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_DealGroup版 - 【$】buy P&G products and receive TRU $25, $15 or $10 Gift Cards
【$】12 Duracell NiMH AAA Pre-Charged Rechargable Batteries $20Buy 1 get 1 free AA and AAA batteries at Walgreens
【$】Duracell 20 AA Batteries $7 Amazon Coupon S&SDuracell Pre Charged AA, 4-Pack $7.54 - Amazon
[通知] 恭喜 Procter 成为本俱乐部正式成员【$】Charmin Ultra Soft 9 Large Rolls 4pack 16.99 @Amazon
[通知] Procter 退出本俱乐部【$】Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper, 18 Mega Rolls Total, 3 Packs of 6, $15.29 w/ S&S at Amazon
【$】Oral B Professional Care 1000 Toothbrush 10 Free Crest 3D Whitestrips $19.97 after MIR - free pick up or ship to store @ Walmart【$】Duracell Ultra Fast Digital Camera Battery Charger with Six Plates $16 at Amazon ($57 or more elsewhere)
【$】Dreft detergent 50 oz. pack of 2 -- $10.84 on Amazon【$】Duracell Pre Charged Rechargeable NiMH AA Batteries, 4-Pack $7.45
【$】Dreft 2x Ultra Baby Laundry Detergent for High Efficiency 50 ounce $6.79 Amazon【$】Duracell Precharge Rechargeable AAA NiMH Batteries 4-Pack $6.13!
宝宝用洗衣粉(Dreft) Powder Detergent, 91 Ounce, 44% off, only $16.86【$】Duracell DR7000LI Instant Power Charger for USB Devices $13 Shipped @ TigerDirect [Others sell for $30 ]
话题: gift话题: cards话题: tru
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发帖数: 60932
Procter & Gamble everyday solutions
Pampers Duracell Bounty Tide Charmin Dreft
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【$】Duracell DR7000LI Instant Power Charger for USB Devices $13 Shipped @ TigerDirect [Others sell for $30 ]【$】Oral B Professional Care 1000 Toothbrush 10 Free Crest 3D Whitestrips $19.97 after MIR - free pick up or ship to store @ Walmart
【$】Duracell Coppertop AAA 20 Count Pack $7.03, AA $7.16 free shipping from Amazon【$】Dreft detergent 50 oz. pack of 2 -- $10.84 on Amazon
【$】Charmin Extender For Mega Rolls - Free【$】Dreft 2x Ultra Baby Laundry Detergent for High Efficiency 50 ounce $6.79 Amazon
【$】12 DURACELL NIMH AA PRE-CHARGED RECHARGABLE BATTERIES $19.99 shipped宝宝用洗衣粉(Dreft) Powder Detergent, 91 Ounce, 44% off, only $16.86
【$】12 Duracell NiMH AAA Pre-Charged Rechargable Batteries $20Buy 1 get 1 free AA and AAA batteries at Walgreens
【$】Duracell 20 AA Batteries $7 Amazon Coupon S&SDuracell Pre Charged AA, 4-Pack $7.54 - Amazon
[通知] 恭喜 Procter 成为本俱乐部正式成员【$】Charmin Ultra Soft 9 Large Rolls 4pack 16.99 @Amazon
[通知] Procter 退出本俱乐部【$】Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper, 18 Mega Rolls Total, 3 Packs of 6, $15.29 w/ S&S at Amazon
话题: gift话题: cards话题: tru