_DealGroup版 - 【$】JC Penny: Cooks & Sunbeam Blender, cooks 5-in-1 Power $10, Coffeemaker, 12-cup Programmable $10, Waffle Maker, cooks Belgian Flip $10 AC AR free ship to store
cooks 5-in-1 Power Blender: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?catnum=FC780-2501B&action=E
12-cup Programmable Coffeemaker: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=1c87eab&N 840 877 878 5 961 6 968 29 3 598 11 15 12 506 10 23 585 596 963 579 1031 8 1022 1014 586 1007 879 1027 18 904 903 969 833 949&NOffset=0&Ntt=cooks - coffeemaker&SearchString=cooks - coffeemaker&N=4294959029&SO=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=searchresults
Belgian Flip Waffle Maker: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=1a2d3d9&s search.y=0&Ntt=cooks waffle maker&SearchString=cooks waffle maker&Ne=4 840 877 878 5 961 6 968 29 3 598 11 15 12 506 10 23 585 596 963 579 1031 8 1022 1014 586 1007 879 1027 18 904 903 969 833 949&hdnOnGo=true&NOffset=0&submit search.x=0&Nao=0&N=4294959029&SO=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=searchresults
Each is priced at $29.99 use code BESTSALE during checkout to save an
additional $10 + score FREE Site to Store shipping!
Rebate form: http://www.jcpenney.com/jcp/images/pdf/CooksBrandRebate_exp10-3
for $10 MIR PER ITEM when purchased by 10/16.
A word of caution Cooks is not the best company for fulfilling their rebates
in a timely manner. you might have to keep on them about that rebate