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_Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Disappearing Clouds
Astronomy Picture of Day: Hubble's Deep Field
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring Galaxy
木星 Jupiter
冥王星 Pluto
每日一图 星系團Abell 1689附近的扭曲空間
Astronomy Picture of Day: Abell 1689
每日一图 NGC 6240内的超大质量双黑洞
每日一图 自由漂浮的哈勃太空望远镜
每日一图 年轻星系POX 186
Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838
话题: clouds话题: day话题: picture话题: astronomy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
Disappearing Clouds in Carina
Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), N. Walborn (STScI) & R. Barb_ (La Plata
Obs.), NASA
Explanation: This dense cloud of gas and dust is being deleted. Likely, within a few million
years, the intense light from bright stars will have boiled it away completely. Stars not yet
formed in the molecular cloud's interior will then stop growing. The cloud has broken off of
part of the greater Carina Nebula, a star forming region about 8000
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838
Astronomy Picture of Day: V838 Light Echo
Astronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
Astronomy Picture of Day: Egg Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Sprial Galaxy
Astronomy Picture of Day: Supernova Shock Wave
Astronomy Picture of Day: Mars from Hubble
Astronomy Picture of Day: Lord of Rings
Astronomy Picture of Day: Cat's Eye Nebula from Hubble
话题: clouds话题: day话题: picture话题: astronomy