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_Climbing版 - 4. A possible Itinerary
2. From Puente del Inca to Plaza de Mulas (4400m)上周那木多mula跑到股市
5. Equipment-Hints美籍华人网店老板携317罐外国奶粉进境被扣 新政后首例 (转载)
1. From Mendoza (paperwork) to Puente del Inca美私立大学耗资40亿打造豪华酒店级校园
6. Miscellaneous藏南青年因长相不同在新德里被围殴致死
3. From Plaza de Mulas to the Summit阿三国首都发生种族歧视,导致本国青年被群殴至死
conglatulations to the summit!中国在欧美压力下宣布对进口奶粉实行零关税
南加州的小瑞士:核桃市 亚裔居民占总人口55%请推荐成人奶粉
南加州的小瑞士:核桃市 亚裔居民占总人口55% (转载)什么牌子的红酒好?
话题: itinerary话题: mulas话题: night话题: inca话题: puente
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 650
This was my itinerary:
Take the 6am bus from Mendoza to Puente del Inca. Arrange the Mulas.
1 night in Puente del Inca.
1 night in Confluencia.
5 nights in Plaza de Mulas; carry food, fuel etc. to Nido after third night.
3 nights at Nido.
2 nights at Berlin. Start for summit no later than 5am after first night.
1 night in Plaza de Mulas.
1 night in Puente del Inca.
Enjoy the hot showers and the dinner!
Some people stay less than 5 nights in Plaza de Mulas, but be warned. I
personally saw a corps
1 (共1页)
什么牌子的红酒好?3. From Plaza de Mulas to the Summit
哪里有卖成人喝的奶粉conglatulations to the summit!
美国有卖大人可以喝的奶粉吗?南加州的小瑞士:核桃市 亚裔居民占总人口55%
藏南青年因长相不同在新德里被围殴致死 (转载)南加州的小瑞士:核桃市 亚裔居民占总人口55% (转载)
2. From Puente del Inca to Plaza de Mulas (4400m)上周那木多mula跑到股市
5. Equipment-Hints美籍华人网店老板携317罐外国奶粉进境被扣 新政后首例 (转载)
1. From Mendoza (paperwork) to Puente del Inca美私立大学耗资40亿打造豪华酒店级校园
6. Miscellaneous藏南青年因长相不同在新德里被围殴致死
话题: itinerary话题: mulas话题: night话题: inca话题: puente