

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
_TexasHoldem版 - reading your opponent.
Got set.read on opponent
KK vs possilbe setchip绝对领先的情况下如何head-up?
trips2 interesting hand last night.
tough spotanother two hands tonight
it is nobody here?2.27%!
intereting handtwo pairs.
which case has more probablitis俺最不喜欢的牌
包子: poker quiz (转载)pocket JJ
话题: he话题: flop话题: his话题: flush话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
1. case (1)
NL 200 game.
got pocket QQ bet 20$, one loose guy call in front of me.
flop J 3 9 two heart,
he saw his cards again, and shaked the cards, showed to his neighbour and
checked to me. I bet 40$ . to my surprise he said all in ( 300$ totally) .
Should I call or just fold.
2. case(2)
I got QhAd in late position, called 20$ before flop.
flop is Qd10d3d, everybody check, I got position and top pair and nut flush
so i bet 30$ to test .
only one guy called , his image is ok.
turn not
发帖数: 1873
still no reply.
nobody has idea.
in fact I both called.
发帖数: 12430
i would call on the first one but fold the second.
call on first just to see the cards. =)
the second one sounds like to me he most likely has flush so i'd fold.
what was the result?

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: still no reply.
: nobody has idea.
: in fact I both called.

发帖数: 1248


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1. case (1)
: NL 200 game.
: got pocket QQ bet 20$, one loose guy call in front of me.
: flop J 3 9 two heart,
: he saw his cards again, and shaked the cards, showed to his neighbour and
: checked to me. I bet 40$ . to my surprise he said all in ( 300$ totally) .
: Should I call or just fold.
: 2. case(2)
: I got QhAd in late position, called 20$ before flop.
: flop is Qd10d3d, everybody check, I got position and top pair and nut flush

发帖数: 1248


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1. case (1)
: NL 200 game.
: got pocket QQ bet 20$, one loose guy call in front of me.
: flop J 3 9 two heart,
: he saw his cards again, and shaked the cards, showed to his neighbour and
: checked to me. I bet 40$ . to my surprise he said all in ( 300$ totally) .
: Should I call or just fold.
: 2. case(2)
: I got QhAd in late position, called 20$ before flop.
: flop is Qd10d3d, everybody check, I got position and top pair and nut flush

发帖数: 1873
after he saw the flop, he shaked his cards and show to his neighbour.
This is a big hint that he got a very good hand bf flop but missed the flop.
(if you have a monster hand , you normally won't show to others, because
you don't need to disclose your info to the opponent)
so I put him on flush draw, and called. He showed AK.
his overbet on the river is very suspious, if he really got flush. (
if he got small flush he won't let me to see a free card on the turn when he
is out of positio
发帖数: 7014


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1.
: after he saw the flop, he shaked his cards and show to his neighbour.
: This is a big hint that he got a very good hand bf flop but missed the flop.
: (if you have a monster hand , you normally won't show to others, because
: you don't need to disclose your info to the opponent)
: so I put him on flush draw, and called. He showed AK.
: 2.
: his overbet on the river is very suspious, if he really got flush. (
: if he got small flush he won't let me to see a free card on the turn when he
: is out of positio

发帖数: 1248


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1.
: after he saw the flop, he shaked his cards and show to his neighbour.
: This is a big hint that he got a very good hand bf flop but missed the flop.
: (if you have a monster hand , you normally won't show to others, because
: you don't need to disclose your info to the opponent)
: so I put him on flush draw, and called. He showed AK.
: 2.
: his overbet on the river is very suspious, if he really got flush. (
: if he got small flush he won't let me to see a free card on the turn when he
: is out of positio

发帖数: 1873
These two hands I played in commerce .
And all the hand and money were real.
发帖数: 1873
if you mean I played play money different way ,
of couse, because no pressure at all.
发帖数: 868
your analysis on the first hand is different from what I thought. I thought
he may be showing off his J9 to his friend. But I think your reasoning makes
more sense. people tend to hide their monster hand.
if a person that seldom talks raises preflop and starts to joke around, be
careful. he may be holding pocket A's or something. some people have that
change when flopping a monster, too.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: 1.
: after he saw the flop, he shaked his cards and show to his neighbour.
: This is a big hint that he got a very good hand bf flop but missed the flop.
: (if you have a monster hand , you normally won't show to others, because
: you don't need to disclose your info to the opponent)
: so I put him on flush draw, and called. He showed AK.
: 2.
: his overbet on the river is very suspious, if he really got flush. (
: if he got small flush he won't let me to see a free card on the turn when he
: is out of positio

1 (共1页)
pocket JJit is nobody here?
KA late positionintereting hand
第一次去vegas打牌which case has more probablitis
another one in commerce包子: poker quiz (转载)
Got set.read on opponent
KK vs possilbe setchip绝对领先的情况下如何head-up?
trips2 interesting hand last night.
tough spotanother two hands tonight
话题: he话题: flop话题: his话题: flush话题: got