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_FilmArts版 - 'Yi yi' helmer Yang dies
Michelle Yeoh at Cannes 2002儿子的房间(1)
what's the fundamental impact of DV居然有人欣赏洞
bay area movie goersabout Cannes and digital film
film festival alertSex and Lucia
the returnA Lecture about Chinese Film in NY
具体地说Re: anyone saw 1900?Irreversible
anyone interested in student filmmaking?8卦小消息
REEL CHINA 2008 at NYUAwards - 2003 Cannes Film Festival
话题: yi话题: yang话题: filmmakers话题: usc话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 166
Edward Yang, touted as one of the world's best but least visible filmmakers,
died Friday in Beverly Hills after a long battle with colon cancer. He was
Born in Shanghai, he relocated at an early age to Taipei and is best known
as a figurehead of new wave Taiwanese cinema.
Yang's best-known work was "Yi yi: A One and a Two ...," the multilayered
family drama that won him the director prize at Cannes in 2000.
He studied electrical engineering in Florida and studied film briefly at USC
but init
发帖数: 1700
he was a programmer before becoming a director...


【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: Edward Yang, touted as one of the world's best but least visible filmmakers,
: died Friday in Beverly Hills after a long battle with colon cancer. He was
: 59.
: Born in Shanghai, he relocated at an early age to Taipei and is best known
: as a figurehead of new wave Taiwanese cinema.
: Yang's best-known work was "Yi yi: A One and a Two ...," the multilayered
: family drama that won him the director prize at Cannes in 2000.
: He studied electrical engineering in Florida and studied film briefly at USC
: but init

发帖数: 166
i'm just curious about the onhold animation project,
got to be interesting.

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: he was a programmer before becoming a director...
: filmmakers,
: was

发帖数: 1383
啊, 老杨死啦


【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: Edward Yang, touted as one of the world's best but least visible filmmakers,
: died Friday in Beverly Hills after a long battle with colon cancer. He was
: 59.
: Born in Shanghai, he relocated at an early age to Taipei and is best known
: as a figurehead of new wave Taiwanese cinema.
: Yang's best-known work was "Yi yi: A One and a Two ...," the multilayered
: family drama that won him the director prize at Cannes in 2000.
: He studied electrical engineering in Florida and studied film briefly at USC
: but init

发帖数: 238
I love his movies.


【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: Edward Yang, touted as one of the world's best but least visible filmmakers,
: died Friday in Beverly Hills after a long battle with colon cancer. He was
: 59.
: Born in Shanghai, he relocated at an early age to Taipei and is best known
: as a figurehead of new wave Taiwanese cinema.
: Yang's best-known work was "Yi yi: A One and a Two ...," the multilayered
: family drama that won him the director prize at Cannes in 2000.
: He studied electrical engineering in Florida and studied film briefly at USC
: but init

发帖数: 785


【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: Edward Yang, touted as one of the world's best but least visible filmmakers,
: died Friday in Beverly Hills after a long battle with colon cancer. He was
: 59.
: Born in Shanghai, he relocated at an early age to Taipei and is best known
: as a figurehead of new wave Taiwanese cinema.
: Yang's best-known work was "Yi yi: A One and a Two ...," the multilayered
: family drama that won him the director prize at Cannes in 2000.
: He studied electrical engineering in Florida and studied film briefly at USC
: but init

发帖数: 1700
just realized that I've watched all his films except 海滩的一天...
still love 牯岭街 the best!

【在 d*******8 的大作中提到】
: 工科电影人的典范啊。他死后才突然发现
: 他的推崇者比我想像的更多。
: filmmakers,
: was

发帖数: 238
hoho, I have watched all his films!
the most favorites: 独立时代, 麻将
海滩的一天里面有三大美女: 张艾嘉, 胡茵梦, 李烈

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: just realized that I've watched all his films except 海滩的一天...
: still love 牯岭街 the best!

发帖数: 166
please think him as a film maker as he is,
I just don't feel comfortable that people
wanna make some sense out of his engineering
background, which for him, i believe film
making is much more than just a craft, and i
think we all agree on that, otherwise this
club wouldn't be called "film art".
sorry for my harsh word, i had too much coffee
this morning, back to my computer now.

【在 d*******8 的大作中提到】
: 工科电影人的典范啊。他死后才突然发现
: 他的推崇者比我想像的更多。
: filmmakers,
: was

发帖数: 1700
His engineering background at least serves as an example
that it's never late to pursue one's dream, regardless
of one's background.
I believe people at my age (early 30s) are all facing a
dilemma, to leave everything behind and still pursue one's
dream, or to be just like everyone else: have a family,
secure a job, settle down, and raise kids.
It's always a rare case for the two not to conflict with
each other. We are no longer 20-ish and fearless, we have
tasted the bitterness and happiness of

【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: please think him as a film maker as he is,
: I just don't feel comfortable that people
: wanna make some sense out of his engineering
: background, which for him, i believe film
: making is much more than just a craft, and i
: think we all agree on that, otherwise this
: club wouldn't be called "film art".
: sorry for my harsh word, i had too much coffee
: this morning, back to my computer now.

具体地说Re: anyone saw 1900?儿子的房间(1)
anyone interested in student filmmaking?居然有人欣赏洞
REEL CHINA 2008 at NYUabout Cannes and digital film
发帖数: 77

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: His engineering background at least serves as an example
: that it's never late to pursue one's dream, regardless
: of one's background.
: I believe people at my age (early 30s) are all facing a
: dilemma, to leave everything behind and still pursue one's
: dream, or to be just like everyone else: have a family,
: secure a job, settle down, and raise kids.
: It's always a rare case for the two not to conflict with
: each other. We are no longer 20-ish and fearless, we have
: tasted the bitterness and happiness of

发帖数: 166
i guess i should make my point more clear, to be a film director,
you have to understand the life, that's why it's never too late
to start make a film, as long as you have something to say, and
you have strong will to say it through camera. either it comes
from your daily routine 'boring' job or from some 'extrordinary'
experiences, it doesn't matter, people will listen if you are
honest to youself and your story.
Of course we are all living in a real world, need eat, drink, take
shit, and belie

【在 g*****t 的大作中提到】
: 很同意尺子说的。Engineer的背景也是他的一部分,对他的电影有没有直接的影响不好
: 说,但是这个背景让他更具魅力。我想在这灌的大多数其实都是有工程背景的,所以自
: 然愿意提及这个。榜样的力量啊!

发帖数: 785

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: just realized that I've watched all his films except 海滩的一天...
: still love 牯岭街 the best!

发帖数: 785

【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: please think him as a film maker as he is,
: I just don't feel comfortable that people
: wanna make some sense out of his engineering
: background, which for him, i believe film
: making is much more than just a craft, and i
: think we all agree on that, otherwise this
: club wouldn't be called "film art".
: sorry for my harsh word, i had too much coffee
: this morning, back to my computer now.

发帖数: 166
and for your indi filmmakers out there, one thing youtube brings
us is easy access to broad audiance, but wether you can retrieve
your production cost by charging subscribers or not is still a
question i think, there are people trying get serious with this
youtube production things. but at least there is a way to broadcast your
piece, one way or another, thanks for the engineer and programer:O)

【在 e****r 的大作中提到】
: i guess i should make my point more clear, to be a film director,
: you have to understand the life, that's why it's never too late
: to start make a film, as long as you have something to say, and
: you have strong will to say it through camera. either it comes
: from your daily routine 'boring' job or from some 'extrordinary'
: experiences, it doesn't matter, people will listen if you are
: honest to youself and your story.
: Of course we are all living in a real world, need eat, drink, take
: shit, and belie

1 (共1页)
Awards - 2003 Cannes Film Festivalthe return
Re: Oscar and a degrading conservative U具体地说Re: anyone saw 1900?
57th Cannes awardsanyone interested in student filmmaking?
CleanREEL CHINA 2008 at NYU
Michelle Yeoh at Cannes 2002儿子的房间(1)
what's the fundamental impact of DV居然有人欣赏洞
bay area movie goersabout Cannes and digital film
film festival alertSex and Lucia
话题: yi话题: yang话题: filmmakers话题: usc话题: he