

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
XML版 - Help: Several questions on XML
one simple questionLooking for the fastest XML parser with XML schema validation (forget about anything in Java)
Perl XML FAQ--2XML schema questions
[转载] help! XML parse problemSAX and DOM parsers
[转载] a question on XML parserXML 教程--6
[转载] PERL XML parserxml parser?
从哪里开始学习XML?xml parser
tool for xml[转载] Xerces23 SAX supports schema?
[转载] question on XML parserschema 开发工具有那些??
话题: xml话题: several话题: questions话题: defined话题: xsd
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
1. Is there any kind of "polymorphism" in XML like
in Java? Can type substitution do this?
2. Having defined an XML schema(*.xsd), How can I
validate my XML instance file using any XML parser?
I am using SAX parser.
3. And given a *.xsd file, if I want to define any
instance file, I can use the global element and
global attribute. Can I directly use the global types
(either simple or complex) defined in the schema?
Maybe the questions are trivial or not well stated, but
your help will be highly
发帖数: 25

Or I want to get the answer for a simple version of this: If I want to write
a schma named test2.xsd which includes all the elements defined in test1.xsd
and defined some more elements, but test2.xsd has changed the annotations of
the elements in test1.xsd, leaving the names and types unchanged. Now, can I
just simply import the namespace of test1.xsd in test2.xsd and only define the
extra elements? The changes on annotations will not make any difference in
using the schemas. Is that correct?

【在 l***y 的大作中提到】
: 1. Is there any kind of "polymorphism" in XML like
: in Java? Can type substitution do this?
: 2. Having defined an XML schema(*.xsd), How can I
: validate my XML instance file using any XML parser?
: I am using SAX parser.
: 3. And given a *.xsd file, if I want to define any
: instance file, I can use the global element and
: global attribute. Can I directly use the global types
: (either simple or complex) defined in the schema?
: Maybe the questions are trivial or not well stated, but

1 (共1页)
schema 开发工具有那些??[转载] PERL XML parser
急问 xml schema 需要什么才可以应用?Parser fro xml从哪里开始学习XML?
Any APIs for handling XML? tool for xml
[转载] XML question[转载] question on XML parser
one simple questionLooking for the fastest XML parser with XML schema validation (forget about anything in Java)
Perl XML FAQ--2XML schema questions
[转载] help! XML parse problemSAX and DOM parsers
[转载] a question on XML parserXML 教程--6
话题: xml话题: several话题: questions话题: defined话题: xsd