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可以申请以下的扣稅吗? 请推荐fremont 附近的CPA, 多谢Impossible Trinity, 经济政策三角困境
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quant还是很赚钱的ZT What new traders need to know
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有人了解MS foreign exchange strats吗?中国刚刚搞好。。轮到日本韩国了
currency exchange人民币贬值---mark
话题: rmb话题: exchange话题: rate话题: china话题: regime
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1106
The following is the full statement by the People’s Bank of China on yuan
flexibility. (Read related article)
Further Reform the RMB Exchange Rate Regime and Enhance the RMB Exchange
Rate Flexibility
In view of the recent economic situation and financial market developments
at home and abroad, and the
balance of payments (BOP) situation in China, the People′s Bank of China
has decided to proceed further
with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime and to enhance the RMB exchange
rate flexibility.
Starting from July 21, 2005, China has moved into a managed floating
exchange rate regime based on
market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. Since
then, the reform of the RMB
exchange rate regime has been making steady progress, producing the
anticipated results and playing a
positive role.
When the current round of international financial crisis was at its worst,
the exchange rate of a number of
sovereign currencies to the U.S. dollar depreciated by varying margins. The
stability of the RMB exchange
rate has played an important role in mitigating the crisis′ impact,
contributing significantly to Asian and
global recovery, and demonstrating China′s efforts in promoting global
The global economy is gradually recovering. The recovery and upturn of the
Chinese economy has become
more solid with the enhanced economic stability. It is desirable to proceed
further with reform of the RMB
exchange rate regime and increase the RMB exchange rate flexibility.
In further proceeding with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime, continued
emphasis would be placed to
reflecting market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies
. The exchange rate floating
bands will remain the same as previously announced in the inter-bank foreign
exchange market.
China′s external trade is steadily becoming more balanced. The ratio of
current account surplus to GDP,
after a notable reduction in 2009, has been declining since the beginning of
2010. With the BOP account
moving closer to equilibrium, the basis for large-scale appreciation of the
RMB exchange rate does not exist.
The People′s Bank of China will further enable market to play a fundamental
role in resource allocation,
promote a more balanced BOP account, maintain the RMB exchange rate
basically stable at an adaptive and
equilibrium level, and achieve the macroeconomic and financial stability in
发帖数: 2314
发帖数: 1106

【在 g********n 的大作中提到】
: 太长了。摘要呢?
: 人民币美元汇率从房价,物价的角度看现在己经没有升值空间了。
: 中国的问题在于贫富差距越来越大。中产阶级贫困化。人民币升值解决不了这个问题。

1 (共1页)
三哥快彻底死菜了中国的房市不是跌不跌的问题 (转载)
中国自14年6月以来,外汇储备已经跌掉6%有人了解MS foreign exchange strats吗?
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可以申请以下的扣稅吗? 请推荐fremont 附近的CPA, 多谢Impossible Trinity, 经济政策三角困境
demise of the USD官宣了
quant还是很赚钱的ZT What new traders need to know
死撑的标准是什么啊?is it a good time to buy now?
话题: rmb话题: exchange话题: rate话题: china话题: regime