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_BibleStudy版 - 主内书店、出版社
美国部份基督教神学院简介世界基督教历史故事 第五章 路德的神学思想
归正神学(Reformed Theology,或加尔文主义)不是教派Re: Shadowlands: a christian review (zz)
“從毒梟到教授”袁幼軒教授紐約特會 - 9/23, 9/24 (转载)Theology and Mysticism in the Tradition
European Free-Church FamilyRe: 最近很冷清么
[通知] 恭喜 Reformed 成为本俱乐部正式成员bible study
创造,堕落,救赎:为什么一切会这么糟?God is love.
唐崇荣 布道会 - 9/19 NYC转载:《属灵古典名著评介》附录--陈希曾
[转载] 《雅比斯的祷告》自成为畅销书后, BTW Could Mr BM add me in the club?or just let u你认为神有个属性,就是仆人的属性吗?
话题: usa话题: fax话题: box话题: pa话题: seminary
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1776
【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
发信人: CCWiki (CCWiki), 信区: TrustInJesus
标 题: 主内书店、出版社
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 10 19:53:38 2011, 美东)
Alleluia Books 榮主書室 603 N New Ave #A-C Monterey Pk CA 91755, USA
Voice/Fax 1 626 571 6769 1 800 795 1985 www.ccBooks.org
Carries over 100,000+ books from over 100 Chinese Christian
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE) - The Cambridge Declaration (April
1996) 1716 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA 19103, USA PO Box 2000, Philadelph
ia, PA 19103, USA 1 215 546 3696 www.alliancenet.org
The late Dr. James M. Boice and his partners called the church back
to the
5 emphases of the Reformation: the Bible only; Christ only; salvation by gr
ace only; through faith only; and for the glory of God only. Get the Cambri
dge Declaration (1996) free, as well as a catalog! ACE also publishes Moder
n Reformation magazine.
Ambassadors For Christ Gospel Book House基督使者協會PO Box 0280 Paradise PA
17562 , USA 1 717 687 8564 or 1 800 624 3504 www.afcinc.org
Separate listing of books helpful for mainland Chinese scholars
Back to God Hour 6555 W. College Dr., Palos Heights, IL 60463, USA
1 708 371 8700 Fax 1 708 371 1415 B**[email protected] www.backtogod.net
Publishes TODAY每日箴言, devotional, in English, and English-Chinese
Banner of Truth P O Box 621 Carlisle PA 17103, USA 1 717 249 5747
Fax 1 717 249 0604 www.banneroftruth.co.uk.
The standard publisher of Puritan titles; Banner of Truth magazine.
Barnabas Resources 2175 N. Holliston Ave., Altadena, CA 91001, USA.
Dr. Robert Clinton publishes his own books on leadership. Get a
price lis
Campus Evangelical Fellowship 校園出版社 P.O. Box 13-144, Taipei, Taiwan 100
, Republic of China 886 2 2368 2361 fax 886 2 2367 2139 i**[email protected]
Has published many reference works and theological books.
Christian Communications Inc. of Canada加拿大恩福協會
1 416 297 6540 Fax 1 416 297 6675 www.ccican.com
Publishes a series of books for mainland Chinese scholars ministry!
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation CCEF www.ccef.org
1803 E Willow Grove Ave Glenside PA 19038, USA 1 215 884 7676
Carries books, videos and conducts courses on biblical counseling.
Christian Reformed Home Missions 1 616 246 0772 www.crhm.org
Carries Discover Your Gifts and other helpful guides.
Christian Renewal Ministries更新傳道會 www.crmnj.org
200 N Main St Milltown NJ 08850 USA 1 732 828 4545 Fax 1 732 745 2878
Published the Chinese NIV Study Bible; James Boice's Foundations of
the Ch
ristian Faith; Francis Schaeffer's The Church Before the Watching World, etc
Covenant Theological Seminary Bookstore www.covenantseminary.edu
12330 Conway Rd St Louis MO 63141, USA 1 314 434 0110 Fax 1 314 434 5525
Seminary courses on tape available.
Great Commission Publications
3640 Windsor Park Drive, Ste 100, Suwanee, GA 30024, USA 770 831 9084
1 800 695 3387 www.gcp.org
Publishes Sunday School textbook series for children, youth and
adults. G
et a catalog AND a Sunday School catalog! Also: GCP publishes the Trinity H
Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
5333 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91942, USA 1 619 462 9775 www.ibcd.org
Carries books, videos on Biblical counseling, and conducts courses.
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co PO Box 109 Phillipsburg NJ 08865-08
17 USA 1 800 631 0094 1 908 454 0505 www.prpbooks.com
Reformed theological books. P&R runs sales often.
Reformation Translation Fellowship 基督教改革宗翻譯社 P O Box 17-154 Taipe
i, Taiwan, Republic of China / No. 46, Sec. 1, Chung Yang North Road, 3rd Fl
oor, Peitou 112, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Fax 886 2 8965360
English: http://members.aol.com/Bill4RTF/rtf/ Chinese: www.rtfchina.org
Regent College Bookstore維真學院
5800 University Blvd Vancouver BC V6T 2E4 Canada
1 604 228 1820 Fax 604 224 3097 800 334 3279 b*******[email protected]
du www.regent-bookstore.com
Most worthwhile to get on their mailing list, and to read about the
apes they carry, which were recorded from lectures/courses taught at Regent.
Westminster Theological Seminary Campus Bookstore www.wts.edu
P O Box 1073 Glenside PA 19038, USA 1 215 886 0999 1 888 987 2665
1 888 WTS BOOK Fax 1 215 886 5352
Inquire about their catalog, as well as tape catalog from
Westminster Medi
Today<<今日箴言>> devotional magazine; English edition; Chinese-
English bi
lingual edition
Bible Study Hour 1716 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
Gospel Films (Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?) 800 253 0413
Liognier Ministries PO Box 547500 Orlando FL 32854
400 Technology Park, Ste 150 Lake Mary FL 32746 v 407 333 4244
407 333 4244 800 435 4343 Fax 407 333 4233
Main Entry Editions (Dr. Peter and Mrs. Rebecca Jones)
1057 Chestnut Drive, Escondido CA 92025 760 741 3750 i**[email protected] C
hristian Witness to a Pagan Planet (Dr. Peter Jones): www.spirit-wars.com
Audio series: Spirit Wars. Books: The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back;
China Reformed Theological Seminary
105台北市松山區南京東路四段75巷30號 Phone02-2718-7735
886 02 2718 7735 www.crts.edu
Covenant Theological Seminary 12330 Conway Rd., St Louis, MO 63141 USA
314 434 4044 800 264 8064 Fax 314 434 4819
International Theological Seminary 國際神學院 Dr. Joseph Tong唐崇懷牧師, Pr
esident 1600 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90017 213 413 8683
Reformed Theological Seminary 1231 Reformation Dr., Oviedo, FL 32765-7197
RTS Charlotte 2101 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226-6399 800 752 3282
Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia)
PO Box 27009 Chestnut Hill Philadelphia PA 19118
215 887 5511 800 626 8599 Registrar Fax 215 887 5404
发帖数: 5785


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 TrustInJesus 讨论区 】
: 发信人: CCWiki (CCWiki), 信区: TrustInJesus
: 标 题: 主内书店、出版社
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 10 19:53:38 2011, 美东)
: Alleluia Books 榮主書室 603 N New Ave #A-C Monterey Pk CA 91755, USA
: Voice/Fax 1 626 571 6769 1 800 795 1985 www.ccBooks.org
: Carries over 100,000+ books from over 100 Chinese Christian
: publishers!
: Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE) - The Cambridge Declaration (April

1 (共1页)
你认为神有个属性,就是仆人的属性吗?[通知] 恭喜 Reformed 成为本俱乐部正式成员
苏文峰: 如果,有专业见识的基督徒,在各类媒体平台中,大量表达合乎圣经价值观的优质舆论创造,堕落,救赎:为什么一切会这么糟?
我自己心里的成功神学 (转载)唐崇荣 布道会 - 9/19 NYC
What is the Bible (1) (From the Bible by IBS Publishing)[转载] 《雅比斯的祷告》自成为畅销书后, BTW Could Mr BM add me in the club?or just let u
美国部份基督教神学院简介世界基督教历史故事 第五章 路德的神学思想
归正神学(Reformed Theology,或加尔文主义)不是教派Re: Shadowlands: a christian review (zz)
“從毒梟到教授”袁幼軒教授紐約特會 - 9/23, 9/24 (转载)Theology and Mysticism in the Tradition
European Free-Church FamilyRe: 最近很冷清么
话题: usa话题: fax话题: box话题: pa话题: seminary