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_Stockcafeteria版 - SP 这个大SB 可能残了。
Fed to buy $32 bln in Treasury debt in next month看这个飞刀
大家烧LVS了吗?yge居然泛绿了 (转载)
我觉得现在还是轻仓比较好 (转载)SNV被Downgrade了
FT, didn't add MBIYGE worth attention
MBI 盘后跳水?MOS, POT等今天下跌什么原因?
我现在的操作Moody's downgraded Greece
话题: us话题: debt话题: downgrade话题: its话题: agency
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3883
SP(信用评级机构)的信用 将受质疑。
S&P's $2 Trillion Error Didn't Change Rating Cut Decision
Posted By: Steve Liesman | Senior Economics Reporter
CNBC.com | 06 Aug 2011 | 01:05 AM ET
Told they had a $2 trillion error in their calculation of US deficits over a
10-year period, Standard and Poor’s scrambled in the afternoon Friday to
reconsider its historic decision to downgrade the United States government.
Sources familiar with the situation say S&P had to rouse several of its
European committee members from bed to hold an emergency conference call as
markets headed toward their close in the US.
The outcome: the agency affirmed the decision the committee had made just
that morning, yanking its triple-A rating from the United States and
downgrading it one notch to AA+.
The error and the time the ratings agency took to reconsider its downgrade
are among the controversies surrounding the ultimate decision to downgrade
the United States, which has held the agency’s top triple-A rating since
Also at issue is whether the new data shows the US eventually meeting the S&
P’s criteria of a sustainable deficit level and whether the agency should
have included state and local government debt in its rating of US sovereign
debt. Neither side provided the data Friday evening that was at issue.
What is not at issue is that sometime in the early afternoon Friday, S&P
informed the US Treasury that its committee had decided to downgrade US
sovereign debt. Ratings agencies typically inform issuers of their decision
before a press release is issued. But US officials quickly noticed an error
in the agency’s calculations. This resulted in a change in the projected
debt to GDP ratio. Instead of the 87 percent in 2021 miscalculated by S&P,
it should have been 79 percent, a roughly $2 trillion mistake.
Neither side disputes the error.
But there are different versions of how long S&P then took after learning of
its mistake to reconsider its downgrade. One source familiar with thinking
inside the government says officials were stunned when S&P returned just an
hour or two later and told them they were going ahead with the downgrade
despite the mistake. The source says this suggested the agency was committed
to the downgrade regardless of the data. The source adds that the new data
showed the US achieving a sustainable deficit in the ten-year window.
Yet, a person familiar with the thinking in S&P said the agency took
considerably more time and carefully considered the new information. It went
to great lengths to convene its entire committee and consider the matter.
This person says the conclusion was the same: while the rate of the growth
in debt slowed and was lower than first calculated, it never stopped growing
and became sustainable, the criteria by which S&P had said last month it
would judge the US. It had said it was looking for $4 trillion of cuts but
the debt ceiling deal produced only about $2.7 trillion.
S&P did not release data with its press release on Friday. But Amid the
controversy, it put out a statement after midnight saying that it's primary
focus in judging creditworthiness is 3 to 5 years, not 10 years.
In that time frame, the error only added 2 percentage points to the debt to
GDP tatio, or about $350 billion. "The primary focus remained on the current
level of debt, the trajectory of debt as a share of the economy, and the
lack of apparent willingness of elected officials as a group to deal with
the U.S. medium term fiscal outlook," the statement said. "None of these key
factors was meaningfully affected by the assumption revisions ..."
What the data will show is that S&P’s review of the United State sovereign
debt includes state and local debt. This is commonplace around the world
because in many countries local debt is centralized through the national
government. But government sources say this is not the case in the US
because state and local municipalities have their own political and taxing
authority to raise debt. No deal in Washington can change the amount of
state and local debt issued or retired.
S&P contends that it’s appropriate when judging the creditworthiness of a
country to include all the government debt since its all paid by the same
taxpayers. Still, it acknowledges that its methodology means an additional 1
percentage point of debt to GDP when compared to calculating just the
Federal government alone.
S&P says it had ample time to consider the situation, even though a deal to
raise the debt ceiling was only struck on Tuesday. Sources familiar with the
matter say Treasury officials wonder what the rush was and question whether
the ratings agency had sufficient time to crunch the data. They suggested
the error made by the agency shows it did not.
© 2011 CNBC.com
发帖数: 3883
发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: SP 降级 没有影响
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 5 22:02:30 2011, 美东)
Fed, FDIC won't change Treasurys treatment ( SP = SB)
发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: 赌吧!! 下周一 是涨还是跌!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 5 22:17:22 2011, 美东)
发帖数: 3883
Buffett to FBN: S&P Downgrade 'Doesn't Make Sense'
Warren Buffett told the FOX Business Network that S&P's downgrade of the
United States' triple-A credit rating "doesn't make sense."
"I don't get it," Buffett told FBN late Friday night. In fact, Buffett
reaffirmed his belief in the quality of the United States' credit telling
FBN, "In Omaha, the U.S. is still triple A. In fact, if there were a
quadruple-A rating, I'd give the U.S. that."
Buffett told me tonight that Berkshire Hathaway's T-bill exposure is
"We just filed our 10Q and we have $47 billion in cash and cash equivalents.
Well over $40 billion of it is in short end T-bills. (Tonight's S&P
downgrade) doesn't tempt me to sell. We'll stay right there."
Buffett sounded no alarm bells about the downgrade, going so far as to say
it wouldn't have much effect on the markets Monday. "If nothing else takes
place, meaning, if all other variables hold and there isn't say, a new
problem in Europe, it won't make any difference."
"Think about it. The U.S., to my knowledge owes no money in currency other
than the U.S. dollar, which it can print at will. Now if you're talking
about inflation, that's a different question."
When asked if he felt the U.S. deserved the downgrade, Buffett said, "No."
He took a swipe at S&P, quipping, "Remember, this is the same group that
downgraded Berkshire."
The downgrade has prompted some economists and market watchers to warn that
interest rates may rise, the dollar may weaken and stocks could see a sell-
off. When asked whether he was worried about market gyrations Monday,
Buffett said, "No."
Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2011/08/05/buffett-to-fbn-sp-downgrade-doesnt-make-sense/#ixzz1UFEAnZMb
发帖数: 17839
1 (共1页)
Moody's downgraded Greece我觉得现在还是轻仓比较好 (转载)
今天涨幅前30名中有5家regional bank, (转载)FT, didn't add MBI
今天的金融还是不强MBI 盘后跳水?
Fed to buy $32 bln in Treasury debt in next month看这个飞刀
大家烧LVS了吗?yge居然泛绿了 (转载)
话题: us话题: debt话题: downgrade话题: its话题: agency