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_DealGroup版 - 【$】DJ Hero 2 bundle (Wii) used for $13 @ gohastings
【$】DJ Hero Bundle Used (XBOX 360 - $23.10 & PS3 - $22.58) shipped - 12/17 Only【$】Amazon Lightning Deal!! Band Hero Wii for $99!!!
【$】Wii DJ Hero Bundle with Turntable $39.99 Shipped (Amazon)【$】DJ Hero 2 Wii, PS3 - $40
【$】DJ Hero 1 Turntable Bundle Wii $11【$】DJ Hero Bundle with Turntable 49.99 at amazon
【$】DJ Hero Turntable Bundle (original version) for Wii $11【$】DJ Hero Bundle Xbox/PS3 only $20 at TRU B&M only
【$】Wii Hardware Bundle $149.98 $3.99 shipping Amazon【$】Dj hero bundle (xbox 360, ps3) $29.99 target ymmv
【$】Nintendo Wii Console Bundle (White) with $50 Promotional Credit - $199 @ Amazon【$】Guitar Hero 5 w/ Guitar Bundle PS3 $11.24 at Target YMMV
【$】No More Heroes 2 Wii $12.99 FS @ Newegg【$】DJ Hero 2 bundle - PS3, Xbox360, Wii - $49.50 - Frys
【$】Guitar Hero 5 Wii - Game only $9.97 $.99 shipping or store pick-up【$】DJ Hero 2 Turntable Bundle (Xbox 360/PS3/Wii) $49.99 Shipped
话题: wii话题: dj话题: hero话题: bundle话题: gohastings
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Gohastings.com has Dj Hero 2 bundle for about $13. Software only is about $
12. (plus ship for both. Earlier this month this bundle was front page (
new) for $40.
The prices are for Wii. Other system prices may also be good, but I don't
know that for sure.
(first post from my phone, so it's hard to add many links)
1 (共1页)
【$】DJ Hero 2 Turntable Bundle (Xbox 360/PS3/Wii) $49.99 Shipped【$】Wii Hardware Bundle $149.98 $3.99 shipping Amazon
【$】DJ HERO 2 (BUNDLE) XBOX 360 & Wii - $38 Shipped - Pre-Owned【$】Nintendo Wii Console Bundle (White) with $50 Promotional Credit - $199 @ Amazon
【$】DJ Hero 2 Bundle Xbox 360 $39.99 New Egg【$】No More Heroes 2 Wii $12.99 FS @ Newegg
【$】Gold's Gym Cardio Workout Wii at Amazon for $11.99【$】Guitar Hero 5 Wii - Game only $9.97 $.99 shipping or store pick-up
【$】DJ Hero Bundle Used (XBOX 360 - $23.10 & PS3 - $22.58) shipped - 12/17 Only【$】Amazon Lightning Deal!! Band Hero Wii for $99!!!
【$】Wii DJ Hero Bundle with Turntable $39.99 Shipped (Amazon)【$】DJ Hero 2 Wii, PS3 - $40
【$】DJ Hero 1 Turntable Bundle Wii $11【$】DJ Hero Bundle with Turntable 49.99 at amazon
【$】DJ Hero Turntable Bundle (original version) for Wii $11【$】DJ Hero Bundle Xbox/PS3 only $20 at TRU B&M only
话题: wii话题: dj话题: hero话题: bundle话题: gohastings