If you're looking for a $400 Viewsonic tab, this is not that so move along.
I haven't tried a PM at Kohl's but lots of folks say this works. I'm going
to try it today. It's still a good deal without the PM but outstanding with
the PM. Last time I bought one it was not on display and I had to ask for it
1. Print out the sale price from Radioshack at $139.99
Link: http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4314981
2. Get the 30% coupon from here:
3. Page 10, lower left corner of Kohl's 3 day power sale has WPDN for $169.
99 w/$20 rebate
Link: http://kohls.shoplocal.com/kohls/default.aspx?action=entryflash&
add $2 filler.
Math is $169.99 + $2 filler - $30 PM - $45 (30% coupon) - $20 Kohls Cash -
$20 rebate = $56.99
Technical Details:
Link: http://www.slatedroid.com/wiki/in...ital_Novel
General Forum:
Link: http://www.slatedroid.com/index.php?board=43.0
There are several good options but I like the new nchntr_experience_v1
firmware using the latest Pandigital firmware, PDN_11_19_nchntr_exp erience
_v1.6 :
Link: http://www.slatedroid.com/index.php?topic=5098.0