S*L 发帖数: 44 | 1 准备买Kohler的水龙头. My plumber said that the quality of Kohler faucets in
the plumbing supply house is better than big box stores like Home Depot,
LOWEs, even if the model numbers are the same. 这是真的吗? | m******o 发帖数: 200 | 2 虽然我不在Kohler工作,但这绝对是忽悠.同一型号的产品要找两个不同的厂家做几乎不
可能,除非你有iphone的量.你的plumber肯定是可以拿回扣才这么说的. | S*L 发帖数: 44 | | m**U 发帖数: 968 | 4 Kohler国人一般都不搞水管,大都是搞发动机发电机的。
【在 S*L 的大作中提到】 : 准备买Kohler的水龙头. My plumber said that the quality of Kohler faucets in : the plumbing supply house is better than big box stores like Home Depot, : LOWEs, even if the model numbers are the same. 这是真的吗?