new car to the other family, he/she will
leave no car/van/sedan to drive. No too many family have an extra van/SUV
standing there.
It is just not practical and make no sense.


【在 S*******s 的大作中提到】
: I think this “cash-for-clunkers” bill may be interesting to our Chinese
: community. If some one has an old car that could be used to trade in and is
: planing to buy a new car, he or she might able to benefit from this new
: policy. The alternative situation is: if one family has an old car and
: another family is buying a new car, the 2 can benefit each other through
: swap ( one trades in their old car while buys the new car even though they
: don't need to buy it, yet they can transfer the ownership tit

发帖数: 10098
You have a good point. This bill may only be good for a family that owns an
old and is buying a new.
I bought a new car in 2007 and am trying to get rid of the old clunker.
Could donate it out.


【在 s*****g 的大作中提到】
: To transfer the vehicle title you will need to pay the sales tax, which is 6
: % in my state, for a regular sedan about $20000, the tax is $1200.
: Also, what happen to the family with old car? Since he/she had already
: traded in the old car (should be a old van or SUV so that its MPG will be
: lower than 18mpg), and sold the new car to the other family, he/she will
: leave no car/van/sedan to drive. No too many family have an extra van/SUV
: standing there.
: It is just not practical and make no sense.
: is

1 (共1页)
请教应该自己卖还是trade-in[征文]纠结于买房代理 buying agent
其实我还是喜欢大切 不过 现在好像二手大切不多[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事
Buffet牛呀[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事
美国是个从里到外,欺软怕硬的国家[买车] 有没有trade in的攻略?
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事cash for clunkers
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事来看一篇西方人扁AJR的文章
[征文]我和买房代理(buying agent)不得不说的故事 (转载)Failure: ‘Cash For Clunkers’ Cost America $6 Billion in Wasted Money
话题: car话题: old话题: new话题: clunkers话题: family