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Windows版 - Excel VSTO 4.0 project deveopled in VS2010 migration to VSTO 5.0 developed in VS2013
Re: Windows Server 2003 求救Re: 浏览网页出现错误窗口提示, 该怎么办?
A Hint of W2Kerror fing btmagic.img
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Ubuntu founder: Ubuntu to replace Windows cd-rw只能读不能写...是怎么回事呀? (转载)
excel help!Help about IE (转载)
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IIS7.5 大于 64KB 文件不能下载 ? (转载)windows XP,启动的时候每次都出现microsoft c++ runtime error
Re: Error code 31fake pop-up error message--是不是病毒?
话题: vsto话题: vs2013话题: vs2010话题: excel话题: c#
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 52
I am very new to develop office(Excel 2010) applications/doc-level add-ins
by (C#) VSTO 5.0 in VS2013. If this is not a place to post this kind of
question, please tell me where I can post it before you vote it down. Thanks
After reading this https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc668197.aspx?f=
255&MSPPError=-2147217396 I still cannot figure out how to develop a VSTO
project in VS2013 because I need to migrate a VS2010 VSTO 4.0 project (
developed in VS2010) to VSTO 5.0 in VS2013. The original C# code (in VS2010)
was not designed by me. I got a lot of build errors when I created a new
VSTO 5.0 project (Excel 2010 doc-level add-ins) by copying the C# code that
was developed for Excel 2007/2010 worksheet (developed in VS2010) to the
worksheet C# code file in the VSTO 5.0 poject of VS2013.
For example, I have Sheet1.cs file in VS2013 and I copied Sheet1.cs C# code
from VS2010 to Sheet1.cs that was the created in VSTO 5.0 project in VS2013.
Many customized class definitions in Sheet1.designer.cs are missing so that
I got a lot of build errors.
But, Sheet1.designer.cs was created automatically in VS2013 and I cannot
edit it manually.
So, if anyone can recommend some books about VSTO 4.0 to VSTO 5.0 migration
from VS2010 to VS2013, I would really appreciate.
1 (共1页)
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Re: Windows Server 2003 求救Re: 浏览网页出现错误窗口提示, 该怎么办?
A Hint of W2Kerror fing btmagic.img
How to transfer files from a laptop to a desktop?紧急求助
Ubuntu founder: Ubuntu to replace Windows cd-rw只能读不能写...是怎么回事呀? (转载)
话题: vsto话题: vs2013话题: vs2010话题: excel话题: c#