Propel ToysStealth Flyer Remote-Controlled Helicopter
Sale Price: $25 - 20% off with coupon code EXTRA20 + $1 shipping = $22
LINK: Toys Stealth Flyer RemoteControlled Helicopter.jsp
Swoop through the air with this Stealth Flyer remote-controlled helicopter.
Take off on important missions, no matter if it's daytime or nightime,
indoors or outdoors. This Propel Toys remote-controlled helicopter will
really take you places.
* LED strobe light allows for night flying.
* Long-range wireless controller lets you guide movements from the
* Stabilizatio n sensor improves flight control.
* Swinging tail boom provides a realistic "yaw" and "sway" motion.
* Rechargeable battery ensures long-lasting use.
* Details:
o Wireless range: 100 feet
o Ages 8 years & older
o Requires 6 "AA" batteries (not included)
o Model numbers:
+ Blue: 15003-PPL-B-B
+ Red: 15003-PPL-B-R