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WmGame版 - finally got words of healing
Got 3 elite skillsRe: Thirsty river and Elona reach (spoil
Condition for monks to be aware of【GW】elona reach done
[转载] 【GW】打过了elona【GW】sleepless done river
[转载] GW: Best ArmorDoE mesmer
今天买了一个东东[转载] 【GW】Ascend
【GW】补昨晚tried farming sand drake
[GW] Tonight's Event Planningmonk solo sand drake farming
Thirsty river and Elona reach (spoiler)改天再farm :)
话题: healing话题: capture话题: words话题: finally话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1685
I finally got words of healing at elona, that guy isnot always there, maybe.
or maybe I focus on the wrong guy. any way, used a pure caster hench group,
not powerful at all, had to pull out a few times to kill the group in front
of him to capture it, also during the first try, he even switches spell so
the capture failed. :(
发帖数: 4708
Now I always have one capture signet with me.

【在 st 的大作中提到】
: I finally got words of healing at elona, that guy isnot always there, maybe.
: or maybe I focus on the wrong guy. any way, used a pure caster hench group,
: not powerful at all, had to pull out a few times to kill the group in front
: of him to capture it, also during the first try, he even switches spell so
: the capture failed. :(

发帖数: 1685
well, I just need to capture a few more, I actually got one elite Necromencer
skill this morning as well, before capturing words of healing. I still have 5
signets but I dont think there are so many useful skills to capture.

【在 f****a 的大作中提到】
: Now I always have one capture signet with me.
1 (共1页)
改天再farm :)今天买了一个东东
next plan【GW】补昨晚
新人报到[GW] Tonight's Event Planning
about warriorThirsty river and Elona reach (spoiler)
Got 3 elite skillsRe: Thirsty river and Elona reach (spoil
Condition for monks to be aware of【GW】elona reach done
[转载] 【GW】打过了elona【GW】sleepless done river
[转载] GW: Best ArmorDoE mesmer
话题: healing话题: capture话题: words话题: finally话题: got