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_K12版 - [合集] One is a pessimist...
[合集] share 1 share, chinese new year craft[合集] 这次b&n买的书
[合集] 小家伙得的第一个奖One is a pessimist...
[合集] 一个写中国字的软件 (转载)手工飞机模型——加了做法
[合集] 贴个儿子在学校做的父亲节礼物tens and ones
[合集] U1一般要多少钱?summer camp
[合集] 大波的,问问题喽求笔友
[合集] tens and onesI am not as smart as a 3rd grader
[合集] 滑冰鞋买不买?哪里买?养小子的好处
话题: pessimist话题: priceless
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发帖数: 4908
aiyayayaya (偶尔想起) 于 (Fri May 14 16:07:49 2010, 美东) 提到:
The older lilttle guy'd start moaning on Friday night - 'Weekend always goes
too fast!". On Saturday he'd say 'Tomorrow will be Sunday and weekend will
soon be over!" On Sunday he'd say 'Tomorrow is Monday - I don't want to go
to school!'
The younger one was so excited that he couldn't sleep the night before first
day of Kindergarten - 'I can't wait to go to school!'. When asked why, he
said he noticed an interesting toy in the classroom at orientation and he
couldn't wait to play with it.
The older one often has 'night terror' and cries around midnight. The
younger one is sometimes heard giggling in dream.
When eating treats, the older one always saves the good stuff till last.
The younger one gobbles up whatever he has, and when all is gong, he'd beg
his brother for some more - he usually succeeds.
Still, the two brothers are very close, and I hope they support each other
through their whole life, even after I'm gong.
whaleTime (live a little) 于 (Mon May 17 17:29:11 2010, 美东) 提到:
aiyayayaya (偶尔想起) 于 (Tue May 18 00:12:48 2010, 美东) 提到:
是啊,天生这样的性格,不过现在已经比小时候好些了. 真希望他能再放松些. 愿他长大
了,能因为明白自己是这样类型的人而自我调节点. 有个快乐直爽的老二,也该对他有帮
助. 他从来没打过弟弟.弟弟以前动过手,现在也好了, 俩人除了上课几乎形影不离.

brooks (橙蓝) 于 (Tue May 18 00:15:24 2010, 美东) 提到:
xiaoxin888 (抱抱) 于 (Tue May 18 00:20:56 2010, 美东) 提到:
samwise2008 (天道酬勤) 于 (Tue May 18 10:36:00 2010, 美东) 提到:
赞two brothers are very close, priceless
1 (共1页)
养小子的好处[合集] U1一般要多少钱?
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[合集] share 1 share, chinese new year craft[合集] 这次b&n买的书
[合集] 小家伙得的第一个奖One is a pessimist...
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话题: pessimist话题: priceless