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_IrishFootball版 - Calm down! People (转载)
Good day! Everybody.ND vs PSU有奖竞猜
where r people?CFN预测PSU-ND GAME (ZZ) (转载)
New season football predictionVideo: ND-PSU series review
[合集] New season football predictionNow this is the game I can smile with
Irish will need more than luck this season(zz)ND vs PSU的竞猜,猜对的保个名。
踢场子来了Video: Weis PSU game postgame interview
想赢钱的看过来We Are ND
Jimmy is starting今年打得不好全都怪TW吗?
话题: calm话题: people话题: down话题: just话题: fri
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2682
【 以下文字转载自 NCAA 讨论区 】
发信人: pandagao (熊猫高-趁年轻,轻裘快马天下行), 信区: NCAA
标 题: Calm down! People
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jul 20 17:38:30 2007)
I have been very busy lately doing many things at the same time. Just got a
chance to check here and, wow~~~, what a fight!
Let's all calm down and get ready to see PSU kick ND's ass.
1 (共1页)
今年打得不好全都怪TW吗?Irish will need more than luck this season(zz)
说说关于ND FOOTBALL 的几个片断(2)踢场子来了
ND为什么不加入big ten啊Jimmy is starting
Good day! Everybody.ND vs PSU有奖竞猜
where r people?CFN预测PSU-ND GAME (ZZ) (转载)
New season football predictionVideo: ND-PSU series review
[合集] New season football predictionNow this is the game I can smile with
话题: calm话题: people话题: down话题: just话题: fri