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_ZST版 - Last Day of the Last Furlough
A Boy in France这是什么逻辑:White House, Congress agree on something: Back-pay for federal workers
Glory, Glory what a helluva way to dieUC Plans Employee Salary Reductions
Soft-Boiled SergeantShut down了,转篇文章看看哪些可以做,哪些做不了了
Furlough Watch: Potential Agency-by-Agency Impacts of Sequestration转贴 日本福岛核危机升级过程
大咪咪喜讯--喜大普奔,裁员大潮滚滚而来大难临头美航母领跑 中国包机撤侨 日本大疏散
What You Can and Can't Do During the Government Shutdown别犹豫!你也可去试试应征多伦多警队中的华人警长
H-1Bs Exempt From Furloughs在美中国学生宿舍身亡 微博称极度疲劳疑过劳死(图)
话题: last话题: day话题: furlough话题: his话题: brown
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 315
J. D. Salinger
Last Day of the Last Furlough
Saturday Evening Post CCXVII, July 15 1944, pages 26-27, 61-62, 64
TECHNICAL SERGEANT John F. Gladwaller, Jr., ASN 32325200, had on a pair of
gray-flannel slacks, a white shirt with the collar open, Argyle socks, brown
brogues and a dark brown hat with a black band. He had his feet up on his
desk, a pack of cigarettes within reach, and any minute his mother was coming
in with a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk.
Books were all over the floor
1 (共1页)
FBI接手北大女硕士失联案 已查到涉案车辆信息What You Can and Can't Do During the Government Shutdown
Pay rate is here Re: 美军是从哪里招募来的?H-1Bs Exempt From Furloughs
美国感叹今非昔比 中国无人机不再落后西方十年(图) 环球网美国劳工部82%,国土安全部14%的员工furlough
A Boy in France这是什么逻辑:White House, Congress agree on something: Back-pay for federal workers
Glory, Glory what a helluva way to dieUC Plans Employee Salary Reductions
Soft-Boiled SergeantShut down了,转篇文章看看哪些可以做,哪些做不了了
Furlough Watch: Potential Agency-by-Agency Impacts of Sequestration转贴 日本福岛核危机升级过程
话题: last话题: day话题: furlough话题: his话题: brown