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_Astronomy版 - Colors of the Moon? [zz]
Re: 天文学的民用方面有哪些?这个小孩是被偶像awestruck了
Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 12刚才有人说"国珍"是真的宇航员用的
Astronomy Picture of Day: Fly Free in Space关于登月照片一些令人奇怪地方的解释
Astronauts to visit Hubble for service call这句话是什么意思?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 17 PanoramaNASA花了多少钱?西恩恩居然说美国航天不如中国
Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus: Just passing byFortune对华为手机的特别报道,很值得一看
Astronomy Picture of Day: Colorful Clouds半意淫电影《飞天》
请教钻戒的问题(color I 是不是太差了)学校对stem专业的解释(major list)
话题: colors话题: moon话题: astronauts话题: lunar话题: splashy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
Subtle hues provide clues of violent impacts and a volcanic past.
by Jim Bell
In the late 1960s, black-and-white television sets were the norm, so the
stark, colorless landscape explored by Apollo 11's astronauts and beamed back
live to the awestruck world didn't seem unusual. I remember later, though,
watching color movies of the astronauts' adventures and noticing the bright
American flag and splashy colors of the lunar module's gold foil standing out
against various shades of a dull lunar bac
1 (共1页)
半意淫电影《飞天》Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 17 Panorama
学校对stem专业的解释(major list)Astronomy Picture of Day: Venus: Just passing by
超级逆反的娃娃,怎么改变?Astronomy Picture of Day: Colorful Clouds
osu这个状态必须要个splashy hire请教钻戒的问题(color I 是不是太差了)
Re: 天文学的民用方面有哪些?这个小孩是被偶像awestruck了
Astronomy Picture of Day: Apollo 12刚才有人说"国珍"是真的宇航员用的
Astronomy Picture of Day: Fly Free in Space关于登月照片一些令人奇怪地方的解释
Astronauts to visit Hubble for service call这句话是什么意思?
话题: colors话题: moon话题: astronauts话题: lunar话题: splashy