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_GoldenrainClub版 - Earthquake Preparedness Checklist
阿拉巴马一个市长说我们还没准备好帮助新冠患者新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)
今天npr说gop要undo 巴马eaWhat to do during an earthquake, from FEMA's website
看来10天的储备量是必须的.non-us citizen怎么翻译?
加州真要地震了么?Dan Choi Re-Enlisting
这么大的事情没有讨论吗?呵呵,‘It looks like we're afraid of foreigners’
请教下房子是否在地震带上的信息如何查呢?CVS Black Friday
话题: ____话题: earthquake话题: emergency话题: checklist
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2314
Earthquake Preparedness Checklist
Earthquake Preparedness Checklist (EPC)* - Use this earthquake preparation
checklist to help prepare you and your families for an earthquake.
# Eliminate potential hazards in classrooms and throughout the site: ____
Bolt bookcases in high traffic areas securely to wall studs
# ____ Move heavy books and items from high to low shelves
# ____ Secure and latch filing cabinets
# ____ Secure cabinets in high traffic areas with child safety latches
# ____ Secure aquariums, computers, typewriters, TV-VCR equipment to
surfaces, such as by using Velcro tabs
# ____ Make provisions for securing rolling portable items such asTV-VCRs,
pianos, refrigerators
# ____ Move children's activities and play areas away from windows, or
protect windows with blinds or adhesive plastic sheeting
# ____ Secure water heater to wall using plumber's tape
# ____ Assess and determine possible escape routes
Establish a coordinated response plan involving all of the following:
Involving children:
# ____ Teach children about earthquakes and what to do (see resource list
# ____ Practice "duck, cover, and hold" earthquake drills under tables or
desks no less than 4 times a year
Involving parents:
# ____ Post, or make available to parents copies of the school earthquake
safety plan (including procedures for reuniting parents or alternate
guardians with children, location of planned evacuation site, method for
leaving messages and communicating)
# ____ Enlist parent and community resource assistance in securing emergency
supplies or safeguarding the child day care site:
# ____ store a 3-day supply of nonperishable food (including juice, canned
food items, snacks, and infant formula)
# ____ store a 3-day supply of water and juice
# ____ store food and water in an accessible location, such as portable
plastic storage containers
# ____ store other emergency supplies such as flashlights, a radio with
extra batteries, heavy gloves, trash bags, and tools
# ____ maintain a complete, up-to-date listing of children, emergency
numbers, and contact people for each classroom stored with emergency
Involving child day care personnel and local emergency agencies:
# ____ Identify and assign individual responsibilities for staff following
an earthquake (including accounting for and evacuating children, injury
control, damage assessment)
# ____ Involve and train all staff members about the earthquake safety plan,
including location and procedure for turning off utilities and gas
# ____ Contact nearby agencies (including police, fire, Red Cross, and local
government) for information and materials in developing the child day care
center earthquake safety plan
*For more free resources contact: (1) Federal Emergency Management Agency (
FEMA) (2) Office of Emergency Services (OES) (3) Red Cross
1 (共1页)
CVS Black Friday看来10天的储备量是必须的.
Austin Hot Sauce Fest this coming Sunday(8/24/2014)加州真要地震了么?
zz:Clemens enlists attorney to fight steroid allegation这么大的事情没有讨论吗?
阿拉巴马一个市长说我们还没准备好帮助新冠患者新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)
今天npr说gop要undo 巴马eaWhat to do during an earthquake, from FEMA's website
看来10天的储备量是必须的.non-us citizen怎么翻译?
话题: ____话题: earthquake话题: emergency话题: checklist