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_TexasHoldem版 - AA again
QQ vs short stack.周三的一手牌
bluff or not?pocket 10s
if you run into a guy who is really lucky.I find one stats is critical for our game
QQ vs ?? bf flopKK vs possilbe set
AQ flopped A, how to play?funny hand
fold or all-in?99 heads up
KA out of positionone interesting hand on line
话题: aa话题: lady话题: guy话题: flop话题: raised
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
none of my business, but all happened so funny.
1) lady A bet $12 pre-flop, all folded (no one could beat her luck or
even dared to try), guy B raised to $50. lady re-raised to $100, guy B went
all-in in a second ($270), lady A called.
damn, guy B, looked like a normal/tight/quiet guy, showed KJo!!! well, the
intention to bluff might be good, but at the wrong time and against the
wrong player, lady A showed AA!
guy B hit a J on flop and that's it, he got busted out. lady A was so proud
("i'm the
发帖数: 275


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: none of my business, but all happened so funny.
: 1) lady A bet $12 pre-flop, all folded (no one could beat her luck or
: even dared to try), guy B raised to $50. lady re-raised to $100, guy B went
: all-in in a second ($270), lady A called.
: damn, guy B, looked like a normal/tight/quiet guy, showed KJo!!! well, the
: intention to bluff might be good, but at the wrong time and against the
: wrong player, lady A showed AA!
: guy B hit a J on flop and that's it, he got busted out. lady A was so proud
: ("i'm the

发帖数: 753


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: none of my business, but all happened so funny.
: 1) lady A bet $12 pre-flop, all folded (no one could beat her luck or
: even dared to try), guy B raised to $50. lady re-raised to $100, guy B went
: all-in in a second ($270), lady A called.
: damn, guy B, looked like a normal/tight/quiet guy, showed KJo!!! well, the
: intention to bluff might be good, but at the wrong time and against the
: wrong player, lady A showed AA!
: guy B hit a J on flop and that's it, he got busted out. lady A was so proud
: ("i'm the

发帖数: 3277
ok, just had AA a moment ago in an on line game, I bought in 60 bb to test
water. a guy in MP1 opened for 4 bb, I had AA in sb, so I reraised 3 bets,
which is 12 bb, bb called, the flop was K74 rainbow, so I am happy
and bet 2/3 pot to commit to this pot and induce some bad calls, bb folded
and the mp1 raiser raised me all in, I called instantly cause it was
an easy call and he showed K4s and eventually won the pot...a typical
on line silly raise and call, which got lucky.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: none of my business, but all happened so funny.
: 1) lady A bet $12 pre-flop, all folded (no one could beat her luck or
: even dared to try), guy B raised to $50. lady re-raised to $100, guy B went
: all-in in a second ($270), lady A called.
: damn, guy B, looked like a normal/tight/quiet guy, showed KJo!!! well, the
: intention to bluff might be good, but at the wrong time and against the
: wrong player, lady A showed AA!
: guy B hit a J on flop and that's it, he got busted out. lady A was so proud
: ("i'm the

发帖数: 15860
cash game AA的确是个很可能惹大麻烦的手,尤其是别人很可能拿掉了你另外的个把A

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: ok, just had AA a moment ago in an on line game, I bought in 60 bb to test
: water. a guy in MP1 opened for 4 bb, I had AA in sb, so I reraised 3 bets,
: which is 12 bb, bb called, the flop was K74 rainbow, so I am happy
: and bet 2/3 pot to commit to this pot and induce some bad calls, bb folded
: and the mp1 raiser raised me all in, I called instantly cause it was
: an easy call and he showed K4s and eventually won the pot...a typical
: on line silly raise and call, which got lucky.
: went
: proud

发帖数: 15860

【在 K****2 的大作中提到】
: 都是命啊
: went
: proud

发帖数: 839
俺们村里 4/8 limit game, AA gets $50 bonus if crushed. Everybody seems happy
with the new rules.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 其实都是业余选手的忘乎所以......牌局盘盘新。
发帖数: 3277
as long as you make the implied odds less than 1:8, you are a huge favorate
in the long run. low pairs need at least 1:8 implied odds
to call to break even (actually they need something higher, cause
their trip may run into your top trips).
Against two rags, even if they hit two pairs, you
still have a lot of odds to outdraw them.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: cash game AA的确是个很可能惹大麻烦的手,尤其是别人很可能拿掉了你另外的个把A
: ,或者没有position...flop之前搞大了可能是竹篮子,不是竹篮子跟你硬扛的往往也
: 很有货色。不搞大吧,看flop的投机份子多。flop翻开来后,AA真是命运难卜......很
: 多人喜欢在AA上跟人赌气,结果损失惨重。

1 (共1页)
one interesting hand on lineQQ vs ?? bf flop
another hand on Friday.AQ flopped A, how to play?
all in momeny.fold or all-in?
Poket AAKA out of position
QQ vs short stack.周三的一手牌
bluff or not?pocket 10s
if you run into a guy who is really lucky.I find one stats is critical for our game
话题: aa话题: lady话题: guy话题: flop话题: raised