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_Astronomy版 - questions
Astronomy Picture of Day: Satellites around Earth每日一图 月球上的东方海
Stargazing from Orbit[zz]Incredible Shrinking Planet May Become Liquid Lav
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zzAstronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense MatterAstronomy Picture of Day: London at Night
Re: 太阳同步圆轨道?SOHO通讯中断:它将如何影响日常生活?
The Milky Way Eats One of Its Own [zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Voyager at 90 AU
Review Board Endorses Pluto-Kuiper Mission(2)Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 15 Panorama
Astronomy Picture of Day: star cluster in motionAstronomy Picture of Day: Blue Saturn
话题: orbits话题: satellites话题: orbit话题: each
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1285
in http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html
I saw that there are a lot of satellites in the geostationary orbit.
But there are also some points very close to the geostationary orbit
yet not exactly on it. Won't those satellites move around at high orbits?
why ppl do that?
ps, how can each satellite avoid each other? Are all the orbits of the
sattelites known to everyone? What about those military ones?
发帖数: 23
not all orbits are known by everyone. only unclassified orbits are published,
but some amateurs publish orbits of classified satellites derived from their
own observation (this practice may have discontinued after 9/11).
i don't know how the satellites avoid each other, but for geosynch satellites
each one has a defined window within which they can drift around -- this is to
save propellant since keeping `true geostationary' would be very hard and
would need far more frequent adjustment. at t

【在 r***o 的大作中提到】
: in http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/RealTime/JTrack/3D/JTrack3D.html
: I saw that there are a lot of satellites in the geostationary orbit.
: But there are also some points very close to the geostationary orbit
: yet not exactly on it. Won't those satellites move around at high orbits?
: why ppl do that?
: ps, how can each satellite avoid each other? Are all the orbits of the
: sattelites known to everyone? What about those military ones?

1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Blue SaturnRe: 太阳同步圆轨道?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Saturn's StormThe Milky Way Eats One of Its Own [zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Earth from SaturnReview Board Endorses Pluto-Kuiper Mission(2)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Spirit Rover on MarsAstronomy Picture of Day: star cluster in motion
Astronomy Picture of Day: Satellites around Earth每日一图 月球上的东方海
Stargazing from Orbit[zz]Incredible Shrinking Planet May Become Liquid Lav
Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zzAstronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense MatterAstronomy Picture of Day: London at Night
话题: orbits话题: satellites话题: orbit话题: each