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XML版 - Help with tips for xml file transfer using socket
How to parse DTD structure?xml parser
one simple questionwhere to find some sample code of XML document creating and parsing with JAXP DOM?
what is wrong with this period of coding?What are major updates/changes for JAXP 1.2?
[转载] XML parsing problemXML, Database and Java
Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element? JAXP的PATH问题....
Re: Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?Re: where to find some sample code of XML document creating and parsing with JAXP DO
xml parser?XML parser ???
[转载] 急问: 在 jaxp 中怎样建立新 Node ? 多谢!XML 结构
话题: document话题: xml话题: my话题: socket话题: using
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 220
My tool is JAXP DOM. My idea is this: to realize XML file transfer between
two sockets. I finished several step so far at the sender side:
1. use DocumentBuilder to generate a new Document.
2. insert a root Element into the Document.
3. add new nodes into the root Element.
My question is how to do:
4. how to convert the Document type into OutputStream so I can send it out
using the socket. Maybe I should convert the Document into byte[] first or
something else, but how?
Thank you very much.
发帖数: 33
serialze DOM to xml. see org.apache.xml.serialize

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: My tool is JAXP DOM. My idea is this: to realize XML file transfer between
: two sockets. I finished several step so far at the sender side:
: 1. use DocumentBuilder to generate a new Document.
: 2. insert a root Element into the Document.
: 3. add new nodes into the root Element.
: My question is how to do:
: 4. how to convert the Document type into OutputStream so I can send it out
: using the socket. Maybe I should convert the Document into byte[] first or
: something else, but how?
: Thank you very much.

发帖数: 220
thanks. but i am using jaxp so i shall use org.w3c.dom. i am still looking
for the way for w3c to do the serialization.


【在 m******o 的大作中提到】
: serialze DOM to xml. see org.apache.xml.serialize
发帖数: 33
I don't think there's standard API for xml serialization.

【在 i*****t 的大作中提到】
: thanks. but i am using jaxp so i shall use org.w3c.dom. i am still looking
: for the way for w3c to do the serialization.
: between

1 (共1页)
XML 结构Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?
XMLSolutions 发布XMLZip.Re: Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?
Perl XML FAQ--3xml parser?
Refresh XMLDOM problem[转载] 急问: 在 jaxp 中怎样建立新 Node ? 多谢!
How to parse DTD structure?xml parser
one simple questionwhere to find some sample code of XML document creating and parsing with JAXP DOM?
what is wrong with this period of coding?What are major updates/changes for JAXP 1.2?
[转载] XML parsing problemXML, Database and Java
话题: document话题: xml话题: my话题: socket话题: using