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_Graphics版 - I3D 2006 - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
I3D loopComputer Graphics Conferences 2004
谁能说说graphics的各会议的accepted ratio?The acceptance rate of PG is so low
Computer Graphics 会议 II有地方可以下载The Story of Computer Graphics吗?
Computer Graphics 会议 I唉,会议的deadline都往一块儿凑
Computer Graphics 会议 III今年的SIGGRAPH收的paper为什么还分成两类?
刚刚踏入计算机图形学,有没有好的建议?Graphics Journal IF (Impact Factor) 2002
Symposium on Volume Visualization04有人去I3D 2006吗?
image morphing?Re: 一个图像编辑问题
话题: 3d话题: graphics话题: i3d话题: games
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 474
I3D 2006 - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH
March 14 - 17, 2006
Electronic Arts Campus
Redwood Shores, CA
For questions, send email to: i*[email protected]
I3D is the leading-edge conference for real-time 3D computer graphics and te
chniques that combine 3D computer graphics with human interaction. The confe
rence continues to focus on the hottest re
发帖数: 507
I feel I3D is further rising (although it is
a top conference already). Esp. it add "games" into its name.
3D is the core part of "Computer Graphics".
interactive and 3D are the things that matter in current industry.
I will try one there. :)

【在 l**p 的大作中提到】
: I3D 2006 - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games
: Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH
: March 14 - 17, 2006
: Electronic Arts Campus
: Redwood Shores, CA
: http://www.siggraph.org/conferences/i3d/
: For questions, send email to: i*[email protected]
: =====================================================================
: I3D is the leading-edge conference for real-time 3D computer graphics and te
: chniques that combine 3D computer graphics with human interaction. The confe

发帖数: 474
do you have any plan for it? I may have no time to catch that deadline.

【在 r*****y 的大作中提到】
: I feel I3D is further rising (although it is
: a top conference already). Esp. it add "games" into its name.
: 3D is the core part of "Computer Graphics".
: interactive and 3D are the things that matter in current industry.
: I will try one there. :)

发帖数: 507
Yes, I have a well-thought idea for it. A ms student is working on it for me.
I have to work on something else myself.
I guess I can catch the deadline by pushing the student. hehe..

【在 l**p 的大作中提到】
: do you have any plan for it? I may have no time to catch that deadline.
发帖数: 474
Wo.. you are so good. show us your work when you get it done :)

【在 r*****y 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I have a well-thought idea for it. A ms student is working on it for me.
: I have to work on something else myself.
: I guess I can catch the deadline by pushing the student. hehe..

1 (共1页)
Re: 一个图像编辑问题Computer Graphics 会议 III
siggraph paperSymposium on Volume Visualization04
[转载] Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?image morphing?
I3D loopComputer Graphics Conferences 2004
谁能说说graphics的各会议的accepted ratio?The acceptance rate of PG is so low
Computer Graphics 会议 II有地方可以下载The Story of Computer Graphics吗?
Computer Graphics 会议 I唉,会议的deadline都往一块儿凑
话题: 3d话题: graphics话题: i3d话题: games