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_TexasHoldem版 - 俺也来把AA的牌
why he bet that much on the river?what would you do?
this hand感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
Bigmao:This is why I am one of the best :-) --- $2250 HU SNtoughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is me
favorite hand tonightI think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)
comment on this hand plswhat can I say?!
river semi bluff or not( this one I decide do it which is wrong)call or fold!
sick beat系统要算计任何人的时候任何人一点办法都没有
FOLD aa SO QUICK!为什么我偷机就被抓
话题: seat话题: hero话题: fold话题: call话题: neonic
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1153
Seat 1: Neonic ($226.20 in chips)
Seat 2: tweemb ($246.75 in chips)
Seat 3: lilbebi ($398.75 in chips)
Seat 4: berentn ($198 in chips)
Seat 6: Hero ($694.65 in chips)
berentn: posts small blind $1
bait455: is sitting out
Hero : posts big blind $2
Dealt to Hero [ As Ac ]
RAISE Neonic, $3 to $5
FOLD tweemb
CALL lilbebi, $5
FOLD berentn
RAISE Hero , $19 to $24
CALL Neonic, $19
CALL lilbebi, $19
Flop: (Pot: $73)
[ 7c Ts 9h ]
BET Hero , $59
FOLD Neonic
Queento joins the table
发帖数: 399

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: 从俺blog里面挑的
: Seat 1: Neonic ($226.20 in chips)
: Seat 2: tweemb ($246.75 in chips)
: Seat 3: lilbebi ($398.75 in chips)
: Seat 4: berentn ($198 in chips)
: Seat 6: Hero ($694.65 in chips)
: berentn: posts small blind $1
: bait455: is sitting out
: Hero : posts big blind $2
: Holecards:

发帖数: 15860
guess you would have to fire again and probe bet about 2/3 pot here to see
his strength.
1) on the flop, he either hits something, or puts you on a cbet with missed
2 high cards. rainbow flop, so his hand range includes:
* on a draw (JQs alike) or AT or JJ alike.
* a set? always possible but you need to find out.
* 2 pair like 9T? most likely he'll raise on flop. he's a regular so you
know better if his pre-flop call with this hand is possible.
anyway, he's waiting to see your action on the turn

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: 从俺blog里面挑的
: Seat 1: Neonic ($226.20 in chips)
: Seat 2: tweemb ($246.75 in chips)
: Seat 3: lilbebi ($398.75 in chips)
: Seat 4: berentn ($198 in chips)
: Seat 6: Hero ($694.65 in chips)
: berentn: posts small blind $1
: bait455: is sitting out
: Hero : posts big blind $2
: Holecards:

发帖数: 1934
我会继续raise....push him allin..

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: 从俺blog里面挑的
: Seat 1: Neonic ($226.20 in chips)
: Seat 2: tweemb ($246.75 in chips)
: Seat 3: lilbebi ($398.75 in chips)
: Seat 4: berentn ($198 in chips)
: Seat 6: Hero ($694.65 in chips)
: berentn: posts small blind $1
: bait455: is sitting out
: Hero : posts big blind $2
: Holecards:

发帖数: 1153
so do you fold to a push on the turn?
if you bet he just call, do you check/call or check/fold river?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: guess you would have to fire again and probe bet about 2/3 pot here to see
: his strength.
: 1) on the flop, he either hits something, or puts you on a cbet with missed
: 2 high cards. rainbow flop, so his hand range includes:
: * on a draw (JQs alike) or AT or JJ alike.
: * a set? always possible but you need to find out.
: * 2 pair like 9T? most likely he'll raise on flop. he's a regular so you
: know better if his pre-flop call with this hand is possible.
: anyway, he's waiting to see your action on the turn

发帖数: 1153
stack is deep, are you saying you want to overbet shove on the turn? it woul
d be like 2x pot size bet.

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: 我会继续raise....push him allin..
发帖数: 15860
if he pushes back on the turn, i would fold.
if he calls, i'll check on river and fold to any decent bet. chances that he
calls 3 bets all the way with a weak pair are just too low, let alone
pushing back on the river.
AA vs. a regular, after 2 smooth calls, out of position, with deep stacks...
is just a weird situation.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: so do you fold to a push on the turn?
: if you bet he just call, do you check/call or check/fold river?
: missed
: here

发帖数: 1153
en, looks good to me. i check called the K and check fold a Q river. still d
ebating between check/call and bet/fold on the turn...


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: if he pushes back on the turn, i would fold.
: if he calls, i'll check on river and fold to any decent bet. chances that he
: calls 3 bets all the way with a weak pair are just too low, let alone
: pushing back on the river.
: AA vs. a regular, after 2 smooth calls, out of position, with deep stacks...
: is just a weird situation.

发帖数: 15860
i wouldn't. overplaying overpair, TPTK alike out of position is kind of too


【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: stack is deep, are you saying you want to overbet shove on the turn? it woul
: d be like 2x pot size bet.

发帖数: 15860
hehe, just saw that, according to harrington's new cash game book, your
betting pattern (bet-bet-check-?) perfectly fits a typical TP hand.
nice laydown i guess, with that river Q/all-in, too many playable hands (pre
-flop) will get you.


【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: en, looks good to me. i check called the K and check fold a Q river. still d
: ebating between check/call and bet/fold on the turn...
: he
: ..

river semi bluff or not( this one I decide do it which is wrong)what would you do?
sick beat感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
FOLD aa SO QUICK!toughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is me
发帖数: 1153
how's the book?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: hehe, just saw that, according to harrington's new cash game book, your
: betting pattern (bet-bet-check-?) perfectly fits a typical TP hand.
: nice laydown i guess, with that river Q/all-in, too many playable hands (pre
: -flop) will get you.
: d

发帖数: 15860
only read about 100 pages so far, but i like them (two books), personally i
think it's better than his famous bible like tourney books.
i was kind of hesitant when buying it because i was waiting for Ed Miller's
volume 2 of "professional no-limit hold'em", which at that time i thought it
's the best one. but now i'm glad this series is better, at least for me.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: how's the book?
: pre

发帖数: 1153
good, guess i'll get one too


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: only read about 100 pages so far, but i like them (two books), personally i
: think it's better than his famous bible like tourney books.
: i was kind of hesitant when buying it because i was waiting for Ed Miller's
: volume 2 of "professional no-limit hold'em", which at that time i thought it
: 's the best one. but now i'm glad this series is better, at least for me.

发帖数: 715
any PP 7 or above can justify call your cbet. i guess bet 1/2 pot to
further find out.
发帖数: 15860
for me, i'm sick of myself making repeated mistakes without notice, or
getting "lucky" once in a while in marginal situations. i need to adjust to
some reasonable and serious strategies to control my play.

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: good, guess i'll get one too
: i
: s
: it

发帖数: 1934
你就bet 100BB,他只能shove。。。


【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: stack is deep, are you saying you want to overbet shove on the turn? it woul
: d be like 2x pot size bet.

1 (共1页)
为什么我偷机就被抓comment on this hand pls
hell what can I do?river semi bluff or not( this one I decide do it which is wrong)
2 hands in a row( vs a donkey)sick beat
out of position how to play QQ bf flop vs a crazy image guy.FOLD aa SO QUICK!
why he bet that much on the river?what would you do?
this hand感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
Bigmao:This is why I am one of the best :-) --- $2250 HU SNtoughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is me
favorite hand tonightI think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)
话题: seat话题: hero话题: fold话题: call话题: neonic