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_K12版 - [合集] What can you do to prepare your child for school? (转载
[合集] 提供一个gift idea for teachers[合集] Take me to your heart 吻别
What can you do to prepare your child for school?[合集] 你们带孩子看过how do you train your dragon吗?
[合集] 我是这么启发儿子思考问题的[合集] 你们带孩子看过how do you train your dragon吗?
[合集] 大家再搞个教育家长的书单吧[合集] You love your mom because
[合集] 嚎一声[合集] 这个do your best
[合集] 情绪的宣泄[合集] 7岁女孩什么生日礼物比较好
[合集] 推体育[合集] 儿子昨天写的流水帐journal
[合集] Take your kids to work Day[合集] 丽华体狗屁不通不雅韵。。。诗歌。。。一首
话题: what话题: prepare
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4908
aily (节网中) 于 (Fri Jul 23 17:05:25 2010, 美东) 提到:
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: aily (节网中), 信区: Parenting
标 题: What can you do to prepare your child for school?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 23 17:05:14 2010, 美东)
1 Make reading with your child part of your daily routine.
2 When reading with your child, stop periodically to discuss the content of
the text and pictures. This promotes reading comprehension.
3 After reading a story with your child, immediately engage them in
retelling the story (with your support).
4 Provide a wide variety of books.
5 Make a special place for books in your child’s room.
6 Obtain a library card for your child.
7 Give your child books as presents.
8 Encourage your child to draw pictures and tell a story about their
9 Accept your child’s pretend reading.
10 Point out print in the environment (signs, cereal boxes).
11 Make signs and labels for objects.
12 Provide materials (crayons, pencils, paper) and a space for writing.
13 Provide opportunities for your child to scribble and draw. Scribbling is
early writing.
14 Have a place to display your child’s writing efforts.
15 Provide magnetic letters for your child to practice forming words.
16 Let your child see you write and read.
17 Encourage your child to recognize their first name in print.
18 Allow your child the opportunity to practice writing their name with the
first letter capitalized and the remaining letters in lowercase.
19 Sing familiar songs.
20 Teach your child nursery rhymes.
21 Focus on your child’s strengths and celebrate their accomplishments.
22 Set up a routine or sequence for personal care and other daily routines.
23 Talk with your child about what interests him or her.
24 Use open-ended questions that have more than one answer such as “What do
you think?” “How would you feel?”
25 Encourage language development by listening carefully to your child and
encouraging two-sided conversations.
26 Play rhyming games.
27 Get down on eye level and show your interest.
28 Encourage other family members to listen.
29 Provide age appropriate toys that require thinking. This includes puzzles
, blocks, or sorting toys.
30 Foster creativity.
31 Provide experiences with scissors such as cutting pictures from a
32 Provide opportunities to use crayons, markers, pencils, and glue.
33 Save scraps, bits, boxes and other things from around the house to use
for building and other creative experiences.
34 Let your child set the table and count objects around the house such as
plates and forks for the table, crackers for snacks, etc.
35 Provide opportunities to compare objects.
36 Play games with your child using directions such as: “Put the ball under
the chair.”
37 Play Simon Says.
38 Take your child to the park to play on outdoor equipment.
39 Allow your child time to dress himself/herself.
40 Provide opportunities for your child to experiment with balls, tricycles,
and jump ropes.
41 Practice hopping, skipping and balancing.
42 Set expectations for behavior and consequences.
43 Help your child develop appropriate skills for learning by: following
directions, attending to a speaker and getting an adult’s attention
44 Most importantly, enjoy your child.
aily (节网中) 于 (Fri Jul 23 17:05:40 2010, 美东) 提到:
转来的上K准备 :)
KtownGirl (Smarty) 于 (Fri Jul 23 17:24:35 2010, 美东) 提到:
heleniry (瘦哥胖妹) 于 (Fri Jul 23 17:25:31 2010, 美东) 提到:
thanks for sharing!
wangwangma (旺旺妈) 于 (Fri Jul 23 17:53:43 2010, 美东) 提到:
Netstea (冰茶) 于 (Sat Jul 24 00:16:08 2010, 美东) 提到:
bellinrain (雨中的风铃) 于 (Sat Jul 24 01:27:51 2010, 美东) 提到:
DW (我是小老鼠,我有尖尖的牙齿!) 于 (Sat Jul 24 01:41:50 2010, 美东) 提到:
DW (我是小老鼠,我有尖尖的牙齿!) 于 (Sat Jul 24 01:42:20 2010, 美东) 提到:
littleice (家有两宝:狗娃猪仔) 于 (Sat Jul 24 08:21:42 2010, 美东) 提到:
izze (凉拌豆渣) 于 (Sat Jul 24 12:43:53 2010, 美东) 提到:
tigerhead (虎虎生风) 于 (Sat Jul 24 14:26:24 2010, 美东) 提到:
kekeland (IMN) 于 (Mon Jul 26 14:43:31 2010, 美东) 提到:
这个list还是不过分的, 总结得不错
ailian (家有两帅哥) 于 (Mon Jul 26 14:45:38 2010, 美东) 提到:
哈哈, 貌似头十条里我只满足了一条
mingwei (((())))) 于 (Tue Jul 27 00:27:58 2010, 美东) 提到:
xixi 你这是两身啊
premium (premium) 于 (Tue Jul 27 00:36:52 2010, 美东) 提到:
bluelawn (bluelawn) 于 (Thu Jul 29 15:20:10 2010, 美东) 提到:
i thought this is for home school.....
clariet (I love Snorkeling) 于 (Thu Jul 29 15:30:36 2010, 美东) 提到:
赞一个, what a long list. 我们这个上K前好像什么也没准备,稀里糊涂地就去了.
sunnygirl (写意一点) 于 (Thu Jul 29 16:18:21 2010, 美东) 提到:
lailaimom (也无风雨也无晴) 于 (Thu Jul 29 16:33:05 2010, 美东) 提到:
lol, I believe you've done at least 90% of them if not 100%.
sunnygirl (写意一点) 于 (Thu Jul 29 16:39:17 2010, 美东) 提到:
2 When reading with your child, stop periodically to discuss the content of
the text and pictures. This promotes reading comprehension.
3 After reading a story with your child, immediately engage them in
retelling the story (with your support).
wwh (歪歪糊~~geeksaur) 于 (Fri Jul 30 01:09:47 2010, 美东) 提到:
1 (共1页)
[合集] 丽华体狗屁不通不雅韵。。。诗歌。。。一首[合集] 嚎一声
[合集] 一个loser的after school[合集] 情绪的宣泄
[合集] 我来号召开个书单[合集] 推体育
[合集] 讨论课 外活动(After School)[合集] Take your kids to work Day
[合集] 提供一个gift idea for teachers[合集] Take me to your heart 吻别
What can you do to prepare your child for school?[合集] 你们带孩子看过how do you train your dragon吗?
[合集] 我是这么启发儿子思考问题的[合集] 你们带孩子看过how do you train your dragon吗?
[合集] 大家再搞个教育家长的书单吧[合集] You love your mom because
话题: what话题: prepare