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_LGBT_News版 - 英国国会将举办同性婚礼
Prop 8 Case Could Be TelevisedDC city council投票通过婚姻平等提案
NJ: No to Marriage, Yes to MarijuanaWhat Love is This?(43) 韦斯敏斯德信条的政治本质
D.C. 3月2日就可以结婚了Russian Parliament to Consider Ban Against Gay Propaganda
麻省的参议员补选,民主党可能失手!!!! (转载)今天,D.C.可以正式举行同性婚姻
Hate-Crime Indictments in Gay Bashing华盛顿邮报头版发布男同亲吻照片引起争议
Iowa Republicans Strike at Gay Marriage许多西方民主国家没 term limit, 英国就没有。
Lawmaker: Gay Marriage Against Public PolicyGoff supports Norman over China clash
话题: parliament话题: speaker话题: uk话题: house话题: civil
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19713
Gay Weddings Coming to UK Parliament
By Julie Bolcer
House of Commonsx390 (Tom Corser) | Advocate.com
The speaker of the house of commons said Thursday that he believes the UK
parliament is on track to host its first-ever civil partnership ceremony
before May.
Speaker John Bercrow told journalists after a lunch in London that he was “
optimistic,” according to Bloomberg.
Recently, the speaker issued a recommendation for allowing civil
partnerships to take place in parliament's Palace of Westmins
1 (共1页)
Goff supports Norman over China clash麻省的参议员补选,民主党可能失手!!!! (转载)
真是太能恶搞了,到现在还没搞清楚诺奖是怎么回事 :)Hate-Crime Indictments in Gay Bashing
拜登访中 美再促北京释放高智晟Iowa Republicans Strike at Gay Marriage
李毅:不仅要从精神上、可能还要从肉体上消灭右派Lawmaker: Gay Marriage Against Public Policy
Prop 8 Case Could Be TelevisedDC city council投票通过婚姻平等提案
NJ: No to Marriage, Yes to MarijuanaWhat Love is This?(43) 韦斯敏斯德信条的政治本质
D.C. 3月2日就可以结婚了Russian Parliament to Consider Ban Against Gay Propaganda
话题: parliament话题: speaker话题: uk话题: house话题: civil