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Windows版 - rules in outlook: how to implement "and"
Hotmail的Blocked Sender为什么不管用? (转载)Re: [转载] 有什么办法把outlook 里的一些邮件转移/合并到一个文档里吗?
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话题: implement话题: outlook话题: subject话题: rules话题: rule
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10001
In outlook, I can make a rule to move all emails with some word, say a,
in subject into a folder. It's easy to implement a or b in subject, anyone
know how to do a and b? Thanks.
发帖数: 86
Rule A: move an email to folder-a;
Rule B will be applied to the email under folder-a; move it to another folder,
say, folder-b.
Do you think it is "OR"?

【在 c**r 的大作中提到】
: In outlook, I can make a rule to move all emails with some word, say a,
: in subject into a folder. It's easy to implement a or b in subject, anyone
: know how to do a and b? Thanks.

发帖数: 10001
if I want to select
subject contains aaa AND sender contains hotmail.com
that can easily be done, since yes it is and.
but what about I want to select
subject contains aaa AND hotmail?
I can only find how to select
subject contains aaa OR hotmail.
any suggestion?

【在 k**e 的大作中提到】
: Rule A: move an email to folder-a;
: Rule B will be applied to the email under folder-a; move it to another folder,
: say, folder-b.
: Do you think it is "OR"?

发帖数: 86

【在 c**r 的大作中提到】
: In outlook, I can make a rule to move all emails with some word, say a,
: in subject into a folder. It's easy to implement a or b in subject, anyone
: know how to do a and b? Thanks.

发帖数: 10001
isn't it 'OR' instead of 'AND'?
If I have rule to move subject contains 'A', and another rule
to move subject contains 'B', that would end up move A or B, right?

【在 k**e 的大作中提到】
: 不同选项的关系本来就是“and”的关系啊。
发帖数: 86
then create two rules which will be applied to the same email.
disable "stop more processing rules".

【在 c**r 的大作中提到】
: if I want to select
: subject contains aaa AND sender contains hotmail.com
: that can easily be done, since yes it is and.
: but what about I want to select
: subject contains aaa AND hotmail?
: I can only find how to select
: subject contains aaa OR hotmail.
: any suggestion?

1 (共1页)
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Re: where is the file for outlook express mails如何从outlook导出email?
Re: Outlook files?questions about outlook email archives PST
话题: implement话题: outlook话题: subject话题: rules话题: rule