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_Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: North Pole of Venus
金星 VenusAstronomy Picture of Day: Venus: Just passing by
Blowing in the Stellar Wind[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Mars, Venus
Re: 真奇怪!Astronomy Picture of Day: Crescent Venus and Moon
Astronomy Picture of Day: Happy V' DayAstronomy Picture of Day: Clouds over South Pole of Venus
Astronomy Picture of Day: A Chilean SkyAstronomy Picture of Day: Venus near the Moon
试了试新镜子zz昨晚百年罕见双星伴月:美国看到哭脸,中国看到笑脸 (转载)
Venus Spokes: An Explanation at Last?[zz]Crescent Venus, Saturn & Ceres(2009-3-6)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus and Storm金星 Venus
话题: venus话题: north话题: pole话题: picture话题: astronomy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
The North Pole of Venus
Credit: SSV, MIPL, Magellan Team, NASA
Explanation: If you could look down on the North Pole of Venus what would you see? The
Magellan probe that orbited Venus from 1990 to 1994 was able to peer through the thick
Venusian clouds and build up the above image by emitting and re-detecting cloud-penetrating
radar. Visible as the bright patch below central North is Venus' highest mountain Maxwell
Montes. Other notable features include numerous mountains, coron
1 (共1页)
金星 Venus试了试新镜子
地球的另一端-Patagonia之旅-2Venus Spokes: An Explanation at Last?[zz]
俄3艘战舰通过博斯普鲁斯海峡 前往叙利亚海域Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus and Storm
金星 VenusAstronomy Picture of Day: Venus: Just passing by
Blowing in the Stellar Wind[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Mars, Venus
Re: 真奇怪!Astronomy Picture of Day: Crescent Venus and Moon
Astronomy Picture of Day: Happy V' DayAstronomy Picture of Day: Clouds over South Pole of Venus
Astronomy Picture of Day: A Chilean SkyAstronomy Picture of Day: Venus near the Moon
话题: venus话题: north话题: pole话题: picture话题: astronomy