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WaterWorld版 - NY左逼脑残开始鼓励妇女带面纱 (转载)
请问“鞋子磨脚”最地道的口语表达怎么说?Is zhaoce a moron? (转载)
Boston的沙比用非法持有的枪朝他女友射击 (转载)张国立前妻很漂亮啊
加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)美国人对服务人员的态度也不都好,泰坦尼克号中叫人Moron
同性婚姻害死人 加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)現實中的五毛小將, 很有喜感
牧师性侵犯八岁女童被判监禁十年 (八岁!!!) (转载)看到这么多华人支持美国极右和宗教狂
话题: hijab话题: najm话题: new话题: york话题: covering
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发帖数: 18251
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: NY左逼脑残开始鼓励妇女带面纱
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 13 13:17:44 2014, 美东)
‘The Hijab is Hot!’ Pathetic NYC Morons Line Up to Take Selfies in a Hijab
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
This is sad on so many levels.
The hijab is hot!
That’s the message two Upper West Side artists want to spread by
encouraging women around the city to put on the veil and snap a selfie.
“Women who wear a hijab by choice are in complete control of their
sexuality,” says Saks Afridi, who started the #DamnILookGood campaign with
project partner Qinza Najm. “Here in New York, it’s very brave for a woman
to wear one out in public.”
Conversely, in some countries it’s suicidal to not wear one.
Najm had started wearing a hijab around New York City as an experiment,
just to see what it would be like. Though she was raised in Pakistan, she
and her family members do not wear the traditional head covering worn by
some Muslim women. But one day she put on a hijab in her Lower East Side art
studio and went for a walk around the neighborhood.
“Someone started screaming at me to ‘Go home!’ ” Najm recalls.
“I was surprised because I figured people in New York would have more
Well, this little event known as 9/11 still rubs some the wrong way.
She spent the next week wearing the hijab around town, and encountered
more angry New Yorkers on the streets and subways. This aggressive reaction
to a garment that’s quite common in many Muslim cultures prompted Najm and
Afridi to do the project.
They launched it at the DUMBO Arts Festival last month, where hundreds
of women put on the head covering and posed for selfies, posting them to
sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag #damnilookgood.
“A selfie suggests you are feeling confident and good about yourself,”
says Najm, who put her hijab back on for the project and posed with the
other women.
Because nothing quite screams self-confidence by willingly covering yourself
up or facing a beheading. Here are a couple of nitwits getting in touche
with their 7th Century self:
Who knew covering up from head to toe was so sexy and self-empowering?
Subjugation chic.
1 (共1页)
看到这么多华人支持美国极右和宗教狂Boston的沙比用非法持有的枪朝他女友射击 (转载)
我也说说costco见到的极品白人美女加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)
开个贴讨论下怎么骂那些垃圾老外!!!同性婚姻害死人 加州一男性被他老公杀害 (转载)
curious what motivated ta party to bad mouth about ZL? to unleash their darkness deep inside?牧师性侵犯八岁女童被判监禁十年 (八岁!!!) (转载)
请问“鞋子磨脚”最地道的口语表达怎么说?Is zhaoce a moron? (转载)
话题: hijab话题: najm话题: new话题: york话题: covering