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_BibleStudy版 - ※圣经哪里说耶稣是神?※ (转载)
good or bad news for a beginner.巴刻:基督徒的喜乐 (转载)
问题和讨论: 约翰福音 16: 12-16: 33(ZT) 必要时,谁会帮你抬褥子?--- 奥博格
Fwd: 每日灵粮 3月21日Jehovah witness's research of "SON OF MAN"
边区福音见证(四)zhuan (转载)Jehovah witness's research of "hell"
海德堡要理问答主日08To kid: about torture stake
话题: god话题: jesus话题: 耶稣话题: bible话题: concept
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 193
【 以下文字转载自 Belief 讨论区 】
发信人: MegChiu (fairy), 信区: Belief
标 题: ※圣经哪里说耶稣是神?※
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 16 03:23:28 2007)
耶稣是与父神同永恒的神:“太初有道,道与 神同在,道就是神。”(约1:1)
的是谁?除了 神以外,谁能赦罪呢?”(路5:20-21)
发帖数: 193
There have been discussions regarding the concept of trinity in Christianity
, and I feel it is an important discussion -- I had questioned the concept
myself many times when I started to attend Bible study many years ago.
The word trinity is not mentioned in the Bible itself. However, I've
gradually come to the realization that the terminology itself may not be so
important. What is important is the meaning behind the terminology -- the
nature of Jesus: God or human prophet?
The Jehova
发帖数: 615
I am really glad that you are open in thinking about this problem.
From a systematic study on the concept on trinity and on
the relation between Jesus and God, I have reached the conclusion that
the concept of trinity, or the concept of `Jesus=the God'
is not the original intention of the bible writers.
All the `proof texts' of ``Jesus=the God'' give in your forwarded
article are not really proofs. (I do not have time to analyze it
one by one but Jehovah's Witnesses give a much better interpreta
发帖数: 193
Do you have links to your articles from a few years ago? I have not read

All the `proof texts' of ``Jesus=the God'' give in your forwarded
article are not really proofs. (I do not have time to analyze it
one by one but Jehovah's Witnesses give a much better interpretation
on the role of Jesus, which is also almost same as
the understanding of Isaac Newton in 17th century.
Some of the analysis can also be seen in my articles a few years ago.)

【在 k*d 的大作中提到】
: I am really glad that you are open in thinking about this problem.
: From a systematic study on the concept on trinity and on
: the relation between Jesus and God, I have reached the conclusion that
: the concept of trinity, or the concept of `Jesus=the God'
: is not the original intention of the bible writers.
: All the `proof texts' of ``Jesus=the God'' give in your forwarded
: article are not really proofs. (I do not have time to analyze it
: one by one but Jehovah's Witnesses give a much better interpreta

发帖数: 615
They are all in messages in Sept 2005, from
9/2-9/27/2005 (around article no. 500 presently).
My articles have links below but it is also good
to look at other people's articles in that month
since they provide the context when I wrote mine.
That month's discussion has opinions from several
different sides. It is good to look at arguments
from all sides instead of just from one side.
If you have questions you are welcome to let
me know and I'd be happy to share my view.
发帖数: 615
There is another discussion that I think was very
heated but very informative:
I have some articles there in replying which I will attach below.
But it is also good to look at the other discussers' replies
and views.
One of my articles is about the translation of `Word was God'
which was used as a proof text in your forwarded article.
Another talks about my views on scientific principles of reading bible.
发信人: kid (kid), 信区: BibleStudy
标 题: 不同的
发帖数: 615
Another point is that the discussions that I
forwarded from two years ago, are all based on
the meanings from bible itself. They are based on the beliefs
of the bible writers and early Christians.
This does not mean that what they believe was right
or was best. They are mostly beneficial, but they
are still beliefs of people from ancient time.
Modern Children of God can certainly have their
own improved understanding. (Just like the Jews now
have Progressive / Reformed Jews as compared to
发帖数: 193
thanks a lot for finding them. I will read it.

【在 k*d 的大作中提到】
: They are all in messages in Sept 2005, from
: 9/2-9/27/2005 (around article no. 500 presently).
: My articles have links below but it is also good
: to look at other people's articles in that month
: since they provide the context when I wrote mine.
: That month's discussion has opinions from several
: different sides. It is good to look at arguments
: from all sides instead of just from one side.
: If you have questions you are welcome to let
: me know and I'd be happy to share my view.

1 (共1页)
信仰与宗教Fwd: 每日灵粮 3月21日
Remarkable changes to my life (转载)边区福音见证(四)zhuan (转载)
[zz]三位一体论 (On the Trinity)海德堡要理问答主日08
good or bad news for a beginner.巴刻:基督徒的喜乐 (转载)
问题和讨论: 约翰福音 16: 12-16: 33(ZT) 必要时,谁会帮你抬褥子?--- 奥博格
话题: god话题: jesus话题: 耶稣话题: bible话题: concept