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_Hope版 - 请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)
2016年哈佛学术丑闻事件----糖丑闻 (转载)奥黑铝和他的好儿子
Re: 想从phoenix开车去凤凰城 (转载)请教:中国超市和餐馆
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)忽然觉得自己老了
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)哪个公司的WB dry transfer system比较好用?
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)西班牙,河西河东八十年(下)
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心《财富》世界500强榜单揭晓 中国上榜公司达95家
请问Chandler,AZ附近的中餐馆 (转载)纽约时报又曝了中粮集团董事长宁高宁女儿ZT
485 medical exam doctor around phoenix?2014年最新财富世界500强出炉
话题: chinese话题: phoenix话题: center话题: cultural话题: city
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9290
【 以下文字转载自 Zhejiang 讨论区 】
发信人: hone (磨刀石), 信区: Zhejiang
标 题: 请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 13 15:03:13 2017, 美东)
Save the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center
The new owner of the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center plans to strip away all
elements of Chinese culture. This would destroy an important piece of
Arizona's history. We urge you to preserve our Chinese cultural heritage,
Phoenix's first Chinatown.
The Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center, also known as the COFCO center, was
built by the first owner with help from community volunteers and donations
from local Chinese immigrants with support from the City of Phoenix
government. Special materials and supplies were brought from China, and
skilled workers from China spent years making this one of the most beautiful
Chinese Cultural Centers in North America. The names of donors are engraved
in the Wall of Honor, and it has become a Phoenix landmark, and part of
Arizona's history.
For the last two decades, the Center has played an important role in the
Valley of the Sun. Chinese New Year performances and celebrations have
educated both tourists and locals about Chinese culture, and the garden and
its artifacts are an important example of Chinese workmanship and cultural
While the new owner has recognized the historical importance of the Center,
and has offered the garden artifacts, we want to save the entire Chinese
Cultural Center. It would be impossible to fully disassemble and restore the
center's heritage at another location.
Conservation of culture and history encourages building strong relationships
with the local community to address its needs; preserving the Phoenix
Chinese Cultural Center will benefit business and long-term development of
the area, and maintain an important piece of Arizona's history.
Please sign this petition to share your support for preventing the
destruction of the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center.
This petition will be delivered to:
• Councilwoman, City of Phoenix
Kate Gallego (Councilwoman, City of Phoenix) (Councilwoman, City of Phoenix)
• Governor
Doug Ducey
• State Senator
Kimberly Yee
5 more decision makers...
• Mayor, City of Phoenix
Greg Stanton
• 668 North LLC
• State Representative
Lela Alston
• State Representative
Ken Clark
• State Senator
Katie Hobbs

Please sign this petition to share your support for preventing the
destruction of the Phoenix Chinese Cultural Center.
First Name Last Name Street City Zip Code Email

发帖数: 19633
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1 (共1页)
2014年最新财富世界500强出炉请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)
焦点 |“美国凤凰城中国文化中心”之危——中国海外资产的流失 (转载)请问Chandler,AZ附近的中餐馆 (转载)
最美“凤凰城中国文化中心”,是怎样去“中国化”的?485 medical exam doctor around phoenix?
2016年哈佛学术丑闻事件----糖丑闻 (转载)奥黑铝和他的好儿子
Re: 想从phoenix开车去凤凰城 (转载)请教:中国超市和餐馆
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)忽然觉得自己老了
请大家帮忙,保护凤凰城中国文化中心 (转载)哪个公司的WB dry transfer system比较好用?
话题: chinese话题: phoenix话题: center话题: cultural话题: city