Maybe I am missing something but it looks like for 12/12 ONLY you can double
dip a Staples in-store 15% coupon and get $25 Staples Gift Card essentially
making the Keurig Elite Home Unit $68.49 + Tax.
Here's how I do it.
Keurig Elite Home Coffee Maker $109.99
Staples 15% off coupon in-store only exp 12/12 -$16.50
Walk-out $93.
49 + tax
Easy Rebate for $25 Staples Giftcard -$25.00
Total Cost after giftcard and coupon (before Tax) $68.49
Again, its only B&M and it appears to only be valid on Sunday 12/12!
Staples also sells the K-Cups so perhaps that Giftcard could go towards
coffee down the road!
Amazon is selling a similar/same model for $109.99