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_JapanView版 - REVIEW: Brett L. Walker. _The Conquest of Ainu Lands:
Soldiers of the Sun3Soldiers of the Sun 17
Soldiers of the Sun 4Soldiers of the Sun 19
Soldiers of the Sun 5===韩国、朝鲜的人种是很不一样的===
Soldiers of the Sun 9日本人的成分非常单一:就是东南亚人、和菲马印同源
Soldiers of the Sun 12日本人里长得顺眼的基本都是中国人后代
Soldiers of the Sun 14其实日本对我中华是真爱啊,割舍不掉的初恋
Soldiers of the Sun 15日本准备承认北海道原住民身份
Soldiers of the Sun 16最近看了一些日本古画,发现日本人自古以来鼻子就比中国人高
话题: ainu话题: conquest话题: lands话题: brett话题: walker
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 759
Brett L. Walker. _The Conquest of Ainu Lands: Ecology and Culture in
Japanese Expansion, 1590-1800_. Berkeley and London: University of
California Press, 2001. xii + 332 pp. Illustrations and tables. $40.00
(cloth), ISBN 0-520-22736-0.
Reviewed for H-Japan by Philip C. Brown, Department of History, Ohio State
Mutually Assisted Destruction: The Cultural Transformation of the
Ainu-Japanese Frontier in Tokugawa Japan
Over the past decade, several scholars of Tokugawa Japan began to t
1 (共1页)
最近看了一些日本古画,发现日本人自古以来鼻子就比中国人高Soldiers of the Sun 12
请教个问题 为神马北美小白大多数不喜欢Asian呢?Soldiers of the Sun 14
再不厌其烦的问问WALMART的219刀的50寸HDTV几点去合适?Soldiers of the Sun 15
《Shogun》Soldiers of the Sun 16
Soldiers of the Sun3Soldiers of the Sun 17
Soldiers of the Sun 4Soldiers of the Sun 19
Soldiers of the Sun 5===韩国、朝鲜的人种是很不一样的===
Soldiers of the Sun 9日本人的成分非常单一:就是东南亚人、和菲马印同源
话题: ainu话题: conquest话题: lands话题: brett话题: walker