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_ZST版 - A Sand County Almanac
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 1)Happy!
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 2)Kishore Mahbubani 的电视辩论
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 3)键盘鼠标 推荐?
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 4)我的痛苦历史,关于linkedin pip
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 5)不知这是不是大家所说的冬枣啊?
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 6)中国学生留美一百五十年 z (转载)
A Sand County Almanac (interlude)农牧业的多中心起源
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 7)美军大冬天穿夏装,是谁的责任?请李奇微回答
话题: county话题: sand话题: almanac话题: wild话题: things
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
THERE are some who can live without wild things, and
some who cannot. These essays are the delights and
dilemmas of one who cannot.
Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted
until progress began to do away with them. Now we face the
question whether a still higher 'standard of living' is worth its
cost in things natural, wild, and free.
By Aldo Leopold (1887-1948)
1 (共1页)
美军大冬天穿夏装,是谁的责任?请李奇微回答A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 5)
长津湖战役战果计算是需要考虑一个因素A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 6)
80-20出来摘桃子了A Sand County Almanac (interlude)
人还是不能战胜自然A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 7)
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 1)Happy!
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 2)Kishore Mahbubani 的电视辩论
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 3)键盘鼠标 推荐?
A Sand County Almanac (excerpt 4)我的痛苦历史,关于linkedin pip
话题: county话题: sand话题: almanac话题: wild话题: things