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_TexasHoldem版 - Some hands played and thoughts after tonight
Good play, bad play, or just lucky?德州扑克在中国
Don't let downswing bother youtough to tell what he had?
naked bluff.horrible player
donkey pro or what?two hands
第一次胜利2 bad plays today
tough one.Q
2 hands I played todaythe biggest difference between real money and play money
KA包子: poker quiz (转载)
话题: some话题: called话题: guy话题: korean话题: thoughts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 85
Short handed 40/80 must move game. Opponents are all passive, either tight
or loose, my favor game.
1. a korean donkey raised UTG, loose old guy (at the time, have no clue at
all about this guy), I called the button with KQ space. Didn't 3-bets there
because I knew the Korean so well who is easy to manipulate. My hand is good
and have position, and was so confident about the hand. One of blinds
called and we 4 see flop. flop came K56 with 2 diamonds, all check to me, I
bet. 2 folds and old guy c
发帖数: 1168
like your last words.


【在 z*****g 的大作中提到】
: Short handed 40/80 must move game. Opponents are all passive, either tight
: or loose, my favor game.
: 1. a korean donkey raised UTG, loose old guy (at the time, have no clue at
: all about this guy), I called the button with KQ space. Didn't 3-bets there
: because I knew the Korean so well who is easy to manipulate. My hand is good
: and have position, and was so confident about the hand. One of blinds
: called and we 4 see flop. flop came K56 with 2 diamonds, all check to me, I
: bet. 2 folds and old guy c

发帖数: 15860
good, thanks for sharing!


【在 z*****g 的大作中提到】
: Short handed 40/80 must move game. Opponents are all passive, either tight
: or loose, my favor game.
: 1. a korean donkey raised UTG, loose old guy (at the time, have no clue at
: all about this guy), I called the button with KQ space. Didn't 3-bets there
: because I knew the Korean so well who is easy to manipulate. My hand is good
: and have position, and was so confident about the hand. One of blinds
: called and we 4 see flop. flop came K56 with 2 diamonds, all check to me, I
: bet. 2 folds and old guy c

发帖数: 3277
actually no limit is also largely a matter of math, the art mostly comes
in hand reading and how to manipulate opps IMO.


【在 z*****g 的大作中提到】
: Short handed 40/80 must move game. Opponents are all passive, either tight
: or loose, my favor game.
: 1. a korean donkey raised UTG, loose old guy (at the time, have no clue at
: all about this guy), I called the button with KQ space. Didn't 3-bets there
: because I knew the Korean so well who is easy to manipulate. My hand is good
: and have position, and was so confident about the hand. One of blinds
: called and we 4 see flop. flop came K56 with 2 diamonds, all check to me, I
: bet. 2 folds and old guy c

1 (共1页)
包子: poker quiz (转载)第一次胜利
read on opponenttough one.
worst bad beat I ever met.2 hands I played today
Poker vs stockKA
Good play, bad play, or just lucky?德州扑克在中国
Don't let downswing bother youtough to tell what he had?
naked bluff.horrible player
donkey pro or what?two hands
话题: some话题: called话题: guy话题: korean话题: thoughts