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XJTU版 - Boston交大校友中秋聚会
Xi'an jiaotong University-Alumni Gatheringquestion about my registration at 西安交通大
Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chicago交通大学校友滑雪聚会,Jan.22,New Hampshire,US
zz wiki的西安交大成立时间是:1956Liverpool team with XJTU to establish university in China
你对交大印象最深的是什么?National Academy of Engineering Elects 64 Members and Nine Foreign Associates
where is 黄雷君?Tomthon报到
How to join 西安交通大学 -- 美国校友会 ? this is the answerChinese University Debate Team Tours USA Northwest
吆喝一声儿: 新加坡的校友来聚会“前沿科学与技术研究院”面向全球诚聘zz
Looking for Ma Jia密西根西安交通大学校友会日前正式成立 (转载)
话题: alumni话题: sept话题: 2005话题: 24th话题: social
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19
表现值 :4生命力 :365
发信人: ch (ch), 信区: SJTU
标 题: Boston交大校友中秋聚会
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 11 22:11:42 2005)
Mid-autumn festival is coming. Let's meet our fellow alumni and enjoy the
wonderful moment. JTUAANE (JiaoTong Univ. Alumni Association in New England)
is organizing a social dinner gathering on Sept. 24th, 2005. All alumni, their
relatives and friends are welcome!
We'll play games and social together. Food and moon cakes will be served.
Time: 6:30PM, Sept. 24th, 2005, Saturday
Cost : $10 per ad
发帖数: 38


【在 ch 的大作中提到】
: 表现值 :4生命力 :365
: 发信人: ch (ch), 信区: SJTU
: 标 题: Boston交大校友中秋聚会
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 11 22:11:42 2005)
: Mid-autumn festival is coming. Let's meet our fellow alumni and enjoy the
: wonderful moment. JTUAANE (JiaoTong Univ. Alumni Association in New England)
: is organizing a social dinner gathering on Sept. 24th, 2005. All alumni, their
: relatives and friends are welcome!
: We'll play games and social together. Food and moon cakes will be served.
: Time: 6:30PM, Sept. 24th, 2005, Saturday

1 (共1页)
密西根西安交通大学校友会日前正式成立 (转载)where is 黄雷君?
交大海外校友会在那里?How to join 西安交通大学 -- 美国校友会 ? this is the answer
Jiao Tong University Alumni Summer Outing to Cape Cod吆喝一声儿: 新加坡的校友来聚会
2010年交通大学北美校友会大会(休斯敦6月18至6月20日)Looking for Ma Jia
Xi'an jiaotong University-Alumni Gatheringquestion about my registration at 西安交通大
Jiaotong Univ. Alumni Reunion in Chicago交通大学校友滑雪聚会,Jan.22,New Hampshire,US
zz wiki的西安交大成立时间是:1956Liverpool team with XJTU to establish university in China
你对交大印象最深的是什么?National Academy of Engineering Elects 64 Members and Nine Foreign Associates
话题: alumni话题: sept话题: 2005话题: 24th话题: social