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_K12版 - 关于bully
Bully连续剧:“那个写信的ID”的肺腑之言 (转载)
So many 5 and half year old,
随便说说教小孩游泳吧 (转载)
读书笔记- bringing up boys
mean girls
FL 9日游 - Magic Kingdom
话题: him话题: he话题: son话题: my话题: his
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发帖数: 13466
My son is being bullied at school. What should I do?
One of my son's classmates taunts him and punches him in the arm when other
people aren't looking. My son tells him to stop, but that just eggs him on.
His teacher is aware of the problem, but can't be there to intervene every
moment of the day. This is starting to sour my son's happiness at school.
Posted: 04/30/2004 by a BabyCenter Member
很惊讶的是大部分回帖的爸爸妈妈都建议:fight back!
发帖数: 13466
We have taught our son who is 5 to do several things if someone is hitting/
pushing/bullying him. The 1st is to tell them firmly not to hit him. The 2nd
is to walk away. 3rd is to tell the adult present what happened. The 4th is
only if all of the above haven't worked or if the child follows him when he
walks away and that is to hit and hit hard. We have taught him how to
correctly throw a punch without hurting himself and how to block one as well
. We practice this at home and tell him when it is OK to do this. He has
always been one of the tallest kids for his age and therefore one of the
strongest usually as well. He understands that he has to use apppropriate
tactics for the situation. He is a peer in a special education class room
and one time a classmate was picking on one of his "special" friends and
after telling the classmate repeatedly not to pick on his friend he just
picked up a handful of mulch and threw it on the classmate and it stopped
the classmate from picking on his friend. Another time at the pool a boy
kept splashing his friend while she was in her floaty and he wouldn't stop
though the other parent was 2 feet away and watching it and not stopping
though the girl was telling the boy to stop. My son stepped in and flipped
the boy out of his floaty tube (it was only a wading pool). The boy stopped
splashing her once he realized that someone would stand up to him and not
tolerate it and that he wasn't almighty. The point is that we have told him
to use just the right amount of pressure. We don't condone fighting and he
is not to start a fight but he should have the skills to finish one if need
be. I am also proud of him for sticking up for someone who is getting picked
on. No one should ever have to be bullied.
posted 06/19/2007 by Shaun1021
学校老师显然不赞成fight back
As an Elementary School Principal and parent, there are several steps
paretns can take to remedy a bulling situation. First, be sure to have all
of your facts correct. Your child's perception of an incident may be
different from what has actually occured. Second, once you have indeed found
that there is a bully problem, set up a conference to chat with your child'
s teacher to enllist their help. While it is true that teachers can't see it
all, they see and hear much more than you might think and should have
remedys that will work for the particular age level you are dealing with.
Finally, you can set up an appointment to meat with an administrator. I
would advise the parent to invite the teacher or at least tell the teacher
that the next step would be up the chain of command. DO NOT teach your child
to hit back, as this will undoubtly result in disciplinary matters for your
child and is just poor parenting. The above steps should remedy the
posted 01/22/2010 by a BabyCenter Member
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话题: him话题: he话题: son话题: my话题: his