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_GoldenrainClub版 - NYT: "Amid Housing Bust, Phoenix Begins a New Frenzy"
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【$】FurReal Friends Furry Frenzies City Center Play Set $10 at Walmart.com (and other Furry Frenzy items)Free site to store shippingWalgreens: Well Beginning diaper Buy 1 get 1 Free
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话题: nyt话题: housing话题: bust话题: new话题: phoenix
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发帖数: 3932
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: fku0000 (fku), 信区: Living
标 题: NYT: "Amid Housing Bust, Phoenix Begins a New Frenzy"
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat May 23 20:58:05 2009)
this is a nice article about investors buying up low-end foreclosed or
near-foreclosure properties in one of the hardest hit market.
isn't greed good? :)
1 (共1页)
Fifth Deadly Attack on a School Haunts China (转载)大家轻松一下
Red SongsPrepare for Bubble 2.0 bust coming.
洋奶粉frenzy:难道没有奶粉中国就养不大婴儿了? (转载)GOLDMAN: The Risk Of A Stock Market Crash Is Low Read more (转载)
China's "Born in the USA" Frenzy ZZ提包和 Jeremy Lin
10000 点快到了top 50 NFL draft busts
Case-Shiller: Home Prices Beginning to Fall Again in the Bay AreaPro busted like flies
【$】FurReal Friends Furry Frenzies City Center Play Set $10 at Walmart.com (and other Furry Frenzy items)Free site to store shippingWalgreens: Well Beginning diaper Buy 1 get 1 Free
话题: nyt话题: housing话题: bust话题: new话题: phoenix